Let me tell you a story,

I've just left University with a pretty good degree. The plan was for that some friends would get together and travel for a gap year. One of the girls had to pull out but said she could come if we delayed for a few months. After a conversation in the university bar we all decided that we would prefer to all go so we would wait.

That left left me at a bit of a loose end so I had to think of something to occupy myself. I was browsing the notice board when I saw an ad for a part time cleaner in a house with an address in very high class end of town. It took me a while to summon the confidence to call since I am quite timid. Eventually I did and spoke with a lady who, to be honest sounded like her 'posh' accent was a bit fake but I agreed to go over for a chat to see what she needed doing and if I was happy with it.

Before the agreed time I went home and put on freshly laundered jeans and a t-shirt that was not only free of pizza, curry etc stains but had actually been ironed! Very unusual.

I presented myself at the agreed time and she invited me into what turned out to be a lovely home. She showed me around the large house and asked if I thought I could manage. I said OK but it would probably take the best part of a day every week. We agreed a wage, not much but enough to allow me to save more for our trip since I don't really have any living costs. My parents are happy to support me financially. But I digress....

The following Tuesday I returned and rang the front door bell. She answered and allowed me in but said that in future she would prefer I use the back door, I rather think she fancied it to be the servant's entrance.... A bit pulled up by the bootstrings pretending she was from old money. Not my concern though. She showed me the understairs cupboards where the cleaning supplies were kept and commented that my scruffier clothes would be perfect. She then repeated what she expected to be done and left me to get on with my job. After a couple of hours she called me into the lounge and told me that she wanted a coffee. My thought was "Well, make a coffee and make me one too while you're at it." Errrmm.... no. Obviously I was expected to do that too. The bespoke kitchen boasted a coffee maker that would have put NASA to shame. My Honours degree in electrical engineering came in handy and I presented her with her perfect coffee. I think THAT took her by surprise. It was clear however that I wasn't going to be invited to make myself one. I would have loved to sit on the wrought iron chair at the back door and enjoy a coffee and a longed for cigarette. Nope. Not going to happen Emma. Anyway, I continued working for the agreed length of time and let her know I was ready to leave. She asked me to wait while she checked my work. You know, running her fingers along shelves checking for dust, that sort of thing. She agreed that she was sort of satisfied with what little I had achieved and told me she would be pleased if I came back the following week.

I wasn't impressed with her at all but still, it was easy money so I went back the next week and the next. By by 3rd week she had obviously decided she could leave me alone in her precious house. I did a load of laundry and carried on with the rest of my work. When the laundry was ready to be put away I took it to the main bedroom. I folded it and left it on their bed. I wondered if it would be a good idea to put it away. Couldn't do any harm I decided. Just as I was putting the gentleman of the house's underwear in the drawer he came home early. Now, I hadn't met him before. I have to say, I liked what I saw. He looked angry at shouted what was I doing in the drawers. I tried to explain but he wasn't convinced.

I explained over and over and eventually he believed me. He went down and sat in the lounge and we went through the same make a coffee ritual as she had. Not by job buddy. Again I complied. This time I really did want a coffee and a cigarette and decided to risk sitting outside for 10 minutes. Stupidly, I left the door open and the smell of smoke must have travelled through the house. "EMMA" he roared my name. I hurried through and he demanded to know what I thought I was doing leaving that dreadful smell. I apologised and he told me that he must never find me smoking in or around his house again or I would be taught a lesson. I had no idea what he meant by that but left the room and carried on with my work. As I was leaving he paid me and demanded I give him the remainder of the packet of cigarettes. I thought that was unfair but remembered the lesson he had mentioned. Anyway I had plenty of money to buy more so I handed them over and left thinking it had been a bit odd but soon forgot.

