Fantasy: A walk around the Sculpture Park.

This is not to be shared!

I hadn't been here for a long while and had mentioned it to you in passing a month or two earlier as being somewhere I was interested in visiting again, so was touched when you suggested it as a place to meet. It was a perfect day. The early morning mist had lifted just leaving a light dew on the grass and plants. Everything looked green, new and a little sparkly as the sun caught the water droplets everywhere. There was still a fresh feel to the air and the sun was threatening to shine and bring a gentle warmth to the day. This was the third time we'd met and we were really starting to relax in each other’s company, though perhaps I'd taken a little longer than you. I had a feeling that this was the day you might grab the bull by the horns and go beyond the kisses, gentle touches, occasional fumble and all-enveloping hugs you’re so good at. With this in mind, I'd dressed carefully in a very slightly see-through long-sleeved loose button-up white cotton top, a strappy t-shirt underneath and a white cotton bra under that. Stretchy well-fitting jeans finished the well thought out casually thrown together look. As usual, my hair was clipped back to keep it out of the way... and hopefully, stop it from getting into too much of a mess as the day progressed. The finishing touch, a light dab of Diorissimo on the usual pulse points and in my cleavage. You were wearing a long-sleeved heavyweight cotton shirt and jeans. I had my bag stuffed full of the usual mask, spare camera batteries, and memory cards etc. You watched as I parked and came over opening my door for me as I struggled to get my shoes on (I always drive in bare feet.) and you step back as I get out of the car. Before the door is closed we give each other a quick kiss on the lips and throw our arms around each other just holding one another close for a few moments. (And I notice how good you smell.) I get my bag and crutch off the back seat, lock the car and we chat catching up with each other as we make our way over to the entrance.
We are just a few minutes early but the gate is already open. What greets us as we go through is a beautiful oasis of predominantly green with a small stream tumbling from a small pond down a slope to a much larger pool... It has a wild natural woodland look about it, but I'm guessing it's an effect that has taken a lot of planning and management to achieve. There's a clearly marked path to follow and already, there are sculptures dotted here and there. By now we both have our cameras out as we spot a beautiful sculpture, perfectly placed in amongst the greenery. I couldn't describe to you what it was, but it looked to be exactly the right thing in that particular space. The same could be said for everything we saw as we went around and there were many. Some traditional, some very modern, some humorous, some glass, some metal, some stone, some wood. As we walked around, I was feeling much more relaxed. The chat was animated and we (somewhat alarmingly) find we have a similar sense of humour. As we walked, talked and took dozens of photos... (I'll admit to taking one or two of you taking photos of whatever caught your eye, and heard your shutter click a couple of times as I think you did the same to me) pointing things out to each other. It was now late morning and I needed to sit down. We found a bench carefully positioned to take in a breathtaking view. As I sat down, I was aware one of the buttons on my top had worked its way undone showing you a little more than was intended. I did think of doing it up again but left it thinking fastening it would draw attention to it. Your hand found mine and casually let it rest on your leg in your hand as we continued just chatting and taking in the view. Somewhere I could hear running water from a stream or brook nearby which just added to the moment. As we sat, I was aware of every part of me touching you (and had that feeling you get in the pit of your stomach) After about five/ten minutes, we decided to follow the path back into the woods. Although it was a beautiful day we still seemed to be the only people there and this time, your hand found mine as we meandered on down the path. Un-noticed by me, more of the buttons on my top had slowly worked their way undone one at a time and were now very noticeably open. The tee shirt was low cut and I was suddenly aware your eyes kept glancing down. As the bra I had on wasn't one of the firm control 'ships rigging types but just a comfortable light supporting one, there was a lot of movement under the tee-shirt. I blushed to see your gaze there and went to fasten the button across my boobs, but you very gently clasped my wrist and said: "Please don't!" I could feel the heat in my cheeks and your gaze on me as you brought your camera up to your eye and snapped the shutter. Reaching forward with your hand you hooked a finger on the neckline of the tee-shirt pulling it down into a deep "V" exposing more of my cleavage and took another photo, and another, and another, before moving it out of the way and kissing me hard on my mouth. Behind me was a beautiful silver birch which I leaned back into as you pushed yourself against me and kissed me again, both your hands now on my breasts. Exploring them. Feeling them. Seeking out my nipples. Your hands now under my t-shirt, lifting them out of the bra. You step back, this time lifting the t-shirt so you can see the unrestrained breasts and again you take a photo. Although in a beautiful