Laundry Night

Jenny was my first. We met my freshman year in college. She was about 5 foot five with brown hair that came just past her shoulders and nice big tits. (Despite really preferring smaller tits, I seem to have dated a lot of large breasted women). Her dorm floor were the little sisters to my dorm floor. It was kicked off with a big party on our dorm floor. Each male room was assigned a female's room to pair up with. The idea was to help make friends since we were all freshmen. Jenny and her roommate Lisa were actually paired up with one of my friend's room. The eight of us wound up hanging in my room with my roommate and I, only wandering out to refill our drinks from the jungle juice mixture in the trash can (I really don't want to know what was in it, but I do know the alcohol content was high). Jenny and I hit it off right away, although it took a while (along with some encouragement from Lisa) for me to get the courage up ask Jenny out. I finally did.

I'd love to tell you that our first was an amazing night but it was a typical two people who didn't have a clue what they were doing night. We actually rented a motel room so we wouldn't be bothered by any of the guys on the floor, who seemed to relish in harassing anyone who brought a girl up to their room. We just went at it as best we could, letting nature take over. Actually quite a few times that night and the next morning. We dated for a little while until I met her parents. Dad took an instant disliking to me because I was a scholarship, grants and loans baby and she came from money. He forced her to dump me but we remained friends, or fuck buddies if we weren't dating anyone else, all through college.

Jenny was the source of most my firsts. My first kiss, my first sex, receiving my first blowjob, eating my first pussy, my first threesome (with the afore mentioned roommate Lisa, a story for another time), fucking my first ass, eating my first ass and having mine eaten, being pegged for the first time, and I am sure there were other firsts as well. The one thing about Jenny, she was probably the only girl I ever knew whose sex drive could actually match, or maybe even exceeded, mine. And she was up for anything. If I told her us fucking would be halftime entertainment at the Super Bowl, she wouldn't roll her eyes or give that disgusted fake laugh and say is that all you ever think of. No, she would have started asking questions about the logistics of it, how would we be doing it, would it be only us, would it be at mid field, on a bed or on the grass, etc. She was amazing. Unfortunately, it was not meant to be.

One night in our junior year, I went to do laundry. It was fairly late as I had been doing homework and lost track of time. I put the load in the washer and went back to my room. When I thought it was done, I went back. Not quite done, but I was sure it was close, I decided to wait in the laundry room figuring the wash would done in a minute or so. While I waited, Janny walked in. It been a little bit since I had seen her so we started talking. Her clothes were coming out of the dryer and as she took them out, my wash was done so I put it in the dryer, put the money in and started the dryer. We were chatting away so she decided to fold her clothes while we talked. Her underwear were in one of the loads she was doing and I made some comment about I preferred when they were off and she laughed and said "don't you wish". I then walked up behind her, put my arms around her stomach and kissed her on her neck and said yes I do. She stopped the folding she was doing and let me kiss her as she let out an "mmmmm". I then slid my hands up under her t-shirt to her breasts, which were not encumbered by a bra and she smiled and said what if someone were to walk by. I walked over and closed the door to the laundry room and said is that better? She smiled and said yes. She had turned around so I walked up to her and kissed her deeply and started to squeeze her ass. I then inserted my hands inside her shorts and panties and squeeze her ass which got another "mmmmm". My cock was already hard as a rock and I started to go down to my knees. I pulled off her shorts and panties and pushed her up on the table that she had been folder her clothes on. I spread her legs and gave her pussy a good licking. I have found that over the years that I really enjoy eating pussy. I brought her almost to a climax and stopped licking it and kissed her legs and up her belly to her navel and licked and played with that for a couple of seconds, allowing her to come down a little. I edged I believe three times and went to do it a fourth when she put her hand on top of my head signaling don't you dare stop so I finished her off and she nearly squeezed my head off with her legs when she came. I went up her body so I was standing in front of her and she shoved my shorts and underwear down and pulled me inside her. She was doing her best to be quiet as was I, but I was pumping away at her. It didn't take long for me to cum and I came hard. I left my cock in her for a little bit and continued to kiss her. She then pushed me away and got on her knees and licked my cock clean. She stood up and I noticed she left a pile of cum on the floor under where she had squatted. There was also some on her leg so I scooped it up off her leg and fed it to her, which she gobbled right down. I pulled up my shorts and smiled and kissed her.

I went to pick get a paper towel off the rack they had to clean the floor as she put her panties and shorts back on. My clothes were dry at that point and went to the dryer to get them out when there as a timid little knock at the door. I said come in and a girl partially poked her head in and sheepishly asked if we were done. We laughed and Jenny said yes, it is safe to come in. As it turns out, we both knew her, mostly from passing in the hallway of the apartment complex but we also had some friendly conversations if we were walking the same way. A very cute tiny thing. She was beet red and Jenny said don't worry, all was good. I finished getting my clothes out of the dryer and Jenny finished folding her last couple of items and putting it her laundry basket. The girl who had come in had finished getting her clothes then said sorry for disturbing us and not making eye contact with us. To ease the embarrassment, Jenny don't worry and maybe next time she could join us which turned her ever redder than when she walked in. I think she ran back to her apartment. As much as I would have love that, it never happened. Hell, I would have loved to even have had her one on one but that never happened either. In fact, I think if she ever saw me again in the hallway, she completely avoided me. Oh well.
発行者 jimjaz60
Nicely done; good memories!