Allie & Erin Have Sex In A Mercedes

Allie kissed Erin, and everything changed for both.

Erin is, without doubt, a stunningly beautiful woman at 5’ 7", 128 lbs., green eyes, and blonde hair; worn in a loose pony-tail.

Erin stepped out of the subway and made her way through the morning rush crowd to her office in Manhattan . A couple of her colleagues admiringly responded as she passed them. Erin’s pony-tail swayed back and forth as she waltzed through the doorway of her office and sat down at her desk. She adjusted the height of her chair and fussed under her breath.

Within minutes of her arrival at her office, Sean, her partner, stomped in unannounced. He threw his jacket over an armchair and sat down with an angry scowl on his face.

“What’s wrong?” She asked her colleague and a good friend. Well, best friend, actually. But she felt revealing that would just inflate his already sizable ego.

“Our new partner, Allison is what’s wrong.”

“Tell me about her,” Erin urged, now intrigued by this woman. There weren't many women that didn't faint at Sean’s feet, and Erin would like to meet a female who could actually keep her hands off of him.

Erin cut him off in mid-sentence and said, “I didn’t need to hear about her body. All I wanted was a general summary of her appearance and her demeanor is enough for right now.”

“She’s kind of perfect, actually. I don’t understand why she won’t give me the time of day. If it wasn’t for that, I could easily fall for her,” Sean confessed, staring gloomily at the wall over Erin’s left shoulder. It was evident that it was a shock to his self-esteem.

“Maybe she’s gay,” Erin quipped, trying to get Sean out of his funk. With a look of disgust, Sean snarled “Then maybe you should take a shot with her.”

“What’s that for? You know I’m not gay,” she re-emphasized.

After Sean left, Erin flipped through the Allie’s biographical file and immediately noticed that a photo of Allie that confirmed she was indeed a stunningly beautiful young woman. Allie’s smile alone was enough to encourage Erin to want to learn more about her. Erin had never been attracted to a woman, but she sense that Allie’s big brown eyes would suck her into a whirlpool of emotions. Allie's lips were admittedly alluring, and for the first time in her memory, Erin felt the urge to kiss another woman.

“Well, no time like the present for a lesbian romp," Erin muttered to herself.

Allie was twenty-************* and had great reputation at a very prestigious law firm for a couple of years already. Erin knew her firm had landed a prize when it had recruited her away. Erin had been part of that effort. Erin found that she could honestly relate to Allie’s success since she too had risen quickly in her profession.

Erin’s arousal continued to simmer and seduction was no longer out of the question. Erin firmly believed that if she played her cards right, the seduction might work. Even though she was not gay and had never partaken in a gay experience; it could indeed work. Erin felt an enormous surge of excitement when she visualized, pressing her lips to Allie's soft sensual lips. She felt a slight tingling in her groin. This was a whole new experience for Erin, and she could feel her pulse quicken at the thought of being with another woman.

Erin telephoned Allie’s secretary and made an appointment to see Allie Singleton. She was told Miss Singleton was free all morning and to come right over. Erin looked in the mirror of the women's restroom and quickly checked her hair and makeup before leaving to meet with Allie Singleton. Erin felt like a teenager going on her first date.

As Erin approached Miss Singleton’s office, she was warmly greeted by her secretary. She buzzed Miss Singleton and opened the door to Allie’s office. The young lawyer was wearing a bright yellow sundress with daisies and a low neckline that revealed the hints of her small breasts; not at all what Erin expected of a professional woman. Erin's eye went first to Allie's dress and then up to Allie's sensual lips. Her actions didn't go unnoticed by the young lawyer. She smiled and offered her hand to Erin.

After shaking Allie’s hand, there was a peculiar flutter in Erin’s stomach, but she wrote it off as nerves. Erin sat down in a comfortable, wingback chair on the other side of Allie’s desk. Erin felt her heart flutter.

"How can I help you, Miss Delacorte, or is it Mrs. Delacorte?"

