My 40th Birthday Gangbang 2

After washing the sticky cum film from my face and hands I got back to completing the dinner items. We all gathered around the large table around 5:30PM and ate dinner, cut my little birthday cake, and talked until around 7:00PM. By now most of our guest had been enjoying the various alcohol drink choices for close to three hours and everyone was feeling loose to say the least. I personally had one Margarita before dinner and that was it for me. I wanted to be able to recall every second of this party. After the guys had cleared away the dinner dishes we were all still sitting at the table talking. My husband got the initial fun started by daring me to go swimming in my birthday suit since I was the birthday girl. I laughed and agreed to strip and swim. After teasing the guys as I disrobed I slowly walked the steps down into our pool. As I was entering the water I told our friends that it was not very polite to leave me alone in the pool since it was a party FOR me. The guys all stood up and began stripping. As they were striping, the two with lady friends asked their ladies to join us as well. The older lady was instantly naked. The other female seemed a bit hesitant to strip but eventually we were all naked and in our pool. My husband was the last to strip after everyone else was in the pool. Keep in mind that Keith (hubby) is 6' 9" tall and as physically fit as he was at age twenty-five. Everyone was watching him strip since nothing else was happening. Once naked and walking toward the pool steps, the older of our female guests (like the rest of us) was looking at Keith walking in front of us as he was going to the steps. There was no way to miss seeing his rock hard eight-plus inch cock standing straight out in front of him. Our older lady guest (Jan) then made her way to the pool steps and said in her already obvious loud, buzzed voice "It's time to get this party started" as Keith was walking down the pool steps into the water. She then met Keith as he was about knee deep in the water, grabbed his cock, and began pulling him along with her into the deeper water. She held on to his cock until they were both near the rest of us where the water was about just a little over waist deep on all three of us ladies which left all of the boobies free to look at. One of our guy guest was already standing behind me with both hands around me and playing with my nipples. His erect cock was pointing upwards and pushed tightly into my ass crack. When Jan and Keith were close to the rest of us as we were all still just talking and laughing, it was easy to see that she was slowly stroking his cock as we talked.. Our younger female guest (Diane) got out of the pool and jumped off of our diving board. This was a nice break from the touchy, feely session going too far as we all jumped or dived off of the board several times. This was also a great time to let the guys check out all of the ladies curves and three ladies watching five horny men with full on erections standing on the diving board and making certain that we were looking at them and their cocks. Come back soon for Part 3.
発行者 bustylanelle
Mmm sounds great , love to have been there.