Victoria Ch3 - Victoria’s cuckold

Victoria chapter 3

Victoria’s cuckold

Since my wife’s mother Victoria had last used me as her sexual plaything we had not had any contact, I might have thought she felt guilty or embarrassed at the way she had behaved but it hadn’t stopped her being in regular contact with my wife Sarah, it seemed they spoke on the phone almost daily and I know they had met several times, they seemed closer than ever, it angered me to think Victoria could use me as a toy for her amusement yet carry on with Sarah as if nothing had happened.
Although my anger simmered I had become obsessed with thoughts of Victoria, replaying our recent encounters where I bowed to her every demand, my mind was full of images of her naked body, imagining fantasy scenarios where she tormented me sexually, driving my increased masturbation and causing me involuntary and unwanted erections

Even when I made love to my wife the image of her manipulative but gorgeous mother was in my head. Sarah was of course oblivious to my distraction and as much as I felt guilt at my betrayal of her, for some time now our relationship had become stale and boring compared to the electric thrill I felt at the hands of her mother, it was the fault of neither or both of us I guess, there just wasn’t the thrill lately.
Fantasies of further meetings with Victoria however were never far from my mind, even though she had never pleasured me beyond a tease, leaving me to finish myself off, I still wanted to be with her.
Logic told me I was being a fool and should dismiss these thoughts as no more than a c***dish crush, a dangerous one at that!

Now, another month later, I got a call at about 8 o’clock one Thursday evening...Victoria
“Hello David, I need to see you, I’m at the service area on junction 12, I’ll wait for you”
“Look I can’t come out now, I’m busy” I said abruptly, Sarah looked over at me
“Who is it?” She mouthed
I covered the phone “just someone from work”
“I need you to come now David, just make your excuses and leave” Victoria demanded
“I’m sorry I can’t, you’ll have to call someone else” I said and hung up
Sarah looked up again “it’s alright darling, you can go if you need to, I don’t mind. It’s not like you to be so abrupt with people”
“It’s fine” I said “I’m sure they’ll sort it out”
But a minute later my phone beeped with a message “It has to be you...NOW”
And there was an attachment...the photo of me in the garden, naked!
“I’ll have to sort this out” I said, getting up and heading for the kitchen
“It’s ok honey, if you need to go out I mean, if someone needs your help that’s fine” Sarah called
I thought for a second, then decided to call Victoria’s bluff, after all it was just a picture of me without clothes, I was sunbathing, that's all...with an erection.
“Do what you have to Victoria, I’m not prepared to play your silly games anymore”. I pressed send
A minute later came the reply
“They’re our ADULT games David and I thought you quite enjoyed them, just think of the upset you could cause if you ended them” there was another attachment
As the photo opened I could barely believe my eyes
It was me standing over Victoria in the bedroom spraying her tits with semen. WTF! How did she get this?
“Ok” I wrote “I’ll be there in fifteen”
“I’m sorry” I said as I kissed my wife “I’ll be back as soon as I can”

Spotting Victoria’s red Mercedes as soon as I pulled into the motorway service area I parked a couple of rows behind her and walked to the car, she wasn’t there.
The autumn evening air was cool on my face as I walked to the light of the 24hr services. Striding through the automatic doors I scanned the foyer for Victoria, most of the retail outlets were closed with only the main shop and a fast food outlet at the far end still open, the large restaurant was the only other area with any sign of life.
I headed there and immediately spotted Victoria at the register, her mass of red curls drawing my eye like a moth to a candle. She wore a long grey military style great coat reaching to her mid calf.
As she turned from the register she looked straight at me as if she already knew I was there and gave me a warm, somehow satisfied looking smile.
Her shiny red stiletto heels clicked on the marble floor as she walked towards me, impossibly elegant even though she carried a tray with two cups on it.
“Over here” she said, as she passed me and led on to a booth away from both the servery and the main foyer and entrance.
I followed in silence, hypnotised by her catwalk style, focusing on the black seamed back stockings glimpsed from under her coat.
She placed the tray and slid on to the bench seat, I sat opposite
“What do you want from me Victoria?”
“Just your company David, I got you cappuccino, I hope that’s ok”
“It’s fine Victoria but what do you really want from me? Is it just to humiliate me for your own pleasure…or do you want to cause trouble for me and Sarah, what?” I asked frustratedly.
“It’s neither David, I’d just like us to get on well and have some fun, I didn’t realise you found our meetings quite such an ordeal, I had thought you may actually have enjoyed them” she said, sounding actually a little hurt.
“I’m sorry Victoria but can’t you see, this is all a little strange to me, it’s very difficult and unsettling, I have enjoyed our” I paused to find the right word “encounters, but I’m left feeling confused, even worried at what might happen next.
“I didn’t mean to confuse you David I apologise for that, it’s just, I have a certain way I’d like to do things, it’s just my way”
I sat in silence for a moment staring at the table, then took my coffee from the tray
“Sorry David” she said as she watched me gazing into the cup “do you take sugar?”
It was actually the furthest thing from my mind at the moment
“Uhh…yes” I answered involuntarily
“I’ll fetch you some” she said, getting up from the table
“It’s ok” I tried to say “I can get it”
But she was on her way