“It's Miss Delacorte, and I just wanted to welcome you to the firm and see if you can help me on a new matter that just came up. Erin’s eyes kept being drawn to the young lawyer’s cleavage and couldn’t stop herself from blushing. Erin began to feel like she was losing focus.

Allie noticed Erin eyeing her bosom and felt flattered. She picked up a yellow legal pad and a pen. She smiled across the desk and asked Miss Delacorte to describe the issues in the new case. The woman's smile caused Erin to shiver and hesitate for a moment. This was so unlike Erin, and she told herself to get a grip.

“For the past few months, I had been living with my ex-girlfriend, but some stupid things happened. Without warning, we broke up, and she threw me out on the street”. Erin realized she was speaking unusually fast and told herself to slow down.

Their discussion went on for an hour or so. “I’m very interested in helping.” Miss Singleton responded, turning over her legal pad while giving Erin an appreciative smile. “I appreciate your effort to include me on your team. I’m excited to help.”

The smile caused Erin to blush, and she quietly assured herself again that she wasn't into girls, but she had to admit Allie was indeed a remarkably stunning woman. Her smile alone made Erin feel warm inside. It was a totally unexpected reaction. Allie Singleton did have beautiful brown eyes and a smooth, velvety voice.

“Okay, thanks. We have a team meeting tomorrow at 10” Erin stammered, quickly standing up and offering her hand. Erin felt a rush of adrenalin when their hands touched again. It made her blush again, and her panties felt moist. She hoped Allie did not smell her arousal. That would only add to the awkwardness. Erin walked to the door and stopped. Oddly enough, she found herself strongly attracted to the young lawyer. Then after a little pause, she turned around, pretending she just made up her mind about something.

There was an anxious pause, then without considering a possibility of rejection artfully Erin proposed, “I don’t want to be out of line, but is there a chance you would want to go have a drink with me some time?”

Allie was surprised at Erin’s directness. She hadn’t expected to be hit on by one of her partners. The puzzled look on Allie's face revealed more than she wanted to be known. She was excited that this woman was apparently asking her out on a date, but she didn’t want to reveal that fact. Allie didn’t answer immediately. Erin held her breath and waited. Even though Erin deemed herself straight, she had once wondered what it might be like to experiment with another woman because one night while drinking with her college roommate suggested it might be fun to get naked and cuddle. Erin briefly considered it, but it never happened. However, Erin had to admit that the temptation was there. She had just enough to drink that eating her roommate’s pussy was attractive to her. It was exciting and different, and she almost succumbed to her roommate’s urging. Now she was feeling the same excitement rushing through her again, and this time, she was secretly hoping that it would happen.

When Allie saw Erin’s eagerness and the hopeful look in her eyes, she knew it was more than just a drink she wanted. With a look of skepticism on her face, she replied, "Well... Is this a date? I don't usually date co-workers, and I'm not usually a spur-of-the-moment type of girl." Allie’s charming smile broadened, and she hesitantly stared into Erin’s eyes. Allie wanted to accept but was afraid the firm politics that accepting Erin’s invitation could provoke.

Erin quickly countered with a smile. It was time to **** or cut bait Erin reasoned. “Perhaps I was too brusque with you. I do that sometimes when I get excited. Let me start over. First of all, the firm has no proscription on intra mural romances, and I can tell by your expression that you want to accept my invitation.”

A blush crept across the young lawyer’s cheeks, and Erin held a triumphant smile back. No man could ever resist Erin, and apparently, neither could young lesbian lawyers. Erin waited for another second, staring into Miss Singleton’s alluring brown eyes. She had to admit that Miss Singleton really was beautiful. Every bit as beautiful as Sean had said.

Allie hesitated a bit longer, and Erin continued to hold her breath. “There is a chance, yes, but you will have to call me Allie. Miss Singleton is a bit too formal, don't you think?” Erin beamed, her face lighting up.

“Great, how about you call me, Erin?” Erin replied, taking the lead as confidently as she possibly could.

