Anyone else vids dissappearing?

i noticed a few weeks ago that a LOT of my vid content has been vanishing. when i looked into my profile suddenly about half of my vids say "in conversion" but they was working just fine. i contacted Xhamster and they responded with an email something to the effect of:

"content in question undergoing policy and procedural reviews. process might take some time due to volume of content. upon outcome of reviews content in question will be accordingly adjusted. "

... that was OVER a month ago. i'm starting to wonder if my posted content will never be available again. i'm rather pissed off about it. is anyone else noticing this? .... it's bullshit.
発行者 bohb
受信者 bohb : Pretty much everyone lost content. Just look at anybody’s favourites from your friends list. You will see loads that are blanked out. It’s not just this site either. It’s happening everywhere. At least we can still upload vids... for now 
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受信者 Penny3thepound : oh wow... well, that really sucks.  i didn't expect to get an answer, so thank you for responding.  at least i know it isn't just me then. .....  did you  "loose" any of your content?
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Here’s how I understand the situation. There’s a big legal battle between major credit card companies and almost all porn sites. It’s to do with the subject of the video not providing consent and no age verification process from unverified users. Sad to say, but it is going to take years to sort out...