"Are You a Slut?" Test

This is just a fun lighthearted test to determine if/how much of a slut you are. While this test is mainly aimed at girls, I don't want any guys to be discouraged from taking this test either.

So, to any and all guys who are reading this, please imagine yourself as the opposite gender and have yourself some fun in taking this test, to see exactly what kind of girl you might have been! :P

It's very simple to take this test: Answer each scenario given, with just a single A, B, C or D option. And at the end of the test, you'll see which letter you answered the most with, and will find out if/how much of a slut you are!

Have fun :)


A celebrity you like has his people pull you out from the crowd, and invites you back to his dressing room after the show for a private audience with him. You walk in to find him naked apart from a small towel, sitting comfortably on his luxury leather sofa, sipping from a glass of champagne, and his legs are wide open revealing his half-mast cock and balls just out on show without any shame. After a very brief hyper-sexual flirty chat with you, he asks with a wink, "Would you like to sample some special star treatment?". What do you do?

A) "#MeToo! #MeToo!"; Scold him for his obnoxiously inappropriate behaviour, storm out of the room, and report him to the appropriate authorities and/or a national newspaper at once.

B) "No thank you, but may I have a selfie, please?"; Refuse his offer, but stick around to take a couple pics and sample those M&S chocolate-dipped strawberries he has in a bowl on the side.

C) "Well, I suppose a little blowjob never hurt anybody..."; Drop to your knees and give that cock a good sucking, you always wondered if celebrity jizz tastes different to ordinary cum, and now's your perfect chance to find out!

D) "Yes please! Thank you so much!"; You immediately just let him tap that, as and how he wants to. You don't even think to ask him to use a condom either, you just want him to ravage you like a lion and then discard you after he's all done with you, and you just loved every minute of it!

You have a job interview to attend. To your shock, your potential employer conducting the interview is the same guy you had that drunken one night stand with just the other weekend! How do you respond to this surprising turn of events?

A) "This job isn't worth this level of awkwardness!"; You sincerely apologise for wasting his time, wish him the best of luck in his search for a suitable employee, and leave the building as swiftly and as dignified as you can possibly manage.

B) "This is awkward, but I'm a professional, and I won't let nothing stop me from getting this job!"; Power through the awkwardness without even acknowledging your previous encounter with him, and tell him exactly why you're the perfect candidate for this job with your awesome CV.

C) "Nice to see you again! I promise I'm not stalking you!"; Crack a joke in acknowledgement of your previous encounter with him, own it, and then proceed to use your previous sexual encounter with him to make the interview process one neither of you will ever soon forget, with lots of fun, light, flirty banter!

D) "You should totally hire me, because you already know just how good I am at performing a certain kind of job for you...!"; you say with a sexy wink, as you unbutton your shirt and lick your lips at him. He may not hire you for the initial role you applied for, but I'm sure he'll find another very suitable role for you in his office -- under his desk!

You awake in the night to the sound of an intruder in the process of burgling your home. You muster up the courage to grab some zipties, and tackle the fiend. You manage to overpower him, and end up tying him up to a chair. Just as you finish dialling '999' on your phone, you notice that he has a huge bulge pressing up in the crotch of his pants. You've never seen a bulge that big on a guy before, what do you do?

A) "Oh, what a nice big easy target for me! >:D"; you say gleefully as you stamp your foot down hard onto that huge bulge with all your might, and then hit 'Call', to have the police come cart him off to jail where he belongs.

B) "I guess some of his cell mates are going to enjoy playing with that thing in the prison showers...!"; you think naughtily to yourself, as you give it a little press with your toes, and then proceed with reporting his crime to the authorities.

C) "Wow, that's some weapon he's packing! Maybe I better disarm him first..."; You take your thumb off the 'Call' button, and instead use your hand to pull the waistband of his pants down, just to have yourself a good curious peek (and maybe a little stroke, too!) of what he's got inside those pants of his. After your curiosity is pleasantly satisfied, you pull his pants back up, and call the police on him.