In reality, Erin felt very insecure and vulnerable at that point. Miss Singleton could have easily said no. She wondered if men always had to go through that uneasy feeling when meeting a new woman? It’s kind of daunting to have to take the lead in a new relationship and risk rejection. She had a better perception of why Sean was so down after being unsuccessful with Allie Singleton.

Allie nodded, grabbed one of her business cards from her desk, and scribbled her office and cell number on the back. Erin took the card and placed in her pocket without looking at it.

“I'll call you tonight," Erin chirped. “Just breathe. Play it cool,” she told herself. She needed to make a graceful exit.

Allie nodded her head and flashed Erin a stunning smile, that made Erin a little bit lightheaded. She hadn’t felt so giddy since junior high school. She turned around and tried to stride out of the office gracefully, but couldn't keep her eyes off Allie’s unbuttoned dress. Wrong move. Before she knew it, she’d walked into the door frame, banging her head loudly against it.

“Ouch. Shit,” Erin yelped, rubbing her head that was turning red, not from the bang, but from embarrassment. She couldn't remember being so clumsy. No, she was always the one in control, but something about this beautiful young woman made her all skittish inside.

Allie ran towards Erin and took her head in the palms of her hands. “Let me see. Are you hurt?” Allie pulled Erin’s head down to check the rising ****. “It looks fine, but it might turn into a nasty bump later,” Allie stated while examining Erin’s head and pulling her face within a few inches of her cleavage. Erin could smell Allie’s perfume and was tempted to lean the few inches further and place a kiss on Allie’s breast.

“What was going on here,” Erin asked herself? She had never felt like this around anyone and staring at another woman’s boobs? And feeling the urge to kiss them? Completely not her thing. She was consumed with embarrassment.

“Thank you. Anyway. I should be going. I’ll call you,” Erin awkwardly muttered, quickly turning away and walking cautiously out of Allie’s office, trying really hard not to embarrass herself further.

Allie smiled and watched her retreat down the corridor. “I’ll be looking forward to your call. I'll be home around seven. Call me,” Allie called to her, feeling the excitement of all the possibilities forming in her mind.

Erin returned to her office and busied herself with paperwork. It was only just three in the afternoon, but Erin was already getting nervous that she had promised to call Allie that night. But at the same time, she was certainly looking forward to it. “Yeah, I definitely hit my head harder than I thought,” Erin mumbled to herself.

“How did it go?” Sean asked, almost gleefully.

Erin intentionally kept her face buried in the file and smirked, "She gave me her number and asked me to give her a call. Does that sound like I struck out?" Erin gloated.

“So, she is gay!” Sean couldn't hide his surprise. “What’s next?”

Erin glared at him. “Well, first of all, I’m going to give her a call tonight, ask her out for drinks, get her drunk and then fuck her in the ladies room? … It’s none of your business!”

“Erin…have you ever kissed a girl?”

Erin paused for a moment as though she was in deep thought and then answered in a low voice, “No.”

“I thought all normal teenage girls had sleepovers in high school where they talked about boys and practiced kissing techniques on each other.”

"I don't guess I was a normal teenager because I never did anything like that," she explained.

“Have you ever wondered what it would be like to kiss another girl or have you ever had the urge to kiss another girl?”

“Have you ever kissed another guy or had the urge to kiss another guy,” she countered?

“Yuk! Guys don’t do things like that; at least normal guys don't," Sean answered.

"Okay, …don't assume I would feel any different about that subject," Erin remarked.

Sean had piqued Erin’s arousal again. Erin picked up the phone and dialed Allie's cell number. Allie didn't recognize the number but picked it up on the second ring anyway.

Erin launched into an apology. "I am sorry for calling you this early. I know it's only four o'clock, but I couldn't wait until seven to call you. I am boiling over with excitement and want to see you tonight.”

