284 – The Local Park

It was only a couple of minutes’ drive and it was good that I took my car as I didn’t feel quite so exposed and as I drove into a little gravel car park it didn’t seem too busy, only two other cars were parked.. I looked around to acclimatise myself and noticed at the far end of the grass area was a fence leading towards the school playing field and to the left of me were a few trees hiding the road that I came in on, to the right it looked like a wooded area with a few tracks leading in and behind me was an extension of the wooded area, I noticed a pathway leading to what looked like an old toilet block which was handy to fill up my bottle.. as Danny had recommended it to me I wondered what activity went on in there, something I was sure to try out once I’d had my workout..

The grass area was ample big enough for me to do my workout and I’d already noticed a few joggers making use of the facilities plus a couple of dog walkers strolling around the sides and there were a few benches s**ttered around the outside which made for a very pleasant atmosphere, I was excited as I got out my car and did a few limbering stretches to get ready for a gentle jog..

Although my shorts were rather short and somewhat revealing my baggy vest covered any blushes however when I was limbering up with some leg stretches I didn’t notice an elderly gentleman walk out from the trees standing behind me.. “Oh to be young and fit again” he said jokingly as he walked towards me, he was very polite and I could see that even in his tee shirt and rather unconventional baggy shorts he was sweating up struggling with the heat.. “How do you exercise in this weather son, I can barely walk and have to take shade” he added and I could see he wasn’t in the best of shape.. “Do you need a drink sir?.. here, have some of this” I said handing him my water bottle and the poor guys face lit up at my generosity..

“Really?.. that’s so kind of you” he said as he took my water and rehydrated himself, it was the least I could do, the poor guy was suffering as he leant against my car..
“I’m Jack” he said as he almost finished the bottle which I didn’t mind as it was obvious he needed it more than I did, “Not seen you around here before” he added and I explained that I’d just moved across town into the area, he was a friendly guy and I was a little concerned with his wellbeing.. “Do you live around here Jack?” I asked him and he pointed towards the trees behind us.. “Just through there son, I often come through here for the fresh air, no fun when you live alone” he said as he got some colour to his cheeks..

“Shouldn’t have come today though, didn’t realise it was so hot” he added as he finished off my water.. “Thanks for this son, you’re a life saver.. I’d best get back somehow and rest.. enjoy your run” he said handing me back the empty bottle but I was still concerned.. “Listen Jack, why don’t I walk you home, I’ll feel much happier knowing you’re alright sir, I can fill up my bottle and then go for my run” I suggested and I could see the relief on the old guys face knowing he wouldn’t have to struggle.. “Nah, it’s ok son, I’ve troubled you enough” he said in protest but I wasn’t having any of it.. “Come on sir, show me the way” I said grabbing his arm.. “Are you sure son?” he said and I could see on his face his gratitude of my insistence.. “Yes sir.. it’ll be my good deed for the day” I said as we headed off into the woods at a very slow pace.. it wasn’t very far but I was glad I helped him as if he’d collapsed he may never have been found and we had a very light-hearted conversation on the way, apparently he was 70 years old and had lost his wife a few years ago and I really think he was glad of the company, even I was sweating by the time we’d got to his little bungalow which was just the other side of the woods..

“Look at you son, your dripping” he said with a giggle as we got to his place, “Come inside and cool off.. I’ll get you some water” he said cheerfully and I think he was just glad of the company if I’m honest, I was in no rush and I wanted to make sure he was alright.. “Of course sir, that’s very nice of you” I replied as we stepped inside his little home, it was really nice inside with pictures of him and his wife, he seemed proud of his home, nothing was out of place..

I was glad I’d got Jack home and he certainly looked better and felt better in the comfort of his own home, he pointed to the lounge and took my water bottle.. “Go get comfy son, I’ll fill this up for you” he said cheerfully and I went into the lounge and sat myself down on a little two seat sofa.. he soon returned with my bottle filled and another glass for me to drink.. “Here, get this down ya son” he said handing me the glass while placing the bottle on the table and stood over me while I drank it down.. “You know, I used to be a physical trainer back in the day” he said as he looked at my frame, “If you want, you can stay here for a bit and I’ll help you with some routines” he said excitedly and after giving it a moment’s thought I figured I would, it’s better than training alone and being out of the heat Jack had got his mojo back, plus it would be company for him if only for an hour or so.. “Sure sir, I don’t mind at all.. be good to learn some new routines and it’s better than training alone” I said excitedly, Jack seemed genuinely happy to help..

