2019... random words and the porntheatre thing..

New year, 2020, thinky stuff and last years lessons.

I am learning about myself:)

Resolutions... Someone asked me if i had any. No, i did not have any. But then it got me thinking.
Last year made me used to wearing girly undies, almost every day! And for a couple of months now i am using only girly scented shampo, soaps and deoderants:) I saved almost all of my receipts (kvitto?) for things that are like girly... (i should *schame in the eyes* save the ones for ciggarettes and alcohol to compare..)
I will do the math... soon... god i am soooo lazy..

There where some new experiences last year... Porntheatre, then another one (or was that 2018? lol!) well i went 4 times in total, one in malmö and the one in my town...
Did my makeup and stuff in a booth the firsttime... One aweinspiring cock got me on my knees by the gloryhole for a while:P, oh yeah i have sucked cock thru a glory hole.. had company in my booth, and event met one really wonderful man a second time (altho the second time was jan 1 :P). Well we exchanged emails n stuff so.. i have a man while i am there :)
It´s relaxing to sit in the "movietheatre" and watch cocks *Giggle* and alot of fun to give handjobs too!:P
The theatre in malmö was alot more, equipped, bigger and all that... I was like a k** in a pornstore as i came in thru the entrecne of.. a porn store xD. Anyway, i saw another gurl there and after checking out all the roooms i went back to talk to her, she was real nice! She tolkd me about tha place and we walked around togheter and i was just having a good time walking around and hanging out with her.. She had done some surgery i think and eaten hormones so i got abit excited by her bum... anyway.. we met some men in diffrent rooms... then we walked to like a dark place deep inside the theatre behind alot of booths etc... And there where t´hree men, horny, and i got alittle scared but as my friend was on her knees and gave a reasurring look i kind of was happy to be really scareoused as these three grown men suddenly surounded me.. Cocks whent out and maybie i was allitle paralyzed except for my hands that locked on to the two cocks closest by... My friend went up and started to leave while i was nervously asking the men if they where dangerous n stuff, i started babbling to her why are you going? Have fun she said, meet me later then smiled at me. One of the men said to me you are free to leave now too if you want to.. And i kinda was mumbling as my bottom was beeing squeezed, two other hands around my clitty area and upper legs, and another two on my body moving alloiver my back and in my crack and holding my neck and...
Well i felt verry.. welcome, and before i could mubmle anymore nervous nonesn i was making out with the guy i thogt was the most handsome... I was happy to open my mouth for something other than uttering silly-nervous-nonsens and whenever our kiss broke i was guided to one and then another untill i had greeted every one of the trios yummy cocks. I was still kind of scared and holding on to the cute guy but the other two didnt seem to mind leaving us alone inside that room. We spent maybie 20-30 minutes together makingout and like i ended upp with his cum in my mouth and after a friendly goodbye i sat there on that sofa really amazed over what had just happened. .. After awhile of just, being in chock my friend came back :)!
She was happy it went well and she noticed i kindof liked one of the men :P
We chatted for abit and decided to visit another room, we kind of chilled out with this older manwatching trannyporn and somehow i sniffed on some poppers, and instant regret... :< (i dont like it at all!) By then i was getting more than alittle sleepy and after coming back to reality i decided it had been a long day and i decided to end my visit at the porntheatre in malmö...

-kindof quickwritten and looks like wall of text alteast in wordpad, but thats it fornow now i need to go sit for a pee! =)

willcontinue to finishinh this 2019 thingy unless i am to lazy and just forget... but these where some of hte events, oh and about ny-resolutions i want to be more friendly and open to random strangers just during everyday events (i am normally just kinda tired and grumpy feeling i bet a smile would do alot to try and cure that!)..

Aaand also i will try and ask others for help more often, and try to accept that i am actually wrongsometimes, and i am clumbsy and should not be ashamed to ask others for help. makes everyones lives easeier i belive..

Get a "boyfriend" - a man ofcourse... those are like at the top of the list...

Stuff about lovers i hooked up with again and some otherstuff might follow..

bye bye pornreaders :3
発行者 tinyswede
Hot story
thanks for sharing... it is always nice to have a glimpse of (realer if there is such a word)  the people we only see trough videos & porn. Cheers