Family Secrets: The Blindfold Part 3

Part 3: The Blindfold

Noah is 16 and a sophomore in high school. His grades were just above average, and he really loved sports. Especially basketball. But this season most of his teammates talked about girls and dating and he was completely clueless in that department. They never teased him about it, but he would never join in the conversation. He just listened to their crude banter and apparently sexual innuendos and laugh like he understood what they were talking about. And later, he really wished he had a girlfriend.

When the holidays arrived in December, his mom, Evelyn, was over in Belgium for a very important case. She indicated it may be a month before she came home. His sister, Kylie, was coming home from college on her extended break. It would be the two of them in the big house.

But for the next two days he would be home alone until Kylie arrived. If only he had the courage to call Aubrey. She was on the cheerleader’s squad and the only one, as far as he could tell, who didn’t have a boyfriend. And what would he say on the phone to her? And how would he invite her over? And what if she said no? And… wait, he didn’t even have her phone number!

Anytime Noah felt unhappy or despondent he usually exercised. And this house had a great gym floor in the basement with several machines to develop both his upper and lower body, a rack of free weights as well as the common bench to lift weights and a comfortable mat to do all his stretching.

He put on his practice basketball uniform and headed downstairs. The treadmill was a good place to start. It got his heartrate up and gave him a boost of energy. He began to imagine kissing Aubrey. Her light blonde hair and blue eyes and that wonderful smile. She always had a smile.

He stepped off the treadmill and used a towel to dry off some of his sweat then took off his basketball jersey and began some crunches on the mat. Bringing his knees up as he moved his head forward, he liked to see his abs flex. Over the last few months when basketball season started, he has noticed more definition and this always gave him extra incentive to do more. More reps as he tightened his laced fingers and flexed his knees harder and harder. All this time he was still thinking of Aubrey. And this always made his penis stiff. He wasn’t sure why it did that or what that all really implies.

Noah finished his crunches. His breathing was deep, but he wasn’t out of breath. Far from it, he was a healthy young teen. And his mind continued to dream about Aubrey. He looked down at his basketball shorts. Even in their baggy style he could easily make out the shape of his penis now that it was aroused. It was uncommonly large for someone his age. But he didn’t know that. All the times his team showered after practice, he usually stayed on the court practicing his shot or stretching, so he was the last one to enter the shower with no one else around.

He closed his eyes and thought of Aubrey sitting on the mat next to him. In this vision, she leans over his face and smiles and… kisses him! His hands are all over her. Feeling her little round butt that appears under her cheerleader skirt whenever she jumps in the air. Then she helps guide his hands under her close-fitting uniform top with the school logo. They move up to her… breasts! He wonders what they look like without her uniform on.

Noah opens his eyes and lets out a long sigh. He decides to pull off his basketball shorts and workout in his underwear. The length of his penis is now clearly defined by the form-fitting briefs he wears. And he knows if he removes them, his penis will spring straight up.

But he moves to the leg extension machine to work on his quad muscles. Sitting down on the low seat, he puts his legs under the round bars and adjust the tension. Then he begins to lift and lower his legs in a steady rhythm. Aubrey appears again in his visions with her flowing blonde curly hair and blue eyes. And those… red lips… He tries to concentrate with his leg routine looking at his quads as they contract with each extension. Tiny beads of sweat form on his skin and soon he feels that burn in his muscles that he’s reached his goal.

Standing up, Noah towels off again and decides to use the weight bench. He checks the bar with 45-pound plates on each side. This has been his usual for bench pressing, a total of 135 including the bar. He adds 15-pound plates now for a total of 165. With the weights secured he sits on the bench and lays back, grasping the metal bar and bringing it down to his bare, sweaty chest. Once he clears his mind the reps begin. The first ten go quickly and effortlessly. The next ten his exhales are loud and strenuous. His mind begins to play tricks on him. He sees Aubrey standing above his sweaty body, straddling the bench. She smiles and lowers herself onto thighs. His reps become more erratic as he watches her hands reach for his briefs. Her fingers curl inside his waistband and… pull them down! His swollen penis pops up…

Noah abruptly sits up on the bench breathing heavily. Looking down he sees a wet spot on his underwear, right where the tip of his penis is. Huh? He’s never seen than before. Then sweat begins to drip from his hair onto his underwear. Oh, maybe it’s my sweat, Noah thinks.

He stands and suddenly feels tired. As if, Aubrey… as if she… drained him. Drained him of what? His energy. Yes, that’s what it feels like.

