The reunion -

This is an adult story for adults. It is not intended for minors, or for persons who may be offended by alternate life styles. There is no effort to portray real safe sex or real people. It is a fantasy pure and simple. Every one is of age, and more than willing.

The Reunion

Ken and I had met many years ago during my time of coming out. I had contacted my college roommate and said I needed to talk while I was on leave from the Navy. Coach V and I had become the best of friends during college and he understood my confusion during college. I hated watching the demonstrations against our soldiers in Viet Nam, but also hated the political climate of the times. I dropped out of school and joined the Navy.

Standing on the deck of an aircraft carrier in the Tonkin Gulf one morning at sunrise it all became clear to me. I was a gay man. I now had a choice to make and sat down and wrote a letter to Coach V. I would be able to take leave now.. Vietnam was over. As soon as we dropped off the captured birds and refugees in Guam my unit would let me have some leave.

I landed in San Francisco and caught the first flight east that I could. I landed in Washington DC and called Coach V. He picked up the phone and said he had made plans for the weekend and could we talk at his place in the mountains. He had always talked about the families hunting cabin in western Maryland, and said that would be ok. He gave me directions on how to get there, and I headed off to rent a car. I had one stop to make on the way tho, a promise to a Navy friend.

It was a quiet drive to the mountains in western Maryland, and I reflected on how I would broach the subject with my college roommate. He stayed and finished his degree in sports education and was now working in the Maryland school system as a gym teacher and coach of basketball and baseball. We had kept in touch with the occasional letter and I knew that he loved his work. I arrived at the cabin and was knocking on the door when a fresh-faced boy stuck his head around the corner and asked, "Can I help you?" "Is Coach V here?" I asked and the boy nodded and waved me to follow. When I got to his side there was a smirk on his face and I could only guess that it was from the way I was dressed. I had my dress shoes on with jeans and a shirt (pressed of course), and my hair cut short. I was out of touch with the current fashion it seems.

I spotted Coach V in the back clearing some brush. We shook hands and then he embraced me and welcomed me home. He could tell I was uncomfortable with the young man there. He told Ken to continue clearing the brush and invited me into the cabin. He walked over to the refrigerator and handed me a beer.
"So Rick.. from your letter you have something you need to talk with me about"

I took a good swig and got about half the bottle down before I looked at him

"Yeah I need some advice and you were the only one I feel comfortable to talk to about the subject".

We sat on the couch and I began the long story. Coach V listened intently and waited until I finished.

"I think you have made your decision Rick and just need to hear someone tell you that it is ok".

I looked down and knew I had made the right decision to confide in my friend. With that out of the way we caught up on old times and friends from school. He also told me that his basketball program at school was coming around and they had been to the state championships for the first time in 15 years. I asked what the story with Ken was, Ken was too old to be his son. He said the other boys at school picked on Ken and that sometimes to help his mom out he would bring him to the cabin for the weekend. Ken is a babyfaced, chubby boy. I could understand why the k**s picked on him, I did it myself in high school while playing sports. It took the military to teach me that I was a stupid little shit.

Later that evening we headed into town and had dinner. I still felt out of place as everyone seemed to be staring at me, I had short hair and pressed cloths, everyone else had long hair. We got back to the cabin and I had a nice buzz on from a few too many beers and conversation with Coach V. Coach V asked Ken to give up his room so I could sleep there, I told him the couch would be fine, since I hadn't known what a real bed felt like in over 4 years. We all headed off to sleep.

I awoke with a startle. I had learned to sleep with one eye closed in the Navy. Ken was standing there staring at me. I startled him ..

"What are you doing Ken?"

He thought I was asleep. I knew that rattled him since I had learned to speak with authority when I advanced to being in charge of other men in the Navy.

"Nothing" he finally squeaked out.

I could tell he was trembling. Just like the young guys right out of boot camp after you bring them to the flight deck for their first taste of jet blast.

"Are you ok? you startled me and I only know one way to deal with that".

Ken was visibly shaken but was frozen there looking at the floor. I sat up and asked him to come and sit down. Again the tone in my voice just moved him to react and do it. Ken was a chubby boy with a baby face, and it was highlighted by the nightlight from the kitchen area.

"What were you doing there looking at me?"

"I have never known my father ..... are you married?" he whispered.

That just took me by surprise.

"No, I have never been married, being in the Navy and on board ship doesn't allow me much free time".

After we talked more, with him seeming to bring up that he missed having a father figure in his daily activities. I was feeling uncomfortable in this conversation. Here I am a gay man just coming to grips with being gay and now having a cute boy sitting next to me almost begging me for affection. I told him to run off to bed and not worry about it, as things seem to have a way of working out.

Coach V woke me in the morning with a cup off coffee. We talked briefly and I told him about Ken waking me and our conversation. He knew the details and thanked me for being nice to him and not doing anything inappropriate. I needed to head home and see my family in New England, I thanked Coach V and got in the car and ready to start my next coming out with my family. Ken ran up to the car and just looked at me with longing eyes

"I wish you could stay all weekend".

I put my hand on his and told him that if he needed to contact me that Coach V had my address. I drove off down the dirt road and glanced in the mirror in time to see Ken put his head down and turn towards the cabin.