I watched as she went to the wooden island of small compartments and collected sugar and spoons
As she walked back across the half lit area her left hand went the the buttons of her double breasted coat and unfastened each one before both hands went to her pockets and slowly drew back the heavy material like a pair of theatre curtains, revealing she was completely naked underneath apart from the stilettos and a pair of lace top stockings!
I’m sure I audibly gasped and my eyes must have almost popped out of my skull as they took in the sight of her, then darted about the restaurant to see who else may have been looking, only a couple near the window, who looked too busy with each other to notice anything and a man with a laptop could have seen my mother-in-laws perfect naked form as she strutted towards our table. This was no quick flash either, it was a full 30ft stroll back to me, her lovely breasts firm and pointy, her wonderful pussy looking just as smooth and inviting as it had on our last meeting.
She sat down, next to me this time, budging me along the vinyl seat
“How many sugars David? I’ll be Mum” she breathed teasingly.
“Uhh, two please” I mumbled “Jesus Victoria, anyone could have seen you then, what are you thinking?”
“Oh don’t be so dramatic David, there’s hardly anyone here and what are they going to do anyway? Stare…raise their eyebrows! Where’s your sense of adventure?”
“Look I know you want to shock me Victoria but I don’t want to be here when you’re arrested for…flashing or something, I’m sure that guy over there must have seen you”
I nodded towards the man with the laptop, who I’m certain had glanced our way a couple of times since Victoria sat down.
Victoria looked over at him and he looked up then immediately away again
“He looks a perfectly nice gentleman” she said “I’m sure if he did see anything he would be suitably discreet, probably made his day”
She stirred the coffee then turned to me lifting her left leg up onto the bench
Her elbow rested on the the table and her manicured hand stroked her neck before she opened her coat to show me her body again
“You like to look don’t you David” she said
And while I stared she took my hand and placed it on her full soft breast, pressing it hard against her before pushing it down over her belly to touch her naked pussy.
“Finger me David, I want you to feel my cunt”
My fingers slipped between the soft folds, over the firm knot of her clitoris and into her slippery hole. Victoria’s eyes closed a little, her tongue moistened pouting lips, her lungs filled and stomach tightened as a second digit probed her eager pussy.
She squirmed a little on my hand
“I know you want me David” she said quietly “and I can make you do as I please but I’d much rather you want to do as I ask, to wish to please me”
“Oh I do want to please you Victoria, really I do” I simpered
“Then please don’t interrupt when I’m speaking, just listen and don’t dare take your hand away, I need you to do exactly as I say, when I say and without question, do you understand?”
“If we are to meet again I need you to do what you’re told without hesitation or protest, I have control, alright?”
I glanced away at the laptop man and was convinced I caught him watching us again.
“Do you agree David” she demanded “do I have your word? Or do I return to being just your mother-in-law?”
“Yes, yes I agree Victoria, of course I agree”
How could I possibly refuse as I sat with my hand firmly planted, massaging her from the inside.
She softened and squirmed once more on my fingers
“Thank you, I’m sure it will be great fun” she said and pulled me in close to kiss me passionately on the mouth
As I melted to her touch she gently eased my hand away from her pussy to her silky thigh and turned to sit straight, pulling her coat together to cover her breasts as she moved
I was sure I caught the laptop man again and felt certain there was no way he could have failed to glimpse Victoria’s naked tits as she had turned around, but Victoria appeared totally unconcerned, sipping her coffee while her free hand moved to my crotch to massage the raging hard-on in my trousers.
As we finished our coffee and Victoria continued to stroke at the growing discomfort in my lap, I raced over what I had just agreed, although I had keenly accepted her conditions I really had little idea what I was agreeing to! Was I her slave? What would she demand of me? I just didn’t know, what I did know was that she made me feel alive, invigorated and that the sense of unknown and danger was so exciting, I just wanted to please her.