As time went on he 'happened' to arrive home while Mrs L was out and I was still there. Of course I was still smoking, just not around there. He challenged me about it but I said that what I did in my own time was nothing to do with him. Before I knew what was happening he slapped my face and pulled open my mouth and spat. That was supposed to taste better than the real ones ..... disgusting but I still went back the next week. Still smelling of smoke. He was more enraged and I found myself over his knee being thoroughly spanked. My squeals didn't seem to satisfy him and I was ordered to drop my jeans and panties and was pulled back down. When he had finished with me my bottom was throbbing but it was time to leave so I had no choice but to pull my underwear and jeans back up. I was for once happy that there were no seats available on the bus and I had to stand the whole journey, I don't think I could have sat down.

I don't know why I went back the following week but I did. I have to admit to being somehow disappointed that he wasn't there and kind of stretched out my tasks until I realised that he wasn't going to come back early that day.

The next week though I started to regret my thoughts. He was already there when I arrived. Again, I was summoned to the lounge where he informed me that although his wife was happy with my housework he had decided he could use me for other purposes and had hired another cleaner. I wasn't to worry though. I was still to arrive every week and would also get a pay rise if I behaved correctly. He asked if I had stopped smoking yet. Strangely I had after the spitting incident. He praised that and slapped my face. How did that work? I was slapped for doing wrong and slapped for doing right? Oh well, odd but the pay rise was handy.

He explained that on the Friday evening I would be met at a club and taken to a prearranged place. Not prearranged with me I might add. I should wear something presentable. Cheeky bastard. I don't live in grubby jeans. Anyway ......... against all common sense I arrived at the place I was to collected from and taken to his meeting place. It turned out to be a Gentlemen's club. All very posh and above board. No ladies allowed unless accompanied by a member of high standing.

I felt I was being inspected by the top-hatted door man but was of course allowed in. Mr L had booked a private dining room for himself and three friends. As he was the host we arrived first and he demanded to know if I had obeyed orders and neglected to wear underwear. I had, of course, obeyed. I already knew the consequences of defying him. As his guests arrived one by one I was mentioned in passing as a "New Prospect" Once they were all there and had given their dinner orders and been served I was instructed to remove the rest of my clothes and stand in a corner facing the wall. A bloody naughty corner. What did they think I was? Come to that - what did I think I was? A new member of staff came in to clear the table and serve brandy and cigars. Once he had left I was finally allowed to leave my corner. Thinking it was all over I turned to see them all relaxing on the deep leather Chesterfields. Mr L commented that there were no ashtrays for their cigars. Apparently they weren't needed........... So, there I was, on my knees, head back and mouth open ..... If I resisted the ash or bent my head to refuse to swallow it my bottom was reddened. That certainly brought me upright again. After what seemed like hours the cigars were finished but with no crystal ash trays available, where were they going to put the stubs? I had enormous difficulty swallowing something so dreadfully foul but with my hair pulled back and my mouth held open I really had no choice. After some discussion they decided I had probably had enough for my first night. First? I was told to dress and leave. Another sore bottom on a leather taxi seat, still gagging. It wasn't a pleasant journey home. The first thing I did when I got in was brush my teeth for 10 minutes, drink a lot of water and brush again. Several times. I hadn't been allowed to eat of course but with the new contents of my stomach I really didn't think I could now. With a lot of cold cream on my bottom I crawled gratefully into my large, soft bed. I thought I would fall asleep quickly after my strenuous evening but my twitching pussy stopped that. I was already so wet that I didn't have to put much effort into my masturbation. After my fifth self induced orgasm I finally slept.

