When I knew I was attracted to Black Men part 2

After I had gotten out of college I had to fight the urge to be with black men ,for one my parents would never accept that I was with another man and god for bid if it was a black man . After I had gotten been home from college for a few years I started hearing about this hiv thing that was killing gays I thought how lucky I was since all the black men that had used me did me bare .When I got home I got a job teaching and met a woman who I married ,even though I still thought about having sex with men I never acted on it ,i didn't even know where to meet them . I was married about 10 years had 2 daughters my life should have been perfect but there was a big hole in it because even then I had to admit to myself that I missed cock even more important I missed black cock .It was about then that a new teacher started working in my school ,Hank was in his 40's never married pretty chubby and there were rumors he was a queer . I made a point of telling everybody I thought they were mean for spreading those rumors and went out of my way to be friendly to him .
Hank seemed to be a mans man loved sports smoked and drank ,he was big on fishing and golf and we talk fishing all the time .First time he took me on his boat he told me he was queer and said he knew from looking at me I liked cock too and no matter how much I denied it he would say I had the look of a queer ,any way we are out in the middle of the Great South Bay with nobody around and out of the blue he takes his shirt and shorts off and is standing there on just his sneakers .His cock was maybe 4 in semi hard and he could see i couldn't take my eye off it .He laughed and started to play with it while I started ,he told me I should strip too and as if in a trance I did ,then he pushed me to my knees and brought my head to his cock and without even being told to I took him in my mouth and started to suck him .He just guided my head telling me he knew I was a cock sucker ,he could see that my dick was hard .Soon I could taste his pre cum and knew soon I would be getting my reward ,when he came he pulled my head close and shot times into my mouth .When he was done he pulled his cock from my mouth and rubbed it on my face ,then he stood me up got on his knees and sucked me.I was in heaven I couldn't believe how good it and i came in no time. It was my 1st blow job ,none of the black men in college ever blew me and my wife would never .When I finished cumming I realized that we w ere both naked in and open boat in the middle of the bay, anybody could have seen us , I stared to get my shorts but hank stopped me ,told me relax ,he handed me a beer we sat down and he said he knew that wasn't my 1st time so as we sat there naked drinking beer I told him about all the things I did in college and he told me how he started after we were done he kind of leaned of and kissed me ,I got hard again and I reached over started to feel his cock grow to it's full 7 in and without being told I got on my knees and sucked his cock again not caring if anybody saw me ,he took longer this time and just as he came in my mouth I came all over the bottom of the boat.
When we were done fishing that day we were able to be very open with each other ,I explained how I missed serving black man and he told me he was what they called a versatile bottom ,somebody that mostly liked taking cock but once in a while liked to fuck a guy .When he wanted i let him fuck me but i stilled longed for black cock , one Saturday night he took me to a gay bar about an hour from my house .He just told me it was a bar until we walked in and I saw it was only guys .They all looked so at ease dancing and kissing ,I got hard just watching .We went and sat at the bar had a beer and just looked around the bar I saw several hot black men ,there was 3 black men sitting at a table in the back when I looked at them one looked at me and smiled ,I looked away embarrassed that he saw me looking .When I looked up he was walking towards me .he put his hand on my shoulder said I must be new here ,I kind of stuttered and said yes it was my 1st time .He invited me and Hank to come sit with his friends .I wasn't too sure but hank almost ran to the table . We made our introductions the man that came and got us was Karl .they ordered my drinks and we sat and talked soon i was feeling very comfortable with Karl ,he was rubbing my leg kissing my neck ,when he took me to the dance floor he kissed me and slid his hand down the back of my pants ,I was so turned on .Sometime later he took my hand and lead me out the back of the bar to his car we got in the back seat started to make out like teenagers soon my shirt was off and he opened his pants and had me take his cock out ,it was atleast 6 in already and only semi hard ,he started calling me sugar and honey as he pulled my face to his cock .I took him in my mouth and started to sucked him as he got harder and harder in my mouth ,while i was sucking him I could feel him him rubbing my ass and pulling my pants down .When he was fully hard he was an easy 9 thick inches ,he had 2 fingers in my hole telling me he wanted my pussy ,he pulled my pants off ,out of one of his pockets he got some lube hen handed it to me told me lube up his cock and my pussy and when we were ready he rolled me over on my back and slid his cock into me .it hurt a bit going in but I loved it ,loved hoe it stretched my hole and filled me up .I wrapped my arms and legs around him and held on as he fucked me .He didn't fuck
like the guys back in school just pounding away he took his time slowly fucked me I could feel his cock slide in and out he was kissing my neck as he fucked me slowly starting to fuck me faster and faster,I was moaning like a girl telling him cum in me after about 15 minutes he started to fuck me hard and fast then he pushed into me and pulled my ass close to him .while we laid there sweating in the back of the car I realized some time during the fuck I had cum all over our stomachs when Karl saw that he had me lick it off his stomach all the time I could feel his cum leaking down my leg .He held me a bit ,I told him i never had anybody make me feel this way .He said prove it he told me get out of the car stand naked and he would tell me when to get dressed .so there I was standing naked outside his car while he smoked a cigarette people walking past and yelling things at me ,but I didn't care .When Karl was done he told me just put my pants and shoes back on and he lead me back to the bar topless with my belly hanging over my belt but never felt sexier .We sat at the table he had his arm around me made me feel special .