We moved his table around to give us more room and he told me to stand up so he could get a better look at me, “Might be better if you took your vest off son, I’ll be able to see what areas to work on” he said sitting down in his chair, “You’re the boss sir” I said with a chuckle as I pulled my vest up over my head, his old eyes widened as he surveyed my body standing in front of him.. “Hmm.. good Abs there son” he said as I felt his eyes working their way down my frame, “And you’ve got great thigh muscles too.. those shorts are perfect for stretching exercises..” he said excitedly as he noticed how revealing they could be and his tone was so pleasant I felt really comfortable.. “Right, let’s see what we can do.. sit yourself back down and let’s start.. (I sat back down waiting for instructions).. This exercise will work your legs and your Abs, I want you to stretch your legs out and raise them upwards so they are horizontal to your body.. (I listened intently).. and then widen them as wide as you can.. shall we try that” he said and as it happens it was an exercise I’d done before so felt pretty comfortable doing it for him..

I raised my legs as he looked on and t immediately felt my Abs tighten, “That’s good Mikie, now widen them slowly and hold” he instructed and as I did so I saw him looking directly between my legs as I realised my little shorts weren’t exactly holding everything in.. “Oooh that’s great Mikie, now hold that position” he said with some excitement as he saw my bollocks hanging out on full view.. I soon realised my exposure, “So sorry about my.. um.. testicles being on show sir” I said as I held my legs wide and he just smiled at me.. “It’s ok son, we’re both men.. don’t worry about it.. keep them wide” he said and knowing he was looking made my cock start to respond..

“That’s great son, now bring them together and slowly widen them again.. Oooh that’s great, you have great control” he said as I followed his instructions and as I widened again my cock started to lift up the front of my shorts, he noticed the accidental movement and as I held my position I glanced down at his lap and noticed the old guy was getting aroused.. “Do you mind if I come closer and feel your muscle tone?” He asked softly as I held my legs wide.. “Be my guest sir.. you’re the boss” I replied as he slowly slid of his chair getting down onto his knees in front of me, I knew my nuts were exposed and I’m guessing he could see my dick slowly raising the front of my shorts… I sat back on the little sofa as he reached out putting his trembling hands on my thighs feeling my taught muscles, his touch made my cock pulse visibly under the thin fabric of my shorts.. “Oooh that’s great muscle tone Mikie, Oh yes.. very nice” he said as I get his hands moving upwards and in doing so pushed my legs wider, my cock was growing and Jack was getting excited as his fingers inched up my legs, I just hoped he didn’t have a heart attack..

He looked up at me and smiled as if he was looking for permission to go further.. “You’ve got a good touch sir, I feel good sir” I said as if to give him the green light and with that his fingers inched inside my shorts and I felt definite contact with my rising cock.. “Mmm.. that feels good Mikie, let’s have a look at this bad boy shall we” he said as he slid the gusset of my shorts to one side fully exposing my balls and hooked my dick out holding it firmly with his shaking hand.. “Oh god yes, that’s a lovely specimen of manhood, wow.. what a beauty” he said excitedly as he held my dick upright in his trembling hand, it was like all his Christmas’s had come together as his eyes widened, my legs started to strain and still widened I lowered them putting my feet on the floor as he pulled the foreskin back admiring my swollen helmet, I saw him licking his lips in anticipation knowing I wasn’t about to fight him off and as we made brief eye contact he lowered his head down and gently licked around my oozing tip scooping up the little precum that had appeared, he gave my balls a gentle squeeze as his tongue got busy licking up and down my shaft.. “Wow mate, this is so tasty.. thank god I met you today, I’m loving this bad boy.. you gonna let daddy suck this for you” he stammered as he took my cock deep into his mouth.. old Jack certainly liked himself some young cock.