Many things have happened to me in the past 25 years. I have kept being gay to myself and about to finish up my 30 years in the Navy. They brought me back to DC for my last billet in hopes that I would come to work in the Pentagon as a consultant. I'm a little braver these days and have gone to the Eagle for bear night a few times and have had the time of my life. Bear Invasion is here and I'm looking forward to seeing what I've missed for the last 30 years. I have filled out since my early days and now look like a bear myself. I stand 6’ and hit the scales at 245. My temples are grey and the middle of moustache is grey too. I have enough hair on my chest and stomach to make a hair piece for Michael Jordan. I'm standing at the bar talking with a hot bear when I hear.

"Excuse me.. but I overheard part of the conversion.. is your name Rick?"

I turn to see a smallish cub standing there.

"Yes my name is Rick.. do I know you?"

"Do you know Coach V?" He asks and I have an immediate flush and 30 years is heading down the drain pretty quick it seems. I nod and he smiles like a Cheshire cat.

"I'm Ken .. we met at Coach V's cabin when you visited many years ago".

"The baby faced boy who woke me up?" I reply as it all comes back to me. "Excuse me for a second Ken", I turn and tell the guy I was talking with an old friend and I need to catch-up.. He has heard it and smiles,

"No problem .. thanks for the beer and good luck"

I turn back to Ken and he is still smiling ear to ear. I ask him how he has been. He has filled out himself into a handsome young man (younger than me anyway). He is 5’10” and 245 I’d say, and still has the babyface, but a little more sure of himself.

"Man you can't believe how many times I thought about you over the years". He buys me a beer and we move off to a corner to catch up. I listen as he tells me about his last 25 years and he listens as I tell him about mine. He then tells me that he wished that we had connected that night at the cabin. I told him that I was just coming out to myself and would have had no idea on how to proceed .. let alone that he was u******e.

The bar is full and last call goes out. Everyone starts moving around in hopes of finding someone to leave with. Ken moves closer

"Would you come home with me Daddy?" That is the first time someone has called me "Daddy" and something just tells me that is a fit.

"Lead the way son" comes out of my mouth naturally.

I follow him out to the parking lot and he asks where I'm parked, and he drives me to the car. He leads me thru the streets of DC and I have no idea where the hell I am when he parks and there is a spot right next to him and he tells me to park there. I follow him up the stairs to his apartment. He lets me in and as soon as he closes the door and locks it, I feel his arms around me.

"I've dreamed about you being close to me for so many years Daddy. I can't believe I ran into you again."

"Hopefully the wait will be well worth it son."

He guided me back to the bedroom and we quickly dispensed with our clothes. The military had prepared me in ways I appreciated right now. I was at full attention for this baby-faced boy. I pulled him close to me and kissed him softly. We fell back into the bed and the next thing I knew it was daybreak.

The night had become a blur. Ken was a bundle of energy. He had started by pulling me down onto him. My raging hardon was pressed against his furry stomach with every intention of taking this boy all night. His eagerness was a turnon, and he quickly found his way to my cock. He took me in his hand and quickly popped the head into his mouth. It was wonderful. His warm soft lips caressed the backside of the head and the tongue just rolled back across the slit. Ken swiftly gulped me down to the base and my throbbing man hood just pulsed with expectations of events to follow. He certainly knew how to make his Daddy feel good and my cock seemed to touch all of his hot buttons. He finally seemed to take a breath from trying to suck my balls up thru the shaft. Ken moved up close to me and rolled on his side with his back to me. I pulled him close and felt the heat from his body, and his ass as it wiggled up against me. Instinct took over and my hips started to grind my rock hard cock against his tight little ass cheeks. Ken fumbled with getting to the lube without moving too far away. I felt the lube go on and his back arch.

“Easy Dad, don’t go too fast”

I put my hand on Ken’s hip and pressed myself against him. I reached down and guided myself up to his eager hole. Ken pulled his ass cheek up to give me easier access. I pressed forward too fast for Ken. He tensed.

“Slow .. you have the hardest cock I’ve ever had”

Ken was right. My cock was so hard it was bordering on painful if it went beyond it’s natural position. I again pressed forward but slower this time. I felt Ken’s hole squeeze and I just stopped there for a second. He relaxed a little and I went in up to the head. He took in a deep breath and held it. Again I stopped and waited for him to relax. I could feel the pulse in my cock like you can feel your heart pound after a good workout. Slowly I worked my cock in about half way.

“Pull out Daddy let me put more lube on you”

My breathing was heavy now and this boy had me worked to a frenzy. He finished putting on the lube and again I positioned my cock to enter him. This time was different tho as I started forward, Ken pushed back quickly and we were coupled. He gasped and I just held him tight. Slowly he relaxed and I could feel his ass pulsing around my cock. I held Ken close and kissed his neck and asked if he was ok.

“Take me Dad.. make me your boy”

I rolled Ken over and began a slow withdrawal, and then back in. Ken was relaxed now and gave no resistance to my cock being wherever I wanted it. I had filled him numerous times with my seemingly endless supply of cum. He wanted to taste my cum and I grudgingly pulled out of his willing ass to feed him when he wanted it. My cock and his ass were made for each other.

We showered together and I went to the car to get my dress uniform. Ken watched me dress intently. He told me a lot of guys lusted after military men and I could have my pick of men once they knew. I smiled at him and told him I would let him know when I was interested in someone else. I needed to get back to the Pentagon for muster. I took his number and promised to call him.

To be continued
発行者 VARickbear
nemo1954 27日前
good to read!
Joec69 2年前
That was so fucking hot. I would love to have you fuck me sometime!