Hacking me

IM extremely angr and sad,
got contacted by a guy thanking me for the content , nothing weird about that , but he allso wanted to make a trinute to my girlfriend, my self i dont really get the turn on by it , but i respect it greatly and find it hot that people like that!

this asshole then tried to send me a .*SCR file, which is clearly a script, which eventually is a virus or backdoor , i guess he really liked to get access to my cam!!

when i confrontet this with him he deleted the file and said that all he got and no jpgs ,
when i told i have a mac so scr files dont mean shit here, he was was gone!

guys, i do this becourse i get a kick and so does she..
we share our private life, and our intimate times , which should be personal, !
respect what we do, dont try and hurt us!

fucking ashole
sorry im angry!
next step is we just take down the site!
regards Pornoia
発行者 pornoia
that is terrible... hope u protected urself and ur girlfriend
Det er godt du er ekstra forsigtig mester..... os som har meget privat indhold, er udsat for meget lort. Har selv haft fået stjålet min harddisk med alle mine billeder og film
受信者 Gakki : thanks mate. i hope you get why i feel violated . this is personal stuff that we share. so trying to take advantage of if is just downright evil , and i get really sad about it.
i would love to trust people, and thats what hurts the most, do i have to be skeptic all the time! ?
sorry, but it greatly effected me!
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Fuck that asshole!. Love your video's. Keep up the good spirit : )