wooded area, there is a clear view in all directions and you look around making sure no one is about before asking me if I'll remove the bra and tee shirt. Nervously, I look (very carefully) around reassuring myself that we are actually alone and then remove first my blouse, then my tee-shirt, and then fumble with the bra trying to undo it, but my shaking fingers make it impossible. You turn me around and undo them for me letting the straps slide down my arm. From behind, your hands come up to my breasts. My nipples are hard, though I'm not sure if that's from excitement or the fact it's still not that warm. You lean forward and kiss the back of my neck which sends a tingle down my spine and I feel my breath quickening. Slowly you turn me to face you taking my clothes from my hands and carefully placing them on my bag. Suddenly I feel very naked and vulnerable as you turn me to face you and again feel myself leaning back against the tree. You take my arms and lift them above my head, wrists together against the tree trunk posing me before stepping back and start taking photographs telling me what you want me to do and occasionally positioning me yourself to get it just right. Suddenly you gesture that someone is approaching and pass me my unbuttoned top to cover myself up. I put it on and have it buttoned just in time as a couple in their seventies pass us saying “Good morning” and making some complimentary comment about the piece nearest to us as they wander by. Once they’re gone I reach for my bra and t-shirt, but again your hand gently intercepts mine, you look at me, smile and say “Please don’t. Not yet”. Hesitantly I put them down again and stand up. You then undo the clip holding my hair watching as it tumbled down my back and over my shoulders before slowly undoing the buttons again allowing the shirt to open and then step back, bring your camera up to your eye again and start taking photograph after photograph. Sometimes changing your position and sometimes directing me. Look this way, look that, let your hair fall over your breasts, lean forward, open your shirt more, look at me, look at the camera, hold your shirt open as a flasher would, let it slide down your shoulders, touch a breast, pinch a nipple, cup a breast. At first nervous, I soon found I was enjoying myself, and you clearly were too judging by the bulge in the front of your trousers. You put your camera in its bag as I got myself dressed again, though you took my bra and t-shirt to put in the bag with your camera. I picked up my bag, slung my camera around my neck and we slowly continued our walk around the park. There was so much to see I had forgotten my boobs were unrestrained and moved with every step I took until I noticed you watching them. You leaned over and undid one of the top buttons so now about half of my cleavage was exposed, and again we continued around the park, though were now climbing a hill up to some life-size horses made out of recycled everything... toys, records, plastic packaging, pretty much anything. Behind us the view across the park was quite something. You lean across and open the next button down. My breasts are now half exposed from my shoulder right down for the entire cleavage to the soft curve at the bottom of them. The nipples, just out of sight. I was nervous, but also getting quite aroused. I felt almost naked even though I still pretty much covered with only the deep V of my blouse open. You put an arm around my shoulder as we walk on, casually slipping your hand inside my shirt fondling my breast. I am so aroused now with that feeling in my tummy area, and between my legs. We stop as we come to one of my favourite things there... the enormous wind chime. Each tube at least six feet long and I swing the ringer to hear its deep sonorous ring. As the sound slowly tails off I do it again and again as you make some comment about giving away where we are. It’s clear from looking around that there is no one else around and you slowly undo your jeans and take out your hard cock and remind me that I have a camera. I’m in my element and find myself taking several dozen pictures, some full-body ones as you pose and take the micky out of the poses struck by men in porn magazines. Suddenly we hear twigs snapping underfoot at someone approaches. Hurridly, you pull your trousers up and do them up leaving your shirt untucked, as two couples around our age came over the brow of the hill and asked we minded if they could ring the wind chimes. Whilst you were now decent, my very visible cleavage was hard to miss with the men getting some disapproving looks and a comment about where they were looking... or perhaps ogling would be a better word. I felt myself flush but didn’t try to cover myself. Not far away was a bench. I was ready for another breather and a cup of tea from the flask I’d bought with me. We both sat there with our hot brew, your hand taking mine and placing it over the remnants of the bulge you had. Through the fabric of your jeans, I could feel it gently pulsing and slowly growing. Your hand still over mine you pushed down on it applying pressure to your cock as you kissed me hard, your tongue finding its way into my mouth and then another and another. I can feel your hardness returning and without thinking, start rubbing my hand against it. Massaging you through the material of your jeans. You look straight into my eyes and say sotto voce “I need my cock inside you. Where can we go?” My mind races as it goes into overdrive trying to think of