There was a prolonged pause from Allie and Erin's first thought was that she had angered Allie by jumping the gun and calling before seven. Erin felt a pain in her heart and was cursing herself, thinking that she had sabotaged the planned seduction. She was struggling for her next breath when Allie responded, "I am so glad you called. I have not been able to get a thing done all afternoon. I too am excited about having a drink with you. In fact, I was fighting the urge to call you when my cell phone rang."

Erin released the breath she had been holding and gasped, “Oh my, God. I feel like a school girl going to her first dance. Is there any chance we can go for that drink tonight?”

“Are you familiar with a small Bar off Columbus Circle called "Dan's Den?"

“Yes, I’ve been there a few times with friends,” Erin answered.

“You want to meet me there around eight…ish?”

"Absolutely! I'll see you then," Erin remarked with a noticeable sound of excitement in her voice. Allie hung up, and Erin's heart fluttered. A warm wave of electricity moved through Erin and sent a tickling to her groin.

She always kept a few outfits in her locker at work just in case she had an unplanned outing and didn't have time to go home to change. She found a short purple and white sundress and slipped it on. It was low cut and showed a lot of skin. She looked at herself from different angles then decided to remove her bra. The dress came down to mid-thigh and offered a good view of her long thin legs. The thought of Allie admiring her legs and breasts sent a shudder through Erin. She checked her makeup, blotted her lips on a tissue, and then set out for her rendezvous with Allie.

The music was loud, and it took a few minutes for Erin's eyes to adjust to the low lighting in the bar. The beautiful young lawyer was already there when Erin arrived. She had selected a private booth in a dark corner near the restrooms. Erin took a deep breath and moved toward the booth. Allie stood, and they went through the obligatory female ritual of hugging and kissing each other on the cheek. Erin settled in the booth across from Allie and ordered a scotch. Allie ordered her second Manhattan. The music was so loud they found they had to lean in across the table to hear one another.

When the waitress brought their drinks, she pointed to a handsome, well-dressed man seated at the end of the bar and informed them that he had paid for that round of drinks. Erin and Allie smiled and then hoisted their glasses in a symbolic toast to the man. He smiled and toasted them back.

Both Erin and Allied each had a few drinks. Erin decided to go to the restroom and collect her thoughts. When she got up she lost her balance, and fell back into the booth, exposing her panty covered crotch. A wet spot was clearly visible on her light blue panties.

She looked over, and Allie was staring at her silk covered groin, and Erin wasn't in any hurry to cover it. Allie mumbled something under her breath that Erin couldn't make out. From the smile on Allie's face, Erin assumed it was something flattering. Erin struggled to her feet. When Erin returned, she slid into the seat next to Allie and said, “I hope you don’t mind if I change to this side of the table. I can barely hear what you are saying half the time.”

“I don’t mind at all," Allie answered, “In fact, I was tempted earlier to suggest you move over here, but wasn’t sure if you would take it as me being too aggressive.”

“Aggressive? Never”, Erin slurred.

Allie blushed and leaned toward Erin. The moment for their first kiss had arrived. Erin leaned toward Allie and closed her eyes. Lost in the moment, Erin fought her reluctance to kiss Allie in public. This would be the first time she had ever kissed another woman. Her mind was telling her that people will see the kiss and think she is gay, but her body was screaming, “Go ahead; who cares what they think?”

Moments before their lips touched, they were interrupted by the man from the bar sliding into the booth across from them. They both turned to face him at the same time. He seemed oblivious to the shock on their faces.

“I figured since I have been sending drinks to you two all evening, it was about time I came over and formally introduced myself,” he slurred.

Allie was the first to respond. “We appreciate the drinks, but we don’t want or need any company.”

“Now why would a couple of good-looking women like you two not want the company of a handsome gentleman such as myself?”

"Because…like you said we are a COUPLE. You know…like we are dating each other," Allie smirked.

The man's jaw dropped, and his face turned a crimson red as Allie's words sunk into his drunken mind. He shouted, "Why in the hell didn't you tell me you were a couple of dykes when I sent the first drinks? Why did you let me waste my money sending drinks all evening?"

