Helping widow mom date again Part II - Back from

Late that night I was alone in the room trying to sleep and I heard the door open downstairs. Nobody talked but I could notice more than 2 persons walking. I got so anxious."She drove him here. To her own house. At least I know she was safe and not being gang banged some place else".

I heard her high heels knocking towards her that was next to mine. But surprisingly she opened my door. I pretend to be asleep. She than close the door and went downstairs again and heard the indistinct sound of the living room door being locked with the key. She went to see if I was asleep to pursue with her night downstairs with her companion. Speaking of which, I still didn't know who it was or what he look like.

After waiting 20 min hearing them chatting I decided to investigate. As I was by the door I heard her giggle and then a deep masculine voice saying "No more drinks for this lady". Her laugh was so intense, she was highly intoxicated as she did before. Never saw her drunk in my in tire life.

Then, I thought "If I go trough the kitchen I can walk onside and peek through the window". I did that immediately. The window was close but a small gap between the curtains made it possible for me to see the all set. There she was laughing like an idiot. Then I saw the guy seating next to her in the sofa.

He was huge, I mean he was real bodybuilder, tall as hell, all muscled filled with tattoos, real nasty figure. This was the most bizarre scene I could imagine. How could my classy mom being interested in this guy. I seemed like a damn skinhead biker or something.

Catching their conversation, I realize he was the doorman of the nightclub. My mom, mature High School teacher dating a fucking bouncer. I almost cried. Then I start thinking that my dad as died just 8 months ago. And there she was "grieving widow with a young stud in the living room".
I was having a nervous wreck. She was smiling to him so vividly while he talked, you could se she was expecting some.

Then they kissed and my mom opened her mouth really wide trying him to french kissed him. He was a little shy with that because he was obviously sober. Not my mom - she was disinhibited and was really enjoying it. "What a whore" he may have think. He then started to caress her braless dress, feeling her boobs. He than took out the straps of her shoulders., revealing her hanging saggy tits. She looked embarrassed with this quick move. "Hold your horses" she said nervously. She didn't expected his quick moves, like she was starting to be afraid of his direct approach. He was not the speaking type. He began to grab her boobs strongly and sucking them hard. My mom seemed surprised and moaned as she sucked them nice.

As I was confirming myself they were about to have sex, he quickly stood up in front of her (she remained seated and topless) took his shirt, so that my mom admire his toned body. As she touch his abs, he quickly unzipped his pants inviting her to blow him. She seem reluctant but at the same time I could notice she wanted. He had great body. He pull him out and I saw his fat cock (that's how I can describe him - fat). She slowly put it in her mouth and I saw him get bigger and bigger. It was a massive cock and I felt dick less looking at him. My mom try her best satisfy him, but the bastard keep bouncing his hips forcing her to deep throat it. At one point he put his hand behind her neck and started pulling it. I saw her gagging convulsively and I thought "She is being completely humiliated". The lack of breathing made her cry a tear, and her heavy black eyeliner was now streaming down her face. Her red lipstick was all spread and as I look deeply to her figure - naked from the waist up, make up all smeared in her face, blowing this big guy - I realize she looked like a middle age street hooker. But she wasn't. She was my dearest mom. I loved that tender face and this guy was wasting her last hope of decency.

He then pull it out her mouth and as she was to stand up and kiss or hugging him, He simply twist her back, putting her knees in the sofa and bend her over. She protested but he was already pulling her panties down -the same transparent black ones I use to use to masturbate. I could see her big white ass jiggling softly. The anticipation of seeing her being penetrated almost gave me a heart attack.

"Please, my son is in his room, we have to keep it for another day" she said. But guy was already inserting his his huge cock in her. She gasped and start moaning heavily. She didn't have sex for a long time an it's possibly that she never took such a big hard dick before. He was pounding her hard as the sound of his hips hitting my mom thighs echoed in the entire living room.

"NO, please. My son is sleeping. He's gong to wake up". She was really worried that could happen, not knowing her beloved son was already watching everything from the window. She then close her mouth her own mouth with one of her hands, as he keep ramming her hard.

He was so absorbed into that. He was acting like she was a hooker paid for that treatment. In his mind he probably thought " She text me inviting herself. This is what she deserves". Then it hit me. When my mother ask me to send a message to him because I would know what guys want to ear, I texted " DON'T BE SOFT WITH ME". What a fool I was. Know I was seeing my mum being used merciless like a whore. I had it coming. My poor mom. Looking for some sensitive romance thing was now being drilled like a slave bitch.

At one pointed I got really scared. The guy bends down and spited on my mom's ass hole. He then put his finger on. My mom immediately ordered "NO. I SAID NO!". The guy smiled and seamed to take the order and started to penetrate her pussy again. I felt such a huge relief. He nearly bang my mother's ass. That giant dick. It would be painful as hell. And I thought "If he want it real bad, that's was nothing she could do. She was lucky".

I kept saw her moan in pain as the guy pumped her like a maniac. His sweat was dripping in my mom's back. As he was reaching the climax he started slapping her ass really hard - I could see his hand printed in her white ass - as she cried louder. By this time I just came in my shorts without even touch my dick - I mean a really long intense orgasm. I laid on my knees trying to regain breathing. Five minutes after he came too. Must have been a big load because he moaned for a long time. He rested a little over my mom's back, as she continue to moan in pain.

When he stood up, he kind of apologize giving a small kiss in her ass saying "I really needed to burst my testosterone".

"What a stupid think to say" I thought. He then went wash himself leaving her all stretched in her knees. She then put her panties back on and started to put the straps of her dress in her shoulders and remained seated with her hands covering her face. I felt sorry for her.

When the guy came back, he seated next to her and tried to console her, giving her kisses in the neck. She sort of protested, but afterwards, to my dismay, she laid her head on her lap looking for cuddle, which he respond caressing her arms and face.

I was astonished with this view. I've heard in the pass my friends bragging about their girls love it rough, but in my innocence I still didn't believed. My mom was cuddling with this guy after he nearly destroyed her pussy open.

He eventually asked to left the house. She begged a kiss before he departed and the bastard gave her small dry kissed and rushed away, leaving my mom wanting more. He got what he came for. I then realize. He was in the top of this relationship. He was a young stud and my mom was just a mature lonely widow wanting atention. He could do whatever he wanted to do.

I immediately went to my room trying her not to ear me and, before I went to sleep, I still heard her shower. I imagined her washing her bad treated pussy and reflecting about the outcome of this adventurous night.

発行者 Jeesus
I was inspired tonight