I never returned to the house but was summoned to arrive wherever my master decided. Yes, by now I had admitted to myself that he was indeed my master. I wasn't allowed to speak unless spoken to and by then I had to call him and his friends Sir. We didn't always go to his club. One night I was taken to a very downmarket working mans' pub. I was ordered to accompany him to the gents toilets. Heavens, what a smell! Yet again, stripped apart from stocking and stilettoes. On my knees. The first few customers were invited to use me as an alternative urinal. Of course word spread of the new sanitary fitting and there was soon a queue. Eventually, after I had been thoroughly used and degraded I was instructed to visit the ladies and 'clean up my filthy self - quickly. My hair was soaked and my makeup was smeared all over my face. I repaired my appearance as best I could and nervously left. Sir was waiting for me and had obviously made some kind of announcement while I was in there. He pulled me roughly towards him and, pulling my head back back my hair he forced my mouth open and inserted what I later discovered was a spider gag. It forced my mouth to open and left it available for any cock that chose to use it. Ropes had appeared and were tied round the beer pumps - of course the other end was attached to handcuffs placed around my wrists. By that means I was held over the bar and a spreader bar between my ankles completed my imprisonment. A price had been agreed, apparently on a sliding scale. A different price for each hole and another price for three men in different holes at the same time. I just hoped that I would get the money for myself. There were a lot of disgusting looking tarts and they were looking fascinated and probably more than a little jealous of my predicament. It didn't take much encouragement for them to join in to add to my disgrace. They didn't seem to be held back by their lack of cocks and I felt fingers and tongues over my poor, ruined body. It was time to go and I was partly released from my humiliating and by now very painful bondage. The taxi drive had to help me but ensured that he was paid in services, not cash.

As time went on Master seemed to find more and more ways to make my life hell. By now the staff at his Club all knew about me and often found reasons to visit the private dining room. If it suited my Masters at the time they were invited to use me. The bondage was more intense and with the various straps around me, the spreader bar and with the introduction of the posture collar I just couldn't imagine what they would find next. The always did though. I really should have expected it, with all the spanking that was going on but the next thing was leather paddles. A couple of weeks later a flogger and so on. Of course I was still being taken to be used at the dreadful pub,

After a while I had noticed that one of his friends had never joined in with my humiliation quite so enthusiastically. I tentatively mentioned it to my Master during one of the times I was allowed to speak. He thought about it and agreed. The next time I was summoned to a dinner a parcel was waiting for me when I arrived. On inspection it was a long, black rubber phallas .... I thought they had already used all access to me. While I was trying to work it out Master came in and after slapping me around for being so stupid he demonstrated that one end was to be shoved into me and the whole leather harness fastened around my hips. When the friend I had mentioned arrived. He was grabbed, stripped, gagged and bound by the others......... now I knew what my new toy was about. I took every chance to smack his arse and cruelly pull his balls while my fascinating new plaything ploughed deep inside him.

After a few months my university friends let me know that they were ready to leave - finally! By now I had been given all my 'earnings' from being pimped out. Let's face it, that was what Master had been doing. He also gave me a generous bonus. I was able to set off for our gap year trip the very next day. Master probably wondered what had happened .... I wondered too if he had found a new maid.

When we all got home 8 months later there was a message waiting. Mrs L had discovered exactly what had been going on. She was now my Mistress and I was expected to report to their house the next Tuesday. It took me a long time to decide what to do.

After some consideration I came to the conclusion that if I didn't go I would never know what might happen. I could go and say that I didn't want to be there - that could be interesting.

I skipped the next Tuesday. Didn't want to appear to be eager.

I thought she would put me back to my original cleaning duties so I just wore my usual jeans and t-shirt. I went to the front door - not the servant's entrance. First mistake. She slammed the door in my face, telling me that by I should know by now what door to use. I went to collect the cleaning equipment from where it was stored. Second mistake, oh dear. Not a good start. She bellowed for me to come to the lounge. Instead of Emma though she shouted for Slave. I went in, trembling.