Satisfied with his workout, he walks upstairs in just his sneakers and underwear. On the first floor he adjusts the thermostat to 75 degrees. He wants it hot tonight. And it is winter outside. Then he grabs a Gatorade from the fridge and chugs it down. Still feeling sluggish he decides to take a shower and go to bed.

In his room he kicks off his sneakers and socks and peels down his tight briefs. His penis is still hard as he steps into the shower. Most teenage boys would take this opportunity to jackoff, but Noah simply washes the sweat off his body and shampoos his short dark hair as the water splashes over his penis and down the drain.

He finds some clean boxers and slips under his covers. During the night he dreams of Aubrey. The few times he wakes up, his penis is nice and stiff, but Noah simply rolls over for more sleep.

The next day he plays a lot of video games and eats a lot of junk food. For dinner he finds some leftover spaghetti and heats it up. Then he heads on down into the basement for more physical training to build his muscles.

And like before, his routine is interrupted with daydreams about Aubrey in her uniform, jumping and cheering for the team. After two hours he was able to complete his goals, but near the end he was developing guilty thoughts of how she would look without her uniform on.

When he went upstairs, he saw Kylie’s car in the driveway which lifted his spirits and knocked on her bedroom door. No answer, but he walked in anyways to say hi.

The first thing he heard coming from the adjoining bathroom was the shower running. The next thing he saw was the glow from her phone on her bed. He picked it up and it was still on and the screen hadn’t locked yet. He was looking at the current chat she was having with someone named Gabriella. The last message was from his sister telling Gabriella that she was stepping into the shower.

His finger scrolled up to read the beginning of their chat:

G: I’m horny ?

K: You’re always horny!

G: Can you cum over??

K: I told you I went home for the holidays

G: I’ve been thinking about you
for the last hour and now I’m soooo wet!!!

K: Where are you?

G: In my room

K: Take your clothes off

G: Ok, I’m naked!! ?

K: Now get on your bed
Sit up against your pillows
And spread your legs!

G: Yessss, Missstressss!!!

K: Good! Now touch yourself

G: Ummmm…

K: Don’t cum yet!!!

G: I won’t! I always obey you Miss K

K: As you should!! Now stick a finger in!

G: May I stick 2 in??

K: Oh yeah, I forgot you’re a slut!
yes you may ?

G: fuck, I’m sooo wetttt

K: Taste yourself!
Lick those fingers
you dirty slutttt!!!!!!!

G: Yes, misssstressss!
ummm, I taste sooo good!!!

K: Such a little slutttt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now keep fingering,
I need to take a shower

G: Yes, Mistress!

K: And don’t cum till I’m done! ?

G: I obey Miss K!!!

K: I’m stepping in the shower now…

“What are you doing in my room!!?!”

Noah drops his sister’s phone on the bed. He was so fascinated reading her text messages that he never heard the shower stop, or see her walk into the bedroom. With only her towel that she held against her chest. And now his jaw drops seeing his half-naked sister. He’s never seen a naked woman, not even his mom!

Kylie is less concerned about her appearance and more about continuing her chat with her submissive girlfriend, Gabriella.

“Were you looking at my phone?!!”

“Yes. I’m sorry, sis, I didn’t mean to. I came in to say hi. I didn’t know you were in the shower. And your phone was on…”

“Did you read my texts???”

Noah looks at the floor and nods his head.

“Did you understand what you were reading?”

Noad doesn’t answer.

“Look at me! Did you understand?”

Noah looks up and tells the truth, “No.”

Most of her concern and anger leaves her face as she contemplates the situation.

“Ok, you’ve done nothing wrong, Noah. Except for maybe coming into my room without my permission. Now close your eyes, I need to dry off and put some clothes on.”

Noah stands sill, closing his eyes, and holding his breath.

Kylie slowly moves the towel over her naked body and watches her brother with some amusement.

“You can breathe, silly!”

When she completely dries her skin, she walks over to a chest and looks for her pjs. She steps into her flannel bottoms and then turns as she pulls on her top and looks down to button it up.

Noah did open his eyes when her heard her walk across the room to find some clothes. His heart skipped several beats as he saw her naked back and long legs. He focused on her butt and the mysterious black line going down to her hidden private parts. And when she turned around, he even caught a glimpse of her breasts(!) before she pulled the top closed and began to button it up. Thankfully, she never looked up.