Erin realized the man was on the verge of exploding. She slipped out of the booth taking Allie’s hand and guided her to the front door. As they made their exit, Allie looked back to see the man still spouting obscenities.

Erin was so wet between her legs that her panties were sticking to her swollen labia. They stumbled onto the sidewalk clinging to each other to maintain their balance. Allie suddenly paused in her steps and pushed Erin against the wall of the bar. They both stood there, staring into each other's alcohol glazed eyes. Erin wanted Allie to kiss her, and she thought Allie wanted the same thing. Neither dared to make the first move. Erin’s whole body was aching with desire to experience her first passionate female kiss.

Allie leaned in slowly maintaining eye contact. When their lips touched, Erin closed her eyes as an electric wave moved from her lips to her groin. Erin was weak at the knees, and Allie had to pull her close to prevent her from falling. After a moment, Erin opened her eyes and started to say something, but Allie swiftly moved in for another kiss before Erin was able to say another word. The kiss was everything Erin had hoped it would be. Erin put her hand behind Allie’s neck and pulled her closer as the kiss intensified, and Erin slipped her tongue into Allie’s mouth. Allie’s right hand moved to Erin’s left breast.

Erin’s nipple was hard as a diamond as Allie gently pinched it through her sundress. Allie's lips moved to Erin's neck then to the top of her breast, placing wet kisses. Erin wanted to feel Allie's lips on her nipple and told her so. Allie brought her lips to Erin’s ear and whispered, "I want to fuck you right here!"

Erin felt the same way, but was sober enough to know that wouldn’t be wise and suggested they go to her apartment. “It’s across the street.” She grabbed Allie’s hand, pulled her away with her before she could respond. They moved quickly across the parking lot while they both giggled.

Allie said “I have a better idea.” They continued holding hands until they found themselves standing in front of Allie's Silver Mercedes Sedan. There was dark limo tint on every window except the front windshield. Allie smiled and dramatically gestured while pointing with her hand, palm upward, "Madam, your chariot awaits. Or our hotel room; whichever."

Allie opened the door for Erin and motioned her to sit. Erin backed into the seat, plopped down and swung one leg into the car then her other leg, exposing her light blue silk panties for Allie to see. Erin glanced up in time to see Allie looking up her dress at her panties. Allie licked her lips and grinned as she mumbled something under her breath.

Allie walked around the car, entered through the driver’s door, and sat beside Erin. Erin’s pussy was still wet from their last kiss. Allie placed her hand on Erin’s exposed thigh and gently stroked while gazing into her eyes. Erin closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Allie’s hands were soft and feminine to the touch. Erin moaned softly as Allie tactfully advanced up Erin’s inner thigh toward her soaking pussy. Erin couldn’t wait any longer and grasped Allie’s hand and moved it to her panty covered pussy. Their lips came together in another passionate kiss.

Allie began stroking Erin’s clit through her panties and pressed a button on the side of the passenger seat, and the seat slowly moved into a horizontal position. Allie kept her hand busy between Erin’s legs and started gradually increasing her rhythm on Erin’s swollen clit. Erin was gasping for air and urgently needed to come.

Allie moved onto the seat with Erin and continued to passionately kiss her while slipping her finger under her panties to make direct contact with her wet pussy. Erin spread her legs to give Allie easy access. Allie hooked her thumbs on both sides of Erin’s panties and slid them down in one skillful movement.

Allie then removed Erin’s shoes and placed Erin’s legs over each of her shoulders and moved in to kiss her swollen labia gently. Erin gasped as Allie began placing wet kisses on her thighs. Allie moved slowly up Erin’s thighs and gently blew on her clit. She circled the tip of Erin’s clit with her tongue as it emerged from under its protective hood. She sucked it between her lips and flicked it several time with her tongue. Erin gasped and pushed her vagina hard against Allie’s mouth. Allie sucked harder and began to hum sending shock waves through Erin’s loins.