She demanded to know what I had thought I was doing earlier in the year. I told her that I was doing what I was told! She very reluctantly accepted my reasoning. She told me that she and my Master had had long and serious arguments about the situation. If he wanted to retain my services he had to share me. I reluctantly agreed although in my mind I was eager to find out what was coming next. I was told to strip and she produced an apron and a cap with a frill! Really? Of course I am sure that you will understand by now what I did. Apparently I had displeased her by fucking her husband for so long and she explained that I should be punished for that. I refrained from pointing out that it was the other way around and her husband and his friends had been fucking me. I was roughly pulled over her lap and thoroughly spanked for my 'bad behaviour' several months ago. I wondered if Master had received the same treatment and the idea was somehow arousing. Once I was allowed to stand up she put her hand between my legs an expressed surprise that I was wet after her treatment of me. She explained again that I was now her slave too and I should always remember to address her as Mistress. I was dispatched to tackle the bloody coffee machine again. It had been replaced with an even more complicated one but I didn't have a problem with it and made her coffee and, as instructed, served it in a fine bone china cup on a silver tray. Goodness, this bitch really did think a lot of herself. Of course the other staff were somewhat surprised by my return and even more surprised by my attire. I thought, "Well Emma, in for a penny in for a pound". I poured myself a coffee this time although I didn't dare use a china cup. The wrought iron chair was still in place so I took my coffee out and settled to enjoy it. As I sat down I remembered the pain in my bottom and the chair was hot from being in the sun. And hard. Obviously I had no pockets so I asked if any of the staff would give me a cigarette. Someone obliged and I sat to enjoy it along with my fine Columbian coffee. When I returned to the kitchen one of the male members of staff slapped my face. Apparently the situation had now been explained to them and they were each allowed to give me what was considered to be a minor punishment each time I was there. For some stupid reason I decided to return to the lounge. Mistress explained to me that although I would not be expected to carry on with cleaning duties I was still to arrive when I was summoned. There was to be a cocktail party at the weekend and I should arrived ready to wear my new uniform and await instructions.

Perhaps I am stupid but I did as instructed and returned on Saturday and changed into my degrading outfit. It was now to supplemented with ridiculously high heeled black patent shoes. I struggled to walk in them but appeared to have no choice but to obey if I wanted to remain as an employee and earn my again increased wage. Not a salary - just a common wage. As I said, my parents are willing and able to support me so I didn't need the money. The whole thing had started off pass some time waiting till my friends were ready for our trip. Anyway....

I returned on the Saturday and changed into my uniform, such as it was, a presented myself. Not before he rest of the staff and the extra who had been hired for the party and had obviously been told of the 'arrangement' had used me as they chose. One at a time and only one degrading act from each of them. With the newly hired staff though they numbered 19 now. Again I had to clean myself up and redo my makeup etc.

I finally wobbled into the lounge to receive my instructions for the evening. These really amounted to 'do exactly when you are told exactly when and how you are told'. My now Mistress and my Master reinforced their superiority with face slaps and bottom tanning. I was put into wrist and ankle cuffs. Not joined by a chain yet but the evening was only just starting. The collar which restricted movement of my neck, particularly to look down was buckled on and a lead attached to the ring at the front. For the moment the lead was left to drop down between my ample breasts.

Guests began to arrive and I had to admit them and announce them, offering and providing drinks as required. There were at least 30 couples and many singles so I was kept busy and didn't always manage to keep up with all my tasks. Any failure though was met with slaps on my face or bottom. Occasionally some particularly demanding guest felt it necessary to spit on me too. By the time the full complement of guests had arrived and attended to I would have been happy to crawl into a soft bed and sleep. Of course that was not going to happen. Eventually though some more of the staff were required to assist but for some reason they received 'please and thank yous'. Not for me though. Worthless slut that I was. Dinner was announced and the guests move to the dining room. As had been suggested many times, but hadn't transpired, at the table in the Gentleman's Club, my wrist and ankle clubs were attached and I was shoved firmly under the table. Under there and with limited movement available to me because of the chains between the cuffs I was nevertheless expected to crawl around attending to the guests feet as they chose. Sometimes that involved licking their shoes clean, sometimes they had removed the shoes and I was required to lick their bare feet and or suck their toes. Again my poor mouth was exhausted but my tasks under there were not finished. Some of the ladies had neglected to wear panties and my tongue was required to lick or suck. By then the supposed gentlemen (I would have used a different description) had opened the flies of their evening trousers and I was required to take their hard cocks deep in my throat. Some had not achieved an erection so I had to remedy that. Some had pulled their trousers to their ankles and in those I had to work my tongue deep into their arses.