When it was time to leave Karl took my keys from me and told me he was going to drive and were we going to his place ,as he drove he put his arm around me then pulled me over told me suck his cock while he drove ,so I'm slowly sucking his cock as we drove ,I still didn't have my shirt on next thing I know I hear him giving an order at a burger king I started to get up he told me stay where in am as we drove up to the window I heard the black girl say something about I guess he is already having his snack and they both laughed at me .I sat up and turned away from them ,Karl told her i was shy .He pulled into a parking spot and started to eat ,I leaned over to suck him when he stopped me .He told me I disobeyed him and now I had to be punished ,if I wanted his cock I had to be naked ,so I took my pants and shoes off and handed them to him he told me socks too then threw them into the back seat while I sucked him I could hear him eating and singing with the radio, When he was done he drove us to his house ,we pulled in front of his house he had me sit up and I saw we were in a very low income area .Karl told me this was his house lets go ,I reached over the seat for my things and he stopped me told me I walk naked to his house or just leave so I got out and walked behind him to the door hoping nobody would see me ,when we got to the door he took his time finding his keys then I heard a woman's voice yell something about my fat white ass .When we got in he lead mt to his living room took off his pants and sat down ,I knelt in front of him and started to suck him when he was hard he told me turn around and sit on it .as I sat on it i could feel it spread open my hole ,I was thankful I still had enough cum and lube in my ass that it went right in , I let it slide all the way to my ass then I pushed up with my legs until the head was almost out then sat on it again ,I was doing this for a while when Karl smacked my ass told me go faster ,my knees were killing me but i wanted to please Karl so I went faster ,then in mid stroke he grabbed my hips and slammed me down on his cock and I felt him cum in me .When he was done I just sat there trying to feel my legs ,Karl smacked my ass again told me get off .When I did most of the cum in my ass leaked onto his cock and balls . He told me clean it but when I turned to get a clothe he called me a bitch told me use me tongue ,so I got on my knees again started to lick the cum off his cock and ball ,I had to pretty much suck it out of his pubs ,then he had me put his cock in my mouth and clean that,I could taste his cum but also my ass which kind of grossed me out but I did a good job .When I was done he saw my dick was hard and had me jerk off while he watched and when I came he had me rub it on my face .Then he told me get out he would call me and I had better drive home naked .I walked to my car naked a car passed and honked his horn .I got in my car and drove home naked not so much that I was afraid he would know but I did it because he told me too.
I was with Karl for over 5 years and for the 1st time I was truly owned and happy .
発行者 gastguy52
受信者 Dreadfaggotrobert : oh hell yeah so would I
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受信者 gastguy52 : I was sore for two days but would do it again in a heart beat
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受信者 Dreadfaggotrobert : After the 3 of them i was only a bit sore could have done a few more
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受信者 gastguy52 : Yes they do
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受信者 Dreadfaggotrobert : that's the best part with more cocks they keep going
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受信者 gastguy52 : They used me all night long
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受信者 Dreadfaggotrobert : I'll bet black cock everywhere
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受信者 gastguy52 : It was amazing I wanted to do it again and try even more
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受信者 Dreadfaggotrobert : you are my hero
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受信者 gastguy52 : Four a couple of times
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受信者 Dreadfaggotrobert : damn I  would be in heavan
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受信者 gastguy52 : I had 5 once
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受信者 Dreadfaggotrobert : Yes I  know all I  want is more, most black guys I've been with a one time was 3 would love to try more
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受信者 gastguy52 : We cannot help ourselves
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受信者 Dreadfaggotrobert : I would leave after being used and humiliated and swear I  was done then he would email me and I  went back
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受信者 gastguy52 : I never could stop either
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受信者 Dreadfaggotrobert : I  couldn't help it I  tried to stop a few times
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受信者 gastguy52 : That would do it
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受信者 Dreadfaggotrobert : I  think she had an idea I  liked cock but never said anything
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受信者 gastguy52 : Oh ok thanks
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受信者 Dreadfaggotrobert : we are seperated but she has no idea I;m a fag for black men
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What happen to your wife?
受信者 lokey1 : thank you
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Hot story 
受信者 Naughtynev69 : thank you
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受信者 subcuckwm : It is so hot pleasing others
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I have just recently turned my life over to 2 gorgeous Superior Black Men. My life is now complete.
受信者 hacene2017 : it will change you
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I love you my sexy dad ... because you are good fag like me ... just me not yet fuck with a black man ... Maybe in the future when I have used.