“Let’s get these shorts off shall we” he said in a lustful voice as he grabbed the waistband and before I knew it I was naked on his sofa with him dribbling at the mouth and as he got to work on my throbbing boner it was obvious that he’d turned to guys since his wife departed, he knew what he was doing and was very attentive as his tongue swirled around my balls while he gently massaged my saliva covered cock, he pushed his other hand under me pushing his finger into my crack which was wet with his saliva and I felt him pushing inside me causing me to raise up allowing him better access, this motion forced my cock back into his mouth and the force of his suction soon had me nearing the brink, he knew when to ease off not wanting me to cum just yet and his technique was one of experience.. he had me trembling as he pushed his finger deeper into my arsehole.. “Mmm.. you like that huh” he sighed seeing my reaction and teased me with his tongue.. “Mmm.. lovely cock” he mumbled as he took me deep into his mouth, he may be old but fuck me did he know how to suck cock, my body was shaking and I didn’t know how much longer I could hold out and as I hadn’t cum yet today I knew he was in for a treat…

I lifted my knees up and wide which allowed for a better angle for his finger to push deeper and with the old man’s slobber providing more than adequate lubrication his masterful finger fuck was as good as his oral, he was really hitting the spot and I was on a different planet, there is something about make sex that can’t be replicated with females..

“Let’s have it Mikie.. Mmm” he mumbled as his suction got harder and I didn’t need asking twice, I was ready and as much as I wanted this feeling to last forever I was struggling to hold back and as he took me to the back of his throat again his finger wiggled against my sweet spot and that was it.. “OH GOD YESSSS!!” I cried out as spurt after spurt fired into his mouth, he struggled to keep up but his experience prevailed and he swallowed all I could give him without spillage and kept sucking until my balls were well and truly empty, I laid back on the sofa fighting for breath as Jack continued to lick around my softening shaft and as he eased his finger out of my arsehole he looked up at me smiling.. “Wow Mikie.. that was a big load.. you been saving that up for me” he said with some excitement in his voice as he licked his lips savouring the salty taste in his mouth, he gently milked a couple more drops taking delight in scooping them up with his tongue.

“Thank you sir” I said softly as I regained some kind of composure and he was having none of my gratitude.. “Oh no, thank YOU son” he said as he carefully got himself up and back on his chair.. “Have you been into the toilets in the park yet?” he asked with a smile on his face and I had to admit that it was my first visit to the park.. “You get all sorts in there son, you get the sluts from the school, even teachers and some of the young lads are divine.. plus it’s pretty private and if you hook up there’s plenty of secluded areas in the woods.. you picked a good exercise spot son” he said which was good information.. “And don’t forget where I live too, I’d love to suck that bad boy again” he added as I started to get dressed again and as we chatted I was convinced his sign of weakness in the park was just a rouse to get me back here.. it worked and I was truly thankful..

It’s no coincidence that on my first day I’d had two recommendations for the park and as I said my goodbyes to Jack I headed off back into the woods to the park, my car was there anyways and my thought process was to go with the flow, yes my run was important but I certainly wanted to get a feel for the place and check out the toilets, it was too hot for anything too strenuous and my body was still tingling with the after effects of Jacks wonderful blow job..

It was mid-afternoon and the schools hadn’t kicked out yet and when I arrived at the park there were far less people about than before and the only other vehicle in the car park was a cleaning van, I was sweating and decided to discard my vest and take a drink, I really needed to use the toilet but feared that it was closed for cleaning, worst case scenario was I’d piss in the woods, I walked slowly towards the little track leading to the toilet block and could only see one entrance which had a big yellow sign outside saying ‘Closed for cleaning’ but decided to give it a try.. I walked up to the open door and peered into the gloomy cottage..

“Hello” I said in a hopeful voice and it wasn’t long before the cleaner appeared around the corner.. it was a lady probably in her 30’s dressed in a button fronted council tunic, sleeves rolled up and she looked tired, her face was sweaty and her short dark hair looked like it had seen better days and she didn’t look like she was the brightest star in the sky, probably why she was a council cleaner.. if what I’d already heard about this place was true I didn’t envy her job at all having to clean up all the bodily fluids that had been dispersed.. she gave me a half-hearted smile as she looked at my semi naked body standing at the doorway.. “Any chance I could use the facilities quickly please Miss” I asked politely as she stood there with mop in hand.. she pointed to the big yellow sign and sighed..