With our cups empty Victoria looked to me and said
“I need to use the Ladies, give me two minutes then come and meet me in the foyer”
She got up and headed, not for the exit but towards the laptop man, leaning over his table she spoke a few words, he looked up at her but did not appear to reply, she turned and walked away towards the toilets
I gave her a minute or two then followed, standing opposite the corridor leading to the toilet facilities.
Victoria emerged from the Ladies, her coat still unfastened but overlapping enough to conceal her nudity
“Come along David” she said, like a school mistress to her young pupil and offered her hand as she turned towards the exit. I had to almost run to catch her and take hold of her cool slender fingers, squeezing tight and feeling…sort of proud to be on the hand of such a beautiful and confident creature.
We walked purposefully towards the dark of the night outside and on leaving the building Victoria led me, not back to our cars but along the edge of the car park, following the perimeter pathway lined with a thick privet hedge, the cars grew fewer as we distanced ourselves from the buildings but looking back I saw the figure of a man about 20 yards behind, the laptop man following at a distance?
The overhead lighting offered an orange glow to the near empty car park as we walked in silence.
Noticing my backward glances Victoria questioned me
“Someone behind?”
“I think it’s the man from the restaurant” I replied in a hushed tone
“Take my coat” she said, slipping it from her shoulders
“Wh-what?” I stammered
I slowed my pace as I looked behind again then back to Victoria’s bare ass, her outstretched arm holding the long coat
Jumping forward to level with her, I took the coat
“What are you up to Victoria?”
She didn’t answer but walked slowly on another 10 yards or so before turning through an opening in the hedge to reach a large enclosed grassy area, dotted about the area were several picnic benches and s**ttered small trees
Victoria headed to the nearest table and as soon as I caught up to her she pulled me close, in one swift movement she unzipped my jacket then yanked at my belt, she drew me to her lips and her tongue darted inside my willing mouth while her hands deftly opened my trousers to draw out my stiffening cock.
My arms drew around her, dropping her coat on the table to allow my hands to roam her cool pale flesh. As we kissed harder and I revelled in her wanton nakedness, her hands were undressing me, pushing my jacket off then my trousers to my knees.
“Shoes off” she whispered as her fingers unbuttoned my shirt, obediently I kicked them off for her.
Any concerns over being naked in this public place seemed irrelevant now, a wild longing swept over me, a longing to do as Victoria wished and to have her, to have her here and now.
My hands cupped her face as she bent to kiss over my chest then dropped to a squat before me, sucking at the tip of my cock while she pulled my trousers off.
When my socks came off one by one the damp grass was cold but sensual on my feet, the still night air cool on my skin while Victoria’s touch warmed my buttocks and thighs and her mouth burned at my manhood.
I thought I might cum right then had she not stopped to stand up, stroking me with her body as she did so. Our lips met again and she kissed me deeply before biting lightly at my bottom lip and gently pushing me backwards.
She looked past me over my shoulder and I turned to see the laptop man standing near the hedge, his cock in hand, wanking at the sight of us.
Victoria beckoned to him and he walked over, without saying a word she reached for his cock, stroking its length, eyeing its form intently.
The man, dressed smartly in a business suit and open necked shirt looked to me as if for consent to carry on.
I looked only at Victoria, stood boldly like an ivory statue in her stilettos and hold up stockings, stroking an apparent stranger's cock in a motorway picnic area!
As this guy bulged in her hand she looked at me and said quietly
“Lay my coat on the table”
I did as I was asked and she backed up to sit on the edge, pulling the man with her by his cock.
She guided him to her pussy and he sank immediately into her beautiful body.
With a slight gasp and an arch of her back my mother-in-law lay prone on the table, her legs drawn up around the man's waist, allowing him to thrust into her, and thrust he did, each stroke longer and harder until he was banging at her cunt, rocking the table.
Victoria’s tits bouncing in the bright moonlight had me tugging at my own cock.
She looked towards me and reaching out cupped my balls, squeezing firmly and pulling me towards her
“Kiss my breasts” she breathed while her head jerked back and forth.
I leaned in and took a stiff cool nipple into my mouth, the flesh puckered with the cold and excitement and she moaned in delight at my touch, I groped and sucked at them madly and the guys thrusting slowed to long easy strokes.
Victoria’s hands ran over her belly before taking mine, urging them to do the same, stroking her firm flat stomach, gradually guiding them lower to press against the mound of her pubis, almost to her pussy.
The guy's cock still stroking away at her lovely hole was just a finger's length away and Victoria pushed me down to touch it, to feel it’s slippery length as it eased between her open legs. Our fingers traced and spread her lips and covering my hand with hers Victoria forced my middle digit inside her, alongside this man's fat cock.
She was tight but soaking with both of us there, gasping as I reached her G-spot while massaging her mound with my palm.
“Yes, yes, don’t stop” she moaned “fuck me”
I really wanted to but more than that I wanted her to feel pleasure and when her hand rested on my head to push me down I gladly went to her pussy, to smell her musk and taste the wetness on this stranger's cock.