When she finished, she made sure Noah had his eyes closed, which he did, and told him he can open his eyes.

“I’m hungry. Why don’t you go downstairs and pick out a frozen pizza and put it in the oven for us. Then we can watch some tv,” Kylie suggests.

“Ok. Which pizza?”

“You decide.”

When Noah left, Kylie quickly picks up her phone and texts Gabriella.

K: Did you cum???

G: Yesss!!!

K: I will punish you later ?

G: Maybe you should have tied me up before you went in the shower

K: Hmmm, that gives me an idea.
But I’m hungry and told my brother I’ll watch some tv with him

G: Ok. I’m gonna watch some porn and masturbate to you ?

K: You’re a bad girl!!! ? Bye ??

When Kylie walked into the kitchen, she could smell the pizza baking. Noah was watching tv and it sounded like some lame comedy series which was good since she needed to have an important, very important, discussion with him.

She pulled the pizza out of the oven and began cutting up slices and brought them into the living room. Then she returned to the kitchen an opened the cabinet where mom kept the alcohol and filled a small flask with some rum. She poured some into her cola and hid the flask next to her on the couch. She couldn’t have this conversation sober.

After eating a few slices with her brother and drinking enough of her rum and coke to feel a good buzz, she began her “therapeutical” session.

“How is school going?”


“Well, what subjects are you having difficulty with?”

“Ah, English. Always English!”

They both laugh.

“And Biology,” Noah adds.

“Biology! That’s the easiest science you will take.”

“For you maybe. You always get good grades.”

“True, but you have the good looks.”

Noah blushes.

“Come on, don’t tell me you don’t have a girlfriend!”

“I don’t,” Noah sheepishly replies.

“I can’t believe a gym rat like you with the body you have that the girls aren’t asking you out for a date. Do you find it difficult to talk with them?”


“Honestly, it was the same for me too at your age. I was afraid to ask the girl I had a crush on, but mom really helped me out. She gave me good advice. And now that she spends a lot of time overseas, maybe I can try to help you out. Tell me, is there someone you desire to talk to, to get to know better?”

“Yes… Aubrey, she’s a cheerleader.”

“Daisy’s sister?”

“Yeah, I believe so.”

“I dated Daisy, she was a cheerleader too. I’m sure she’s told Aubrey that.”

When Noah wasn’t looking, Kylie adds another large amount of rum to her drink and takes a few gulps.

“Noah. I need to ask you some personal questions. We’re brother and sister, so what you tell me will remain just between us. Ok?”

Noah nods.

“Um, the nature of these questions is kind of weird, but remember, I’m a girl and I don’t know about certain things. Ok, here goes… can you tell me, ah, how often do you get erections?”

Noah’s eyes open wide, but he tries to answer to the best of his knowledge, “Um, well, several times a day, I guess. It’s not something I can control.”

“That part I’m aware of, and that’s normal. No guy can control those unexpected, um, erections.”

Kylie smiles and they both laugh. This helps lighten the atmosphere, to some degree.

“Do you get them when you think of Aubrey?”


“Good. That’s good. And normal. So what that means, what I’m trying to explain to you, is that your body is giving you signals. You like Aubrey, and if you daydream about her, well, your body might respond.”

“Ok, that makes sense. But lately I’ve been getting them even when I work out.”

“Er, ah, ok, but is that because you’re thinking of her?”


“And all those times before when you didn’t get… hard, you weren’t thinking about her, right?”

Noah takes a moment to answer, “Yeah, you’re right!”

“Ok, so we’ve determined you get excited thinking about her. And really, in general, if you start thinking about any girl you like in a sexual way, or maybe girls you’ve seen online, well, it can happen.”

“What do you mean by ‘sexual way’?”

“Well, tell me when you think or daydream about Aubrey what specifically about her turns you on?”

“Um, her face, her hair, her smile. And… her lips.”

“Anything else. Remember, I’m your sister. This stays between us.”

“Ah, lately it’s been more about… other parts of her body.”

“Such as…?”

“Her butt… and breasts.”

“Tits and ass! Sorry, that’s a common expression many people use. Again, that’s normal. Just keep it to yourself,” Kylie laughs.

Kylie takes a few more gulps feeling the rum burn down her throat.

“Ok, here comes the next part. Again, what you tell me stays between us, ok?”

“Ok, sis.”

“Do you masturbate?”

Noah visibly squirms in the couch and puts his hands under his thighs, “No.”

“Do you know what it means.”

Noah shakes his head.

