Story of O boobs exposed dresses

While the wife and I are not into BDSM (at all) we are both fascinated with those boobs-exposed ball gowns I see in various albums. (Search for "story of O" and you'll see.) There seems to be some kind of modern cosplay club/party at some tourist place called Roissy. Does anyone know about it? Or where to find out about it? My wife really wants to parade around in semi-public in one of those dresses and she's got the boobs to make it work. Every time I try to search for it all I get is 900 links to the novel.
発行者 Fredlake
those are sexy dresses
I hope you are also aware that several cities, and even a few states, in the US have made top-freedom legal.  If you ever find yourselves travelling to New York, try searching online(Facebook, Wikipedia etc) for OCTPFAS (the Outdoor Coed. Topfree Pulp Fiction Appreciation Society), and time your visit to include one of their get-togethers in NYC's public parks!  I'm sure they'd be intrigued to meet your wife dressed this way!  They don't seem to mind tasteful photographs being taken - do post some of your wife here ...
I saw this photo  in one of the galleries you link to.  It mentions the Chateau de Roissy-en-France (near Paris Charles-de-Gaulle airport); now sadly only vestiges of the building exist though part at least of the gardens remain.
I LUV wearing things like this.. id luv to wear at a party! I dohave a black leather corset that hubby has me wear out to bars sometimes under a jean jacket.. it just covers my nipples.. but they ..EASILY pop out..GAWD I do luv attention:smile:
I showed some of the photos around at last night's orgy. Some of the women were interested in wearing such dresses to a theme night, some had no interest, some were offended by the novel, many thought that it would be an expensive dress to wear once or twice a year. Lots of the men thought the dresses were cool.
受信者 bustnut : Yes, it would. Knowing her she would be wearing a mask and would let others post their photos of her but not me.
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Wow, it would be hot to see your wife exposed in one of those dresses, sorry I can't help with that location.
Great start Bro!!