Public photo galleries no longer public

I recently noticed that my personal photographs in my gallery which were once available for public viewing are now only accessible to me.
I have also noticed that most of my friends' (once) public galleries are now the same, whereby the galleries have a greyed-out area which states 'Waiting For Moderation' when I try to view them. Basically, we can no longer view any of them.

I know I'm not the only one who has noticed this and I'm a little 'late to the party', so to speak so I decided to contact Xhmaster to find out what (and why this) is happening. The reply I received was this:

According to the latest regulations in the industry our users are allowed to publish only the content supported by the full set of documents which includes: IDs of all performers, models releases with consent for shooting, distribution, download and 2257 form.
At the moment all the pictures without documents were removed from the public view and set to ‘Waiting for moderation’ status. Now you have time to become a verified creator, provide all the documents and restore the content back to public view.
We are constantly working on making xHamster a safe and pleasant experience by protecting the rights of content owners and preventing the distribution of potentially prohibited content.
Note that in the nearest future all content that was uploaded without supporting documents might be removed.
You can convert your account into a Creator and verify yourself and your content by submitting your documents here:
Thank you for your support and understanding.
Kind regards,
xHamster Team

Although I kinda understand the logic here, it's also pretty bad for us 'non-verified creators'.
Basically, from my understanding of this, it means that unless we become 'verified creators', the 'waiting for moderation' tag will never be removed but, our content will be (removed) - in the near future. Gone, zapped into cyberspace.

I can't see many Xhamster members, or rather any of my friends on here, being too happy about this but hey, it looks like we have very little choice. We either provide some form of valid, personal ID (driving licence, passport etc) or we don't get to see any material or upload anything ourselves.I can't see this ending well.
発行者 Purple_Vein
i'm going to leave. I'm deleting all my content first and then deactivate my profile. It was nice knowing lots of wonderful people including you Purple_Vein. Fuck xhamster.
It's come to the point where I no longer want to use xhamster. I'm not giving my ID and a face picture to this shower of arseholes. I couldn't upoad a new video I made, there are no photos allowed and even posts can be rejected because they consider that there is an inappropriate word in it, but they don't even tell you which word(s) it is. Fuck 'em.
*** Please note that I'm choosing my words carefully because admins here seem to have become rather sensitive to criticsm & have started censoring certain words & phrases ***

Providing the amount of personal information they're now demanding in order to post is (IMHO) stupidly dangerous & something that none of us signed up for.
While this data is being handled by a specialist third-party organisation, I still don't feel I can trust them as they themselves are targets for online criminals exactly because they hold such information. These organisations DO get hacked, so I have to ask myself what the consequences might be if that should happen ?

Personally, I'm switching my posting activity to other sites that don't seem quite so determined to drive away amateur (or perhaps more accurately, *non-paying*) posters.
The prudes around the world are winning. Porn is dirty so must be perverts posting it. Threaten porn sites to block or remove it. If not shut the site down. It's tough for xHamster, it's a business and has to make it's dollar's. But are we all going to be registered porn producing members? Verifying that we or anybody appearing with us is legitimate. Most users upload solo stuff. Enjoying the voyeurs watching them. Some users do take other people's content pass it off as there own. Some has been dodgy to put it mildly. So xHamster take a sledgehammer to crack a walnut.
It's getting really boring on xhamster so does it really matter anymore, there loss. Not worth risking with sites being hacked and personal information being leaked and stolen.
This is really annoying and I'm not sure how I feel about showing my ID considering sites in the past have been compromised and have had this information stolen, hope videos aren't next