Of course having eaten and - more worryingly - drunk their fill they gradually needed to relieve their bladders. I'm sure you will know by now where that went. Master and Mistress did not want any overflow in their home so I became an outside toilet. Kneeling at the back door and waiting for each of them to take their turn.

The evening went on with me serving drinks and again if I did not work fast enough I was slapped, spanked and spat on. By the time I had shown the last of the guests out I was on my knees not only literally but figuratively too. I was exhausted and dreaded being used and abused any more. Fortunately that did not happen and I was - unbelievably - shown by a member of staff to a bedroom to recover. She gently helped removed the restraints and bathed me before putting me into a soft bed with a down comforter and left me to sleep.

I have no idea how long had passed but she came back to tell me that my Master and Mistress required my presence once again in the lounge but I was to be allowed to wear my own clothes. Apprehensively I knocked the door and was called in. I was prepared to have to stand or - God forbid - kneel. I was bade to sit on one of the very comfortable couched. I was a bit suspicious of what might come next but was again relieved to relax.

I appeared that they had been discussing the evening and had realised that they had probably taken it too far (probably??). They explained that if I wished to leave their employ I was free to do so with no further call on me. Alternatively I could remain but be used more gently, or at least by many few people in the future. I asked for time to consider their offer. Yes, but only 3 days. I went home to my own apartment and although I was physically exhausted my own sexual needs had not been reached and I needed to attain real pleasure by my own hand.

After 3 days had passed with some deep contemplation I telephoned and said that I was willing to return subject to their proposal of less harsh treatment. An agreement was reached and I was to await the next summons.

Two weeks later they contacted me to let me know that they were having a dinner party with only 4 couples attending. If I was agreeable to that I should arrive in the afternoon of the following Saturday. I did so and was instructed to don my by now usual uniform. I dressed and added the collar, handcuffs and ankle cuffs. I was used to them now and could actually feel myself becoming aroused and wet at the prospect of what might be happening later in the evening. Again I was summoned to the lounge and my Mistress and Master were rather surprised but pleased by the fact that I had prepared myself so well. I was put over their knees and well spanked to remind me of my place. I was used to lick and suck as necessary to begin their evening. Proceedings were repeated but with a total of of 6 guests and themselves and it should be a much less strenuous event. I admitted the guests, announced hem and served drinks as required. This time though 3 of the 8 people present were smokers. My employers still did not want smoke in their house so when guests went outside I was to be the ashtray. The decision had been made though that the guests would use the outside area at the front door. Of course that meant that the whole thing was visible from the road. Neighbours and other passers by appeared to be shocked but that did not stop them from taking another walk past, often bringing others to witness the unusual sight. Each of the guests used me in the manner of their choosing.

Since there was not a dinner being served I was not allowed even the slight relief of not being seen and had to crawl around to serve as they chatted and laughed. When I was not required to serve drinks I had to stand in the corner, glowing bottom on show. As more alcohol was consumed the thoughts of the guests became progressively more harsh. My mouth, ass and pussy were well used. It was decided that my shackles should be chained together and some clamps were also introduced. These were affixed to my large nipples and pussy lips. As he evening progressed they thought of more and more methods of humiliating me. Time seemed to drag as my punishment continued. Eventually the guests left but not before a final round of being put over their knees, being slapped around my face and spat on as they left.

The same maid took me to the room I had used previously but by then she had decided that I should be pleasuring her too. I was set to licking and sucking her to an orgasm. The lovely thing was that she returned the favour and made me feel very good. I slept well again, until my morning summoning.

In a bizarre way I was setting into this new life. I was still being used as slave and a fuck-toy by my Mistress and Master along with whoever else they chose to invite.