My tongue flicked over her clitoris every time he drew out and I felt the ridge of his glans before being forced away each time he plunged in.
After only a few strokes like this he forced in hard and with a groan unloaded deep inside her, jerking his hips until he was spent.
My head rested on her belly and I watched as his softening cock slipped from my mistresses cunt
His breathing was deep and heavy as he forced his still swollen member into his trousers and zipped up his fly. He glanced down at me and then Victoria with a thoughtful, perhaps puzzled look and after scanning the picnic area as if now concerned for the first time that we may have been observed, he turned and walked away, leaving us alone.
I leaned, still with my cheek on Victoria’s belly, gently kissing her tender flesh until she sat up a little
“Come and take my place” she said
I lay back on the silky lining of her coat and she climbed up and straddled me in a 69 position, sitting straight up on my face, her hands rested on my stomach
“Now eat me son, that's what you’re really good at isn’t it”
Her soaking wet sex engulfed my face, probing her released a flood of semen to my waiting mouth, I had to swallow hard to keep from choking on the thick salty fluid overwhelming me. Victoria slid up and down my face, wetting me from chin to eyebrows
“That’s it, eat me bitch, clean up my cunt” she taunted, and slapped at my erect cock, causing me now to moan between her thighs, her silky stockings against my skin.
As she squirmed, faster then slower on my face, controlling how my tongue fucked her, she continued to slap and occasionally pull at my aching cock, then holding me tightly with her hand she leaned forward and took me into her hot mouth, sucking me deep to the back of her throat, almost immediately forcing my orgasm she released me from her lips to spray her chest and my stomach with more spunk.
As I jerked in spasm her thighs gripped my face and she came in torrents, her wetness covered me again as she rubbed her silky body against mine.
While our breathing slowed she slid down from the table and began to collect up my clothes, placing them in a heap at the end
I stood up slowly and reached out to touch her face but she teasingly moved away and took her coat, pulling it around her shoulders, grabbing the pile of clothes she took another step away leaving me naked by the table.
“Come along David, before someone comes” she teased, and looking over her shoulder she headed for the car park
I started after her but she was through the opening before I could reach her
“Victoria, please” I begged “my clothes”
“Come along, I’ve got them for you” she said, smiling wickedly
Flicking her hair over a shoulder she marched off into the well lit open area of parking bays
I peeked out from the entrance, hissing “Victoria” as loud as I dared. I crept along the damp grass, hugging the hedge, trying to keep to the shadows.
Looking back at me Victoria chuckled
“Shoes?” She said dropping one of my black trainers
It was about 20 yards from me in a wide open space
“You had better fetch it if you don’t want to go home barefoot” she teased
Glancing about nervously I sprinted out to grab it then darted back to cover
‘Bitch’ I thought ‘beautiful bitch’ A few yards further on and another shoe was discarded, by now we were nearing the few cars dotted about the carpark and again I raced out to grab it, this time taking cover behind a van.
Victoria passed my car and walked on to hers, the door unlocked as she approached and she dropped into the driver’s seat.
Reaching the rear of her car I crouched at the bumper then moved to tap at the window, all the time praying that Victoria didn’t just drive off! and that no one would come from the building to catch me bollock naked in the carpark.
Victoria’s window lowered and she beckoned me to her, I slid along the side of her car clutching only my shoes
“Stand up” she said when I reached her
Nervously I stood, slowly, half hunched at the window
“Stand up I said, and give me your penis” she commanded
As I stood closer she reached out and yanked at my limp dick, pulling me against the car door, by now I’d dropped my shoes and my hands rested on the car roof, my balls on the cold window sill
“I do love it when you do as you’re told” she said as her hot mouth covered my cock and drew it inside. Instantly I was hardening despite my fear of being caught and I moaned as her lips slid down my shaft, my naked thighs pressed hard against the cold steel door panel. As I reached full hardness that magic tongue swirled over the tip and induced a shudder that swept through my entire body, her teeth bit firmly down on the shaft and she sucked hard before releasing me.
“Now stand back” she ordered and I meekly moved back a couple of inches
“Further…go on…and keep your hands on the roof”
I stepped back until my arms were outstretched, my bulging member pointing out in front of me
Reaching to her side Victoria took my clothes from the passenger seat and dropped them out of the window at my feet, then starting the engine immediately drove away leaving me totally exposed in the bright orange glow of the carpark lights
I grabbed the pile of clothes and slinked away to my car, fumbling through the tangled pockets I searched for the keys to let me in to my sanctuary all the while trembling with the fear that someone could still catch me naked
At last I was inside and pulling on my clothes, amazed but grateful that in what seemed like ages not a single person had come to or from the glowing building.
Surprisingly my cock was still semi erect as I struggled into my trousers, tempting me to squeeze at my hard-on and leave the fly open so that I could stroke myself as I drove from the scene of my latest encounter with my mother-in-law.