Erin was close to coming and started vigorously grinding her pussy against Allie’s flickering tongue. Allie knew Erin was close and slipped her index finger into Erin’s anus and wiggled it. No one had ever toyed with her anus before, and that was all it took to send Erin over the edge. Erin moaned and squeezed Allie’s head between her thighs. Erin moaned, "Oh my God! Oh, fuck! Ohhhhh! Ohhhhhh, I’m coming!"

Erin’s orgasm caused her to shake and shudder, but Allie never stopped the finger fucking and licking combination until Erin began to recover from her orgasm. Then she removed Erin’s dress and started to lick and suck on her hard nipples. When Erin’s vagina finally ceased spasming, Allie pulled back with her face glistening with Erin’s juices. Erin chuckled, "I think you liked that."

Erin was still shaking with her post orgasm come-down and still trying to catch her breath when Allie said, "How could you tell? What gave it away?"

Erin persisted with her playful teasing while pulling Allie’s dress over her head. Erin took one of Allie’s nipples into her mouth and sucked hard while circling the tip with her tongue. Erin’s thoughts at that moment were how sexy Allie looked and how much she wanted to experience the pleasure of tasting another woman’s pussy; something she never considered before kissing Allie. Erin moaned softly and pulled Allie up to her mouth while inserting two fingers into Allie’s pussy. It was wet and warm, and Erin could feel Allie's vaginal walls tighten around her invading digits. She liked the way it felt and couldn’t wait to feel it tighten around her tongue. Erin licked her own juices off Allie’s soft lips and then brought her fingers to her lips to taste the juices from its original source. Allie was salty and fragrant. Allie tasted and smelled like a woman should taste and smell. A shiver passed through Erin's body, and she knew she wanted to experience more, much more.

Erin climbed on top of Allie and aggressively kissed her lips, cheeks, and neck. She skillfully moved to her breast and then trailed kisses down to her navel. Allie was not wearing panties, and Erin reinserted two fingers in her wet pussy as she circled Allie’s navel with her tongue. Erin looked up at Allie as though seeking approval to continue. Allie placed her hand on Erin's head and pushed her in the directed they wanted. Allie toyed with her stiff nipples as Erin placed wet kisses on each thigh. A minute later Erin was nibbling on Allie's clit. That was something she never dreamed she would do to another woman, but now that she was, she didn’t want to stop. The thought of sucking on another woman’s clit caused Erin to have a mild orgasm. She wanted to make Allie come and give her the same pleasure.

Allie’s pussy was so amazingly wet. Allie was very close to her climax, and Erin was well aware of it. She wanted to make Allie's orgasm memorable, so she began to hum, "Mmmmmm" into her pussy. Allie stiffened, and her entire body tensed while she shook and quivered intensely. She was murmuring and squealing in pleasure. Erin was pleased with the results and had another mild orgasm herself.

It took a while for Allie to recover. She pulled Erin up to her lips and kissed her passionately. They laid there silently for a moment, just gazing into each other's eyes. Erin was the first to speak. “Did I do it right?”

“What do you mean did you do it right? It was amazing. It was wonderful. I can’t begin to put into words how fantastic it truly was.”

“I have to confess that was my first time ever making love to another woman.”

“Your first time with another woman? What about the ex-girlfriend what kicked you out of her apartment?”

“We were just roommates. I don’t know why I referred to her as an ex-girlfriend. Probably to send a subliminal signal to you that I might be interested.” Erin pulled Allie into another passionate kiss. Their tongues danced and wrestled for several minutes.

“Let’s go to my place. I want you to spend the night with me.”

At precisely five in the morning, Erin awoke to her phone vibrating. She managed to grab it before it woke up Allie. It was Sean, so Erin’s first reaction was, "Why in the hell is he calling me at five o’clock in the morning?" But then she thought, "The perverted son-of-a-bitch just wants to hear about my date with Allie." She mumbled to herself, "Screw him, he can wait until I get to the office." and let it go to voicemail.