One of the many times I was summoned there was a stranger waiting. He was rather attractive and I thought that if I was to be used by him it might not be too much of an ordeal. That's no why he was there. Why did I continue to second guess everything when I was inevitably wrong.? The routine by now was that I stripped as soon as I arrived so I did the same on this occasion. Rather than being spanked or fucked this time though I was told to sit on a dining chair with my legs spread. ?? It seemed that this man was a professional - a professional 'body artist'. First my nipples were pierced and rings inserted then my pussy lips - more rings. I was uncomfortable but those piercings were nothing like what was to come. The next part of the procedure required a reaction from my body. What the hell. My Mistress started toying with my tender nipples and caressing me, My traitorous body reacted exactly as they required and I became aroused despite the discomfort. The result of that was my clit becoming erect and slipping from it's hood. That was the final piercing and that one HURT. Another ring was put there and I was told that within a couple of weeks all the wounds would be healed and 'ready'? Before he left though he brought out his tattoo gun and Latin words were engraved on my ankle. From my upside down position it was hard to read but I translated it roughly as SLUT, SLAVE and WHORE. I had to acknowledge that it was tastefully done - for anyone who was not able to translate it. It's amazing how many people have at least a basic ability to read Latin, believe me.

While waiting for the healing process they continued to find new ways to torture me. One of their new 'games' was to shove plugs in my pussy and ass and taking me out for dinner. It seemed too good to be true that I was to be taken out for a treat. Silly me. When we were shown to our seats in a beautifully appointed restaurant I had to stand while Mistress and Master took their seats. I was told to sit opposite them so that they could see my face. Why? Again, I was not allowed to speak and my foo order was placed for me without consultation. They chatted to each other barely looking my way. The waiter brought our wine and while my Master tasted it I felt a very strange sensation in my holes. I jumped and they laughed. The sensation lasted until the waiter left. When our starters were served I experienced the same sensation, slightly more intense. Again it continued until the waiter moved away. I could only eat with their permission. The same routine ensued each time there was a member of staff at the table - the intensity increasing each time. By now they had placed the remote controls on the table and anyone passing was invited to press the button to build up the feeling. Each time they saw that I was close to reaching my release the buzzing stopped abruptly, keeping me on edge. I was firmly told that every gasp I made would incur a stroke from the paddle later. They had already started counting from the beginning so I was already in for a thrashing. I tried to maintain my posture as they brought me closer and closer to a climax. I failed miserably. I all honesty the anticipation of the thrashing to come was actually increasing my excitement. With the combination of that thought and the stimulation it took every shred of self-control I had not to scream. A la When Harry met Sally, only I would not have been acting! Finally after what felt like hours we finished our meal and we collected out coats and left. I was dreading arriving back at their home and looking forward with glee. Even before we arrived I was told to undress while we were in the cab. By now I had given up being concerned about what the drivers must be thinking. My Master took a very long time to find his front door keys and I was made to stand tall with my legs spread and my hands on my head. While he searched she took advantage of her possession of both the remote controls.

When we finally got inside I automatically took up my required position. Ankles and wrists shackled and posture collar on. This time though The chain lead did not fall between my breasts this time. I was led back out the front door and along the cul-de-sac. With the RC eggs still in place being fired up randomly and my legs shackled it was no easy task but I was told that any time I stumbled would add to the number of strokes of the paddle I would receive. I could not look down to keep my footing because of the bloody collar. This night was going to end very painfully. When they decided they had had enough of parading me around I was led back to the house. My shackles were removed and I was ordered to lie on my back on the luxuriously soft rug. My bottom needed every padding it could get after the very thorough paddling I had had to endure. They couldn't agree on how many strokes I had acquired and rounded it up. What they rounded it up to I have no idea. A very large number. My master dropped his trousers and sat on my face. He was facing away from be so he could slap my pussy while I licked his asshole. The swapped placed and my Mistress repeated his actions. By now I was exhausted and had still not had my release.

The maid with whom I was becoming familiar showed me once again to the bedroom I had used before. For my final humiliation of the night she pushed her large nipples into my mouth and ordered me to lick and suck. She removed the plugs from their positions and kissed me deeply before leaving to once again attain my release with my own fingers.