D) "Oh my, it's almost a shame he won't get to use that 'weapon' of his for a long while after tonight..."; You put your phone down onto the side, pull his pants down, and help him to make the most of his last night of freedom. After you're all done sucking him off, you wipe your sticky lips with the back of your hand, pull his pants back up for him, and then call the police on him. You even chuckle a little as you watch him being dragged off into the back of the police van, knowing no one in the world is ever going to believe him when he tells people what you did to him that night!

You and your partner move into a new and very friendly neighbourhood. You are invited by your next door neighbour to a party at the weekend, as a way of welcoming you both to the neighbourhood. The party arrives, and is going really great, everyone in attendance is a happily married couple, and are all so friendly and close with each other, and you're having a total blast. ...It's not until late in the evening, when you realise exactly what kind of party is being thrown, as every couple begins to get even more closer and comfortable with each other. Yep, that's right, it's a swingers party! What do you react?

A) "Oh hell no, I ain't putting up with this shit!"; You angrily grab your partner by the collar, and storm out of the house. You go so far as to run through your housing/renting lease agreement, to see if you can cancel it for a refund and quickly move out to another place!

B) "Oh! Well, it's been a lovely evening, thanks for inviting us, it's been fun. Enjoy the rest of your night!"; You politely make your leave with your partner, and both of you have a good laugh together over the funny misunderstanding.

C) "Wow, I've never been to one of these parties before. Maybe we could stick around just to see how it all goes down?"; You convince your partner to hang around for a while longer, even if neither of you join in with the other couples. After all, it doesn't hurt to just sit and watch from the sidelines for a little while, right?

D) "Now this is my kind of party! :D"; You excitedly begin to strip both yourself and your partner off, and eagerly join in with the raunchy proceedings! Before the night is through, you're already making plans with your neighbour for you to host the next swinging party at your place, next weekend!

You're attending one of those godawful school reunion parties. You're having a pretty miserable time of it, catching up with the people you barely tolerated back then and couldn't wait to see the back of, and hearing the same old bullshit from everyone about how awesome their life turned out for them. While on your way to the bathroom to take a breather, you bump into someone you really hated back then. Your school bully. They used to be so horrible and mean to you, but now they've grown into a very attractive person, looking really good in their formal clothes, and for the first time you've ever known them, they're actually being really nice and pleasant towards you! They're eager to catch up with you. How do you respond?

A) "No. You were always a major cunt, and I bet you always will be. Fuck off, and don't ever talk to me again."; You respond bitterly, and barge past them. You avoid them like the plague for the rest of the night.

B) "Sure I'd love to, let me just relieve myself first before I burst!"; You chuckle and quickly make your way to the bathroom, knowing full well that you don't intend to actually chat any further with them that night, and you try to avoid them for the rest of the night.

C) "Maybe they've turned over a new leaf. Everyone deserves a second-chance. Who knows, maybe this could be the start of a nice friendship?"; You spend the rest of the evening having a good fun conversation with them. At the end of the night you swap contact details, which blossoms into a good thing.

D) "Hmm, they are looking rather damn sexy tonight. Maybe they were just always mean to me back in the day because they desperately wanted to fuck me?"; You ponder on it for a moment, and then decide the best way for you to heal through all those years of torment at the hands of your bully, is to take them into the bathroom with you and fuck it all roughly out of your system!

After a very long taxi ride home after an out-of-town party, you realise you're £15 short to pay for the journey. The driver is eyeing you up intensely in his rear-view mirror as he pulls up at the curb. You haven't really spoken a word to him during the long ride, all you really know about him is that he's a taxi driver who spends most of his earnings on c***d support, and you're his last ride before he ends his shift tonight. So, you're now feeling very anxious at your current dilemma, as your heart beat is racing hard, and your thoughts are rushing to think of a solution to this very awkward embarrassing situation. What do you do?

A) "There must be a cash machine around here somewhere."; You try to speak very clear and reasonably, in your most trustworthy voice, as you tell him your short of physical cash to pay him, and ask him to drive you to a nearby bank so you can use the ATM outside to withdraw the money you need to pay for your ride.