“Can’t you read?.. the sign specifically says, ‘Closed for cleaning’.. can it not wait?” she snapped but then gave me another half-hearted smile.. I saw her name tag on her tunic and decided to be more personal.. “But Gloria, I’m really bursting” I said and just the use of her name seemed to lighten her up a bit.. “Oh ok then, seeing as you asked nicely.. be quick will you and use one of the cubicles.. I need to crack on or I’ll be late picking my girl up” she said reluctantly and as I followed her down the gloomy corridor I could see the outline of her knickers through the thin material of her tunic, we turned the corner and I could see a long trough which she’d asked me not to use and opposite were three open cubicles, the lighting wasn’t good so how she did her job was a mystery.. “I suppose I could use the ladies and let you crack on if that’s easier Gloria” I said thinking that the use of her name made the whole experience better believing that treating her as a person rather than just a cleaner would cheer her sad life up a bit, she turned to me and giggled..

“Ladies?.. there ain’t no ladies here mate.. what you see is for everyone..(she looked at the open cubicles).. take your pick” she said as she started to mop the floor in front of the open trough, her motion made her breasts swing and it was clear that she wasn’t wearing a bra and in this heat I don’t blame her, it was stifling and I have to say the smell wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be.. I chose the middle cubicle and as I locked the door it soon became apparent that there was a distinct lack of privacy, the dividing walls stood a good foot off the ground and there was a glory hole big enough to put your hand through on both walls and it was clear to see that Gloria was doing a great job in cleaning up, I was impressed and quickly pulled my shorts down standing at the bowl with my cock in my hand and as I started to piss I could see the mop flashing back and forth in the cubicle next to me, I wasn’t sure if she was having a sneaky peek but I turned slightly towards the hole as my golden stream hit the pan and the fact that the mopping stopped told me that she was obviously having a look..

She didn’t say anything and I knew she was in a rush so I didn’t force the issue and very quickly I heard her moving to the cubicle the other side of me, I gently eased around and could see the mop moving under the dividing wall and again it stopped as my golden stream subsided, I stood for a few seconds milking the drips before easing my shorts back up into place tucking my semi hard penis back inside and as I exited the cubicle she was waiting to mop the floor.. “Sounded like you needed that mate, hope you didn’t dribble on the floor” she said with a giggle as I washed my hands and if nothing else I think I’d brightened up her day..

“Right, that’s me done for the day” she said ringing out her mop and gathering up her cleaning materials.. “Hate this job but it does have its benefits” she said as I saw her glancing down at the bulge that had started to appear in my shorts.. I knew she was in a rush but I needed to find a way to prolong the situation.. “Here, let me help with that” I said as I grabbed her bucket and the cleaning tray, she looked up at me and smiled.. “Oh that’s very kind of you, what’s your name” she said and as she’d now finished her work her demeanour had changed to a more happier place.. “Mikie Moran Miss” I said cheerfully as she grabbed her sign and we walked back to her van..

“Lovely to meet you Mikie, don’t meet many ‘gentlemen’ in this job” she said as we loaded up her van, I knew time was short as she had to pick her daughter up but I decided to take a gamble.. “Tell me Gloria, do you do private work?” I asked and although I wasn’t looking for a cleaner it was an opportunity not to be passed by, she could only say no and I’ll never see her again.. she looked up at me trying not to ogle my body.. “I do have a few private clients, the council pay shit money for what I have to endure, why? Are you looking for a cleaner?” she said keeping a close eye on her watch.. “Well, I’ve just moved in my little flat and to be honest Gloria, cleaning is not my forte.. maybe you could fit me in sometime” I said excitedly and I’d certainly caught her attention..

“Well Mikie, I could always use the money, bringing up a teenage daughter isn’t cheap.. where do you live?” she said smiling as she reached into her van for something to write on, I wrote down my address for her and she seemed keen.. “Tell you what, let me go pick Sophie up and I’ll pop round and have a look, hope it’s cleaner than these shit holes” she said as she got in her van smiling, I knew she was in a rush.. “That’ll be excellent Gloria, I’m going home now anyway.. I’ll put the kettle on” I said with a smile and she looked up at me with a happy grin.. “Awesome Mikie, could do with a cuppa.. see you in half an hour or so” she said and I could still see her smiling as she drove off and I walked back to my car.. I didn’t envy her at all having to clean toilets all day and I was happy to contribute to her sorry lifestyle albeit I didn’t need a cleaner.. I drove home happy..
発行者 britguy
great story, you have a talent for writing
like it
Mmm looks like mother and daughter fun cumming up next awesome 
Love your dick stories.