Over the next two weeks I discovered what use they had devised for the rings which had been inserted. When I was not under the table at dinner parties I was shackled and standing in the corner. They had little bells attached to chains which were then put though the rings. In this way any and every movement I made was given a black mark. At the end of the evening each guest was allocated a share of the marks and used them to 'pay' for any action they wished, again on a sliding scale as had been used in the dingy pub all that time ago. I was slapped and penetrated in every possible combination. The night now always ended with the same maid, who's name I now knew to be Penelope, putting me to bed gently or roughly as she chose. Now though, she occasionally spent the night in my bed.

I was still taken to Master's club to be used for his friends pleasure. One of those bastards had come up with the idea of suspending weights from the rings adorning my nipples and pussy. Any infringement of the ever-changing rules resulted in more weights being added. I was also taken to the filthy pub to be used as a urinal, an ashtray and finally tied over the bar to be abused as before but mor harshly if that was possible.

It had now been over two years since I graduated and my parents were beginning to question why I had not yet applied for any jobs in my field. They were still giving me a lot of financial support but that meant they were aware of my income from them and were questioning where I was getting money from for my designer clothes and flash car.... I finally had to concede that it was about time I found gainful employment and was given a position in the first company I applied to. I was going to be working long hours and undergoing more training - work related this time!

I made an appointment to visit my Mistress and Master and explained my situation to them and they agreed that my time with them had reached a natural end. We said emotional goodbyes. I went to the kitchen to say goodbye to the staff and Penelope gave me her phone number with an invitation to call her sometime. I settled into my work routine and quite honestly had no time to pursue any relationships and myself and my rampant rabbit spent a lot of pleasurable time together. I still thought of Penelope and eventually called her and we agreed to meet in a cocktail bar. We did this a few times over the following months and she told me that the Mistress and Master had found a replacement for me but Penny did not find her at all attractive and did not offer the same ministrations as she had to me. We were spending a lot more time together and she had more or less moved into my apartment. Our relationship continued to develop and we admitted our deep feelings for each other and considered ourselves to be a monogamous couple. She was bored with her position at the house where I had been a slave. I suggested that she give notice and we would decide in due course what she wanted to do next. My earnings were ample to support us both. She did just that and took some time to consider her next employment ambition. Eventually she decided to follow a career in hospitality and attained a position as Housekeeping Manager at an upmarket hotel. She often came home with stories of situations she or her staff had encountered. Some of these outraged her staff and she was forced to contain her amusement until she was home and we relived our own experiences which far surpassed any witnessed at the hotel.

Now we are both busy with work and the downtime we have to spend together is very precious, in and out of bed! We really don't have the time or energy to devote to maintaining the apartment. We have decided to employ a cleaner..... After some discussion we decided that we would give a struggling student an opportunity to earn some pocket money and have put a card on the notice board at the University. We have had a few enquiries and will begin interviews by appointment next week.
sagetv 9ヶ月前
such a good slut, love the story.
受信者 usemeandilluseu : I look forward to it… hopefully equally dirty and disgusting 😍
返信 元のコメントを表示
usemeandilluseu 公開者 1年前
受信者 col106 : There is a part 2 in the works.
返信 元のコメントを表示
I love that story! Sensuous, erotic, filthy and deranged!! But so very horny 😍
LeilaCD32 1年前
OMG I would love to be a maid at that house. 
So naughty 
usemeandilluseu 公開者 1年前
It seems a lot of people liked the story.  Only I know if it's true.  Perhaps I should write the next chapters that are already planned and send it to a published.
usemeandilluseu 公開者 2年前
受信者 Morrigan78 : More to be written - sometime.
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usemeandilluseu 公開者 2年前
受信者 doug60000 : LOL.  Chapter 2 is ready in my head I just don't want to edit it so far in case I lose the whole thing.
返信 元のコメントを表示
doug60000 2年前
interesting reading will come back for vol 2  xx
Morrigan78 2年前
A very good read hot me rock hard
受信者 usemeandilluseu : Good I will enjoy reading sometime 
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usemeandilluseu 公開者 3年前
受信者 Old4younger1s : Very much.  I am planning volume 2.
返信 元のコメントを表示
I’ve enjoyed reading this .. I’m also sure you enjoyed writing it  
And what happened next?
Do you like being a little maid girl? 