User bozePetra

This user: Fake, coward, asshole user! Hope that, during your stupid exercises, you'll crash under the biggests gym weights. The video where "she" is masturbating is a video of someother. COWARD!… Leggi altre informazioni

Pubblicato da revius 6 anni fa

Insulted by user "hornyindianinsweden".

Dear people, this is the gentle message that user HORNYINDIANINSWEDEN wrote me some days ago. Why she wrothe this kinky message? Only because I asked her why an indian whoman went in Sweden, a country so different from India. Only this. Oh, yes, I called India "third world" because India is "third world's country" according to USA, EU and ONU standards and classification. So, this chick went crazy, going berserk and insulting me like a London's suburban slum harlot. And not enough, this third's world whoman, very coward, blocked… Leggi altre informazioni

Pubblicato da revius 6 anni fa 4

Malta's Shit Politicians - I politici merdosi

A Message to Malta This is a message to Malta from the C-Star. While we were returning from our mission to end human trafficking and to defend Europe against i*****l immigration, the government of Malta has denied us port access and thus our repatriation. On top of that, the Maltese authorities refused to provide our ship and our crew with fresh water. While their island has become the headquarter for NGO-seataxis and the gate for i*****l immigration to Italy, they are now closing their borders to European citizens. While ISIS terrorists are welcomed back in Europe from Irak or Syria… Leggi altre informazioni

Pubblicato da revius 6 anni fa

NGOs sind Scheiße - Jugen Rettet - ONG are Shit

Die NGO Jugend Rettet, aus Libyen arbeit Migrant zu retten, wurde von der Staatsanwaltschaft in Trapani i*****ler Einwanderung angeklagt. Das Iuventa Schiff Ong, eines der kleineren Schiffe zwischen denen im zentralen Mittelmeer, arbeiten derzeit in Lampedusa staut. Trapani Die Verfolgung begann ihre Untersuchung nach Beschwerden von anderen NGOs, insbesondere Save the c***dren. Jugend Rettet ist eine von sechs NGOs, die nicht den Verhaltenskodex von der italienischen Regierung erforderlich unterzeichnet haben (eine andere deutsche NGO, Sea-Auge hat heute unterzeichnet). Laut Staatsanwaltsc… Leggi altre informazioni

Pubblicato da revius 6 anni fa

Signalers, dulls and some others

Dear friends. I uploaded satirical images over the last few weeks. These images do not offend anyone, but they irony over the ways that exist now in the world. Some delicate people report it to administrators and administrators remove them. But I load the images in accordance with the rules of xhamster. I would like to say to these delicate people, to these jade stems, who are poor lambs. People who do not understand the difference between insult and satire. It's a real danger for ordinary people who want to have fun and make irony. You, poor idiots, are so convinced that you are… Leggi altre informazioni

Pubblicato da revius 6 anni fa 2


Actress: Cathy Heaven. From: "Pl@net G@ngB@ng #8" (scene 2) Very exciting!… Leggi altre informazioni

Pubblicato da revius 7 anni fa

Last Militants Leave Aleppo, Which is Now Fully Co The last convoy evacuating militants from eastern Aleppo has left the city, the source said. "This convoy is the last one. Now we can say that all militants have left Aleppo, and the city is fully controlled by the Syrian army," the source said. "The command of the Syrian army declares that peace and security returned in the city of Aleppo," the army's statement read. "This victory is of strategic importance and has become critical in the fight against terrorism on the one hand and dealing a blow to terr… Leggi altre informazioni

Pubblicato da revius 7 anni fa 1

Brexit is irreversible

Sir William Hague, barone Hague di Richmond, con un seggio ereditario alla camera dei Lord, da sempre ministro degli esteri della monarchia. Titolo: “We Conservatives are all Leavers now. We must unite to build a new and better Britain”. Traduzione: “Noi Tories siamo tutti per il Brexit, adesso. Dobbiamo unirci per costruire una Gran Bretagna nuova e migliore”.… Leggi altre informazioni

Pubblicato da revius 8 anni fa