B) "Let me just go get my housemate's purse, she'll pay for the rest of my fare."; You tell him as you throw him what little cash you have at him and hop out of the car. You then quickly make some distance between you and the car, before you kick off and carry your heels, to run as fast as you can through the alleyways and backyards to escape and hide from paying what you owe on the rest of the fare!

C) "It's the end of his shift. I bet he could use a stiff drink..."; You tell him you have the money in your place, and in your most sultry of voices, you invite him to turn off his engine and come inside with you, as there's a cup of coffee as well as a bonus tip just waiting for him... Well, before he leaves, there's certainly going to be a big tip for you!

D) "Looks like I'm sucking my way out of a problem, yet again!"; You just sigh, lick your lips, and tell him you don't have the money to pay for your fare but that you have other, more better ways to pay off your debts. Then you climb into the passenger seat beside him, unzip his pants, and proceed to pay him off in the best way you know how. You may end up afterwards stepping out of the car, feeling very sticky with a salty taste in your mouth, but damn, does it sure feel good to know your debt has been paid!

Your best friend has just split up with her long-term boyfriend. You were always friendly with him, you got on well with him and you liked him, so it wasn't a surprise when he turned up at your place some days after, looking to talk about his feelings on the split, his hope for getting back together with her, and for some emotional support/comfort from a female friend. How do you support/comfort him during this trying time?

A) "This is between you and my bestie to sort out. Don't get me involved!"; You wish him luck, but you brush him off. You have better things to be doing with your day than playing 'couples-counsellor' to other people, even if they are your friends.

B) "I'll put the kettle on."; You invite him into your place, make you both a nice hot cuppa, and you talk it out with him. By the time he leaves, you've given him some rock solid advice on how to get over the breakup, and you've boosted his confidence too, so he knows there's plenty more fish in the sea for him.

C) "Aww, you poor thing! Sounds to me like you could do with a real good cuddle right about now."; You invite him to sit on the sofa with you, as you crack open a bottle of wine. You then cuddle up to him and list all the things about him that girls really find so attractive about him, and how silly your bestie is for dumping such an amazing hot sexy perfect-boyfriend material of a guy like him, and how if he was your boyfriend you'd never just let go of him like that.

D) "So, what you're really saying is: you're now free and available for me to fuck your brains out anytime I want? Like, right now? ;)"; You make no bones about it. You're practically dragging him into your house and throwing him down onto your bed, ready to bounce up and down on his cock like it's a pogo stick! At one point, you even call your best friend on the phone, and leave her on loudspeaker just so the both of you can hear her reaction as she's listening to you being pounded hard by her ex. When you're in need of a hot sexy fat cock like that, who cares about 'the girl code'!

You arrive unavoidably late at a barbecue party. Nearly all of the good food is gone, and the host/cook is ready to finish up on the grill. Your stomach rumbling, you approach the grill with your paper plate in hand. "What can I get you, my love?", he asks, hiding his exhausted dismay behind a veneer of pleasant politeness. How do you answer?

A) "I'll just take some of that salad, thank you very much."; You don't want to push your luck and give him the very easy task of putting some leaves, fruit and veg, and vinaigrette onto your plate for you. Besides, those plum tomatoes sure do look juicy and sweet.

B) "I'll just have that last burger you got left, thank you loads."; You flash him a small cheeky smile, and be very appreciative of his cooking efforts and graciousness as a host.

C) "Got any more of those jumbo sausages? I love a good long banger stuffed down my throat, if you know what I mean! ;)"; You outrageously flirt with him. You then unbutton your shirt and fan yourself as you continue to flirt, "Phew! Sorry for working up a sweat over here, it's just nothing gets me hotter than watching a skilled guy who knows how to handle his meat!"

D) "I want to gobble you up!"; There's only one spicy thing on the menu that'll satisfy your hunger this day, and it ain't any of that juicy meat sizzling on the grill! You have an insatiable appetite, and only that hot sexy hunk of a BBQ chef can provide you with the filling you need!

How did you do?

