An odd user name...

I was contacted by a user. I received a message and a friend request. Sillyson was his name.
Sillyson had made friends and saved favourites, including one of mine and one of a friend.
I was considering my response when I logged on to find in place the name ##154464856_664c17b4e0ecd and a note that the account had retired.I've seen that sort of number before.
What does it mean?
発行者 Smokenylons
CluncyDuck 4ヶ月前
I got contacted by him aswell! Not really sure what the numbers, the deletion of his messages in the chat and the lack of "deleted" etc. mean. But, i did see that he made another account, Sillyson2 or something. That leaves me to believe, that he didn't voluntarily "retire" his account. Maybe a bug in the suspension/deletion procces of xHamster? At the end of the day, i think it's fair to assume, that these accounts weren't retired out of free will by the user
ricer_xxxx 5ヶ月前
It seems different than actually retired. My conclusion has been that they are an accoun5 that has been deleted by xham for spam. You will note that their side of any conversation is usually removed too
1234tube 5ヶ月前
I dont don't know but it's not just you. Several people who have requested my friendship and then retired have similar number names.