Big cock obsession-the beginning

It all began many years ago with my next door neighbor by the the name of Jose. We all called him junior. He was Hispanic and I am a white boy. We became really good friends and would hang out together nearly all the time. I really liked staying the night at his house because his mother made some really good Mexican food. One night that I was over at his house we stayed up kind of late and talked for quite some time before junior fell asleep without the blanket over him. I was still awake and started thinking about taking a peek at his dick. I was really curious to see if it was bigger than mine. Slowly I moved over toward him and positioned myself right above his crotch. I gently used both hands to pull his boxers down to expose what I now knew was an uncircumcised dick that was much bigger than what I had imagined. I had this feeling come over me that was of extreme excitement. I lowered my mouth down to his dick and began sucking on it very slowly as to not wake him up and startle him. That's the last thing I wanted to do. After doing this for a few minutes all of the sudden his dick began to grow. And boy did it grow! It got so big and extremely hard. I was really enjoying what was happening and from his reaction so was he. At this point I knew he was wide awake and I thought to myself that I was going to take this a step further. While I knew he was feeling very aroused from what I had started,I then turned around and layed down on my side with my ass right up against him. I felt his huge dick touching my butt cheeks so I reached back and spread them open with one hand. Thats when I felt the tip right at the opening of my hole. He then wrapped his arms around my waist a began to apply pressure. All of the sudden I felt his big dick pop right inside my butthole. Omg! It felt amazing! He pushed it all the way inside me and I just reached back behind me and and held him there. I could not believe how good it felt! He would start pumping it into me slowly but eventually would get too rough so I would keep grabbing onto him to slow him down and make him hold it deep inside me for long periods of time. That is what I really liked! For his big dick to be balls deep inside of me! We must have done this for a couple of hours until we wore each other out. We were so tired that I told him to keep his dick in my ass because I wanted to sleep with it inside me. I remember waking up later that night when I felt his awesome dick slide out of my ass. I slept really well the rest of the night. The next day we ended up fucking like three more times. Over the course of the next two years we fucked so many times that I completely lost count. I truly loved his big dick and the way it made me feel. I just wish we could have continued this for many more years but my friend junior ended up getting hooked on some bad d**gs and we drifted apart,never to be reunited again ...a few years after all of this,I had a new friend named ramone. We were drinking some hard liquor and being wild and crazy walking around town. We took a shortcut down the railroad tracks on our way home. I gotta say we were buzzing pretty good at this point so we decided to stop at an old clubhouse. We still had some alcohol to drink and just sat other and talked for a few. I really don't remember how it came about that night but I do know somehow I ended up seeing his dick. I think he might have been taking a leak. All I know is I found out that he had a huge cock! It was long and super thick! I kind of remember saying something about how big he was and the next thing you know he was trying to fuck me doggy style. His dick was so big it just would not go in my ass. Since we were unable to proceed,we started walking to my house. Once we got there we went straight to my beedroom and I began to unzip his jeans. I pulled out his huge cock and started sucking on it. It was so big that my fingers would not touch all the way around it! I loved giving him head and really got turned on by it! I was so into it that I was able to deep throat him several times all the way down. We were both impressed that I could do it. After a few minutes of giving him a blowjob I excused myself to the restroom. I just knew I wanted that monster inside me! When got to the restroom I pulled out a jar of vasciline and put a dab on the tip of my finger and stuck it into the opening of my butthole. I walked back to my bedroom and ramone was laying on his back on the floor. I removed my shorts and straddled him with his massive cock right at my backdoor. I lowered myself slowly onto his shaft as it began to slide into the depths of my anus that nobody has ever been. It was the most amazing feeling that I had ever experienced. His cock stretched me to the limits and made my own dick super hard. I began jacking off while he was balls deep inside of me because it felt so fucking good! It didn't take long before I was cumming all over his stomach and chest. Once I was done he stood up and then sat on my lap and stroked his huge piece of meat until he exploded all over my chest and face! Wow this was awesome! We were both spent after this amazing night and fell asleep quickly. What a cock this friend of mine had! Unbelievable! I will say, I definitely felt it the next day. My ass was so sore! But I loved every minute of it! Sure wish I could have had more but my friend ended up dying in a motorcycle accident a short time later....
a friend used vaseline on me a few times, took forever to clean up afterwards
Yep, Vaseline will work every time.  Great for bareback sex.  I use it all the time.
hot story
Very hot story.
Sounds like you need a new frien
受信者 letthemusicflow : hehe!
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That story was very hot.
I agree with the paragraphs. It's hard to stoke my dick and keep reading. Really super hot! Looking forward to the older story next.
you really need to break this up into paragraphs lol.
Damn I'm jealous! I wish I had a neighbor like that when I was young.