Mostly A's:
Face it, you're a total prude. Maybe you ought to loosen up a bit more? Life is made for enjoying yourself, so get out there and enjoy yourself while you can! There's nothing wrong with enjoying what life has to offer you, and make the most of it. You'll thank me later ;)

Mostly B's:
You're quite a sensible and cautious person, but you're not afraid to be a little daring if given the right circumstances. You're the type who, after a while of living in boring ordinariness, you'll enjoy a sudden flash of pulse-pounding excitement in your life, but you never overdo it or take it any further than just the shallowness such brief thrills provide.

Mostly C's:
Oooh, ooh, ooh! You are a very cheeky and playful kitten, aren't you! You enjoy the excitement found in life, when presented with such opportunities, but you're not really one for taking the initiative. You prefer opportunities to come your way, rather than to seek them out entirely for yourself, but that's OK as long as you continue to take and enjoy those opportunities as and when they land in your lap ;)

Mostly D's:
You are a total slut! Congratulations, enjoy your much-coveted shiny gold "Slut" badge and wear it with pride. You know exactly what you're after in life, and you won't let nothing stand in your way in getting exactly what you want. You're not ashamed of your feelings, and neither should you ever be. Be proud of who you are, own yourself, and continue making this world such a bright happy beautiful fun place that it can be with your delightfully thrilling much-loved presence in it ;)

Please, share your results in the comments below!
発行者 ms_cream_puff
Nelman33 4年前
受信者 ms_cream_puff : Ahahah sure. Looking forward to it!
返信 元のコメントを表示
ms_cream_puff 公開者 4年前
Good idea! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
ms_cream_puff 公開者 4年前
Embrace your inner slut, then let it run free... :wink:
ms_cream_puff 公開者 4年前
受信者 Nelman33 : Well, I was talking about a real life situation. But in the world of play pretend with a consenting partner, that would/does make for a fantastic kinky bondage role-playing session! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

As for if I've ever actually done any of these things, well, some scenarios are based on real experiences, just with minor differences/set-up :wink:

I could go into further detail about it, but that sounds like something that might be worth making another post about instead lol
返信 元のコメントを表示
Nelman33 4年前
Ahahahah , too bad, that was a quite exciting scenario. But I suppose all of them are ! Next question is: have you ever actually done any of those? 
ms_cream_puff 公開者 4年前
受信者 Nelman33 : Oh no, first scenario (providing the celeb isn't a total twat in private and hasn't got any nastiness going on down below lol) I'd let him tap it :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Regarding the "best friend" scenario; I usually have no real interest in sleeping with the exes of my friends (usually because my friends have very poor taste in men haha), but if for whatever reason I found one of their exes attractive and he wasn't ever a horrible bloke to my friend, I'd be pretty open about my intentions with my friend. I'm quite strict in my study and practise of "the girl code", and thus I would just say to my friend before I do anything like, "So, is it OK if I sleep with that guy you used to date?", and if they have a problem with it, even if they broke up years ago, I'd respect the girl code and my friend's wishes/feelings, and I would not sleep with the dude.

However, if my friend's got no problem with it, then there's no problem at all for anyone involved :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: lol

And the one I answered 'A' on, was the "burglar" scenario. I wouldn't care if the home intruder had Tom Hardy's looks and the charisma and charm of James Stewart -- anyone who breaks into my home uninvited to steal my stuff, for the number of hours I have them in my custody before the police finally decide to show up, I'm making sure they have just the most awful, most worst living nightmare ever in my company! >:smile:
返信 元のコメントを表示
Nelman33 4年前
受信者 ms_cream_puff : I think the first or the “best friend” question. Am I right? 
返信 元のコメントを表示
ms_cream_puff 公開者 4年前
受信者 Nelman33 : Uhh, sure. "A". ...In an alternate universe where I'm a totally boring stick-in-the-mud o_o

:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: lol

I actually surprised myself with my answers, even though I wrote the test lol granted, it was mostly all D's but, there was one or two C's O_O ...Even had an 'A' in one question, but I'll let you guess which one that was :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: lol
返信 元のコメントを表示
Nelman33 4年前
One of your best post ever! All the scenarios were so well described. It also shows clearly that slut girls are just the best! Have you done the poll? Your result was “ A” right? 