Erin looked at Allie, who was still sleeping peacefully. Her naked breasts were rising and falling with each breath. Erin felt herself get wet as she replayed their earlier lovemaking session. Her first lesbian experience was better than she could have ever imagined. It had all happened in just the span of one day. She fought it, telling herself she could never be with to another woman. She was straight, and it went against everything she had ever believed about love and romance. However, that was before she came face to face with Allie. The magic seemed to be there from the beginning. It was hard to understand, but they’d had an indescribable connection from the very start. Erin still felt a strong desire to be with Allie.

She couldn't help herself and lean forward, taking one Allie's nipples into her warm wet mouth. Allie sighed but stayed in deep slumber. Erin kissed her way down to Allie's thighs, and Allie made a slight purring sound but remained asleep. It was when Erin clamped her lips on Allie’s clit and sucked that she awakened with a start. It took only a moment for Allie to realize what was happening. She squeezed Erin’s face between her thighs and ran her fingers through her hair. When Erin inserted her tongue, Allie pulled her face deep into her crotch and began grinding her pussy against Erin’s tongue. Erin inserted her index finger into Allie's anus and started a slow in and out sawing motion. Allie was almost out of her mind from the intense pleasure. After a few minutes, Allie began to convulse and flooded Erin’s mouth with her juices. After Allie came down from her orgasm, she returned the favor. Erin's orgasm was just as intense as Allie's. They held each other until they both had recovered from their orgasms.

They were in the middle of another passionate kiss when Allie broke their kiss and stared into Erin’s eyes and said, “Tell me more about this so-called ex-girlfriend or roommate whichever the case may be.”

"That's a long story, and I am hungry," Erin stammered, "Let's go to breakfast; my treat."

Allie started to say something else, but Erin gave her a quick kiss on the lips and then started searching for her clothes. Seemingly satisfied with Erin’s response, Allie smiled warmly and began getting dressed. When they were both dressed, they went downstairs to the coffee shop next to Erin’s apartment. Their hair was disheveled and their clothes wrinkled. Allie slipped her arm around Erin’s waist and planted a one minute, full-on, tilted-head, kiss on Erin’s lips before breaking it off, and strategically placing her hand on Erin’s butt and giving it a hearty squeeze. Men entering the diner stopped to view the sexy kiss. Erin stood, momentarily stunned with her jaws hanging. She still wasn’t comfortable with kissing another female in public.

Allie saw Erin’s shock and responded with her usual sharp wit, "There you go, Erin. That’s my encore to help make your day go a little faster until tonight when I expect a repeat of last night’s performance." Erin giggled, took Allie by the hand and they walked towards the door of the coffee shop. A man opened the door and stepped aside to allow them to enter.

After an excellent breakfast, Allie headed for home. Erin had just enough time for a quick shower and a change of clothes before heading to the subway station.

Sean was waiting in her office. Sean was almost afraid to speak. He took a deep breath and daringly asked, “Did you get to kiss her? Were her lips as soft as they look? Did she kiss you back? Was she….”

"Whoa! Slow down pervert. Give me a chance, and I will answer all your perverted questions," Erin Barked.

A devious smile spread across Erin's face, and she decided to tease Sean and make him horny for the rest of the day. She held up two fingers, forming a "V" while wiggling her tongue through them; the universal sign for licking pussy.

Sean turned red and excitedly gasped, “She ate your pussy? No way! Did she really eat your pussy?”

Erin smiled and said, “I’ll never tell. Now get your perverted ass out of my office and let me get my work done.”

"By the way, she invited me to her home for dinner tonight. I am more than sure that there will be more of what happened last night. I’ll be leaving a bit early to go home and change." Erin answered in a professional response, then sat down at her desk.
Sean was mumbling to himself like an idiot, and there was a prominent bulge in his pant as he stumbled out of her office. Erin felt her panties get moist as she replayed the previous night in her head.
発行者 bianca44
Lovely tale!
Amazing, exciting piece of writing. 