She’d left me feeling used but still wanting so I had to find a quiet place to stop and wank off before returning home to my waiting wife.
発行者 Loveitall66
tatlocks 2ヶ月前
受信者 Loveitall66 : You are welcome, I look forward to reading more interesting submissions. 
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Loveitall66 公開者 2ヶ月前
受信者 tatlocks : Thanks so much for the comments, I really love to hear them all
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tatlocks 2ヶ月前
You write so well. That mix of excitement and anxiety, it's very erotic. Nothing like fear mixed with desire to control !
Loveitall66 公開者 4ヶ月前
受信者 AireyPorter : Thanks for your comment and so glad you’ve enjoyed, there is a part draft of part 4 but I’ve been distracted by other stories recently. M’way services can be a really strange and quiet environment at certain times, there have got to be some instances?
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AireyPorter 4ヶ月前
Nice set of stories about "Victoria the Dominatrix".
I'll echo what others have said, be great to read a Part 4 and thinking about the M'way services fuck - I wonder how often that really does happen ?
Loveitall66 公開者 9ヶ月前
Thanks for your comment, so glad you enjoyed them. I’ve still got plenty of ideas and actually started part 4 but felt it was maybe getting too long and just really never found the time to finish, maybe I’ll come back to it one day?
Loveitall66 公開者 10ヶ月前
受信者 SicMic64 : So glad you enjoyed my stories, I love writing them and it’s great to get positive feedback, thanks. I’d write more if I just had the time and opportunity 
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SicMic64 10ヶ月前
excellent, all three were great reading thanks for sharing 
MassMan669 2年前
I think I married into the wrong family. My mother-in-law never lets me eat her cummy pussy....but then again, I've never asked. 
Leomoore 2年前
She has you right where she wants you.  No going back now.  Hope you get to fuck her soon.
mmmichaelmmm 2年前
That is so hot, I almost felt the shivering thrill of being exposed and that someone might catch me. Shivering is correct from the cold and the lust for the forbidden. mmm
bingobob3018 2年前
受信者 Loveitall66 : Still think that Victoria's husband and daughter could be i on this too.
Liked the idea of them fucking at the M'way services picnic area. Makes you wonder how regularly it happens !
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Loveitall66 公開者 2年前
受信者 bingobob3018 : Poor David (let’s not feel too sorry for him) I think he’s destined to be the sub
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bingobob3018 2年前
So, now we know. Victoria like to dominate. Liked the twist with the laptop guy fucking her too. Bet David thought his "luck" was in 
snrcurious 2年前
I love these stories! So well written too! Wish i was as lucky as David....