“So you really didn’t understand what you saw on my phone?”

“I… no, I didn’t.”

“It’s ok, Noah. I was… playing with my girlfriend, Gabriella. And we were… talking about female masturbation. But the term means the same for both sexes. It’s a method to stimulate your penis, or in my case, my vagina. Does that make sense.”

“Kind of…”

“That’s ok. Mom would usually talk to you about these things, but I can see you’re not happy right now with school and forming relationships with the opposite sex and it’s probably giving you issues on the basketball court. Am I right?”

“Yes. Right now, in the locker room all the guys talk about their girlfriends and after games they go on dates, and I’m all by myself. They are joking and having fun, and I feel like I’m missing something and can’t join in the fun.”

“Listen, mom helped me when I wasn’t having fun at school. She helped me understand my body… in a sexual way. And I want to do the same for you. And I’m sure she would approve of my method to teach you. Why don’t you go upstairs to your room… and… take all your clothes off except your underwear. Then I will join you shortly, ok?”

Kylie watches her brother get up from the couch and take the stairs, two at a time, showing his excitement, energy, and commitment. She smiles knowing her words may have helped. Then she finishes the rum in the flask to find the courage for what she is about to do with her brother.

Up in her room she takes off her pjs and considers what would turn him on without showing too much of her body. Hmmm, shorts and no bra, topless? No. Sexy lingerie? No, hah, all that is in her dorm room to wear with Gabriella. Think… oh, the sheer nightgown mom bought her last year!

Kylie finds it hanging in the back of her closet. Red. She slips into it and examines herself in the mirror. Her dark bush is totally visible and, yes, most of her pussy when she moves! Hmm, best find some panties.

She looks through her drawer and finds a skimpy string bikini. Black. She steps into it and again checks herself in the mirror. Oh, she still displays a nice black triangle, she laughs as opens the nightgown wide to flash herself in the mirror before pulling it tight over her body and tying the belt. Now one more thing.

The blindfold…
発行者 Catwomanmeows
受信者 Catwomanmeows : Well, your intuition is not that far off the beaten track. Besides, your prose is lovely. 
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受信者 SeaStories1983 : True, my version of a teenage boy is rather askew, lol.  But again, I seldom pick the well-worn path, using my Catwoman intuition to present those unique tales (tails?). lol
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Well, this is going in an intriguing direction. I will confess. . . sometimes I wish you would use a few more sex slang words for body parts. But right now, with Noah and his obsessiveness about his workout routine and apparent total innocence about what is going on with his body, it is appropriate that he seems to be reacting that way. 

But jeez! Even in the pre-Summer-of-Love mid sixties, as a rather strait-laced Catholic Navy k*i*d, I sure as hell had some idea what was going on with my body from a rather early age. All those horny boy scouts had lots of tales to tell, and sneaking copies of Playboy from Dad or big brother fed into that, too. Those were somewhat innocent times. . . but the hormones were calling!

Well, Kylie is about to set him straight. . . 
受信者 Catwomanmeows : lol! that is so so mean!
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受信者 foundnemo04 : I'm surprised you can read!!  😛
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another great chapter!
受信者 Catwomanmeows : ah ah ....ce n'est pas impossible !!
....No... I remain modest... except... except.. Indeed, if you have to go to the tasting... then... :smile::smile::smile:
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受信者 laurent7891 : Laurent, we all know you were born an expert! lol  I can see you as a teenager holding a bottle of wine and telling us stories about your accomplishments to make us all blush the color of your Burgundy!
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受信者 sainte_levrette : Patience, my little Claire.  Or, as we say, "Good things cum to those who wait."  meow
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What a pleasure to find your great writing talent again, dearest Sarah....
Here is a new erotic novel that begins with the initiation of a young man who discovers that emotions and sensations also have sexual consequences...
I think all the boys have been through this stage... I can also identify with Noah in this learning of the body, of sex.
Girls, like her sister, are always the fastest and most reactive in this field and as we have read, you Sarah, were already very expert in your stories: Fourth of July...
I can't wait and can't wait to
Thank you and lots of kisses
受信者 sainte_levrette : I am sure Claire, that Noah will be in good "hands" with his older sister Kylie
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Kylie can't leave her brother like this! She has to go check what's going on inside Noah's boxers ! I love this story !
Noah's workouts remind me of my workouts and also with some lovely distractions. You have to love close family ties especially with an accommodating older lesbian sister. And again..that blindfold. Mmmmmm