somewhere, and then I remember a long willow and tree tunnel down in the valley... About a 5-10 minute walk. You just look at me, stand up, pick your camera bag and mine, take my hand and with a sense of urgency lead me down the path taking direction from me which way to head. Thankfully, it was where I thought it was and we headed inside passing a trio of women in their thirty’s chatting between themselves as they made their way out. You took me in deeper and spotted a small gap in the willows leading to a small clearing about eight feet away from the main tunnel... Thankfully, it was private. You turned me around so I could lean forwards using a tree for support. You were unbuckling your belt and undoing your jeans as I wiggled and lowered mine. You quickly brought yourself back to full erection and then used your fingers to feel how wet I was before running your now rock hard penis along the groove between my labia lubricating it before pulling back, finding my entrance and slowly entering me. I had to consciously stifle a moan as I felt you filling me and my muscles automatically tightening around you. There was no time to stop and enjoy the sensations. This was going to be a quickie. Pure lust, passion or whatever you want to call it. It was a primal need. Both of us, our trousers around our ankles needing this. You start quickening the pace, your hands on my hips pulling me hard onto you. The entire length of you deep inside me. You feel so big as you thrust again and again. Suddenly, I hear voices approaching which you seem oblivious to. I turn my head and put a finger to my lips signalling for you to be quiet. You immediately stop but don’t withdraw and once again, my muscles involuntarily tighten and loosen around you. I don’t know it feels for you but for me, it feels really intense and once again I have to stifle a moan. I lean further forward and push myself back very slowly onto you moving my arse against you altering where the head of your cock is touching me inside. The feelings are indescribably good. The voices are now far off in the distance and you slowly start moving inside me again, the pace picking up quickly and it’s not long before you slam into me, cumming really hard inside me. As it subsides you gently rock against me and I feel your cum dribbling out of me and down my leg as you soften and eventually fall out of me. We look at each other and smile... or perhaps more of a broad grin. I’ll admit, that wasn’t quite how I’d imagined our ‘first time’ would be but I wasn’t complaining, and as our breathing returns to normal we pull up our trousers. I retrieve my bra and t-shirt out of the bag, but you again take the bra from me so I put on the t-shirt, this time my shirt going into the bag. Once we’re both decent you put your arm around my waist and pull me towards you and give me one of those gentle, but oh so powerful open-mouthed kisses. We pick up our bags again. You head out first checking the coast is clear before we both emerge, still slightly flushed, back into the tunnel and find our way out into the sunshine again finishing our tour of the park. By now it was mid-afternoon and were both hungry, whether from the walk or the other activities so made our way to the entrance/exit and crossed the road to the pub opposite...

If you enjoyed this, check out my other blog fantasy tales :)
発行者 PickettyWitch
UkDom420 1年前
thoroughly enjoyed reading this.. Beautifully written. You have a talent for writing 😉x
An enjoyable tale, thank you
amadeus57 1年前
nevertheless, your fantasy is wonderfully written, as if you had experienced it in real life, at least very imaginable in every way! xx
PeeWomble 1年前
受信者 PickettyWitch : I would love to change it to reality 
返信 元のコメントを表示
edwardsteve 1年前
rudeolph 1年前
very good story xxx
PickettyWitch 公開者 1年前
受信者 PeeWomble : Sadly it is, just a fantasy.
返信 元のコメントを表示
PeeWomble 1年前
Great story The best thing is I already know the park, I hope we get to see some of pics that were shot if you, Im sure the best was still to come when you got home and slipped your knickers off. I look forward to your next meet.
sexykinkyboy 1年前
Great post 
35toffee 3年前
Can feel the passion and excitement build with every word. Excellent writing and describes the pure passion and excitement reached during an animalistic "quickie"
Cunard11 3年前
Another fantastic read, so descriptive and arousing 
cincity 3年前
So descriptive makes the passion between you both feel natural, building the excitement to the fulfillment of each other.  Well wrote dear 
great pleasure to read you, thanks
Michael3443 3年前
Great read, thank you for sharing
Bluefair 3年前
Loving your fantasies
jonahjones89 3年前
Love story
Fantastic story and great links too. I felt as if I was there with you. Got my cock twitching reading it. Thank you.
amadeus57 3年前
You wrote this story about the sculpture park wonderfully! The words are formulated in a very imaginative manner, especially this delightful sensual transition to eroticism I really liked and stimulated while reading! Wonderful! xx
Kissableking 3年前
When will you be visiting the Park again?
1957marty 3年前
Great story. If it had been me who was your partner I would have licked and sucked up the cum dribbling down your leg and share it with you in one of those passionate kisses who have described. Mmm tastes exquisite xx
Georgelondon 3年前
Great writing x
ricmarant 3年前
Lovely story , got me all worked up ,please write more,xx
sarge556 3年前
An arousing delight to read and see the images in my mind,.
Oyyy1 3年前
Can you repeat that please?