Is It Really This Dumb.......

.....or is it pretending? Surely it can't be this stupid!!! Hey ScabAngelo - bist du so dumm oder tust du nur so? On Capos page at around 11pm last night October 13 HAL 'Capo, I think that you need a firewall against the useless comments... You already have the helmet...' Scabitchen ""HAL9000 the first "good comment today " after my many comments "to this bad users" to "STOP THIS SHIT WAR GAME,ELNINHO+FRIENDS " thx"" HAL "I was telling about your comments...&qu… Leggi altre informazioni

Pubblicato da elNinho 13 anni fa 4

Scabitchen's Lies Exposed.

I have copied Scabitchen's fake blog below as the devious, lying cunt will no doubt delete it when it is exposed for the total fabrication that it is. Now I will show you why it is lies and let you decide for yourselves. First a little information about this all came about. I got increasingly pissed off about the number of reposts Scabitchen was uploading to the site. That is because uploads were frequently closed due to the large number of uploads from members overwhelming the conversion and moderating resources of the site. The principle purpose of this site is for us to share… Leggi altre informazioni

Pubblicato da elNinho 13 anni fa 13

xHamster's Queen of reposts

The reposting of videos already here on xHamster wastes the time and effort of the moderators and the conversion resources. This means that the upload page is closed more often than it's open at the moment and prevents members such as myself sharing some great videos with you all. One user in particular is the main culprit in this matter and this blog documents the abuse of uploading priviledges by the following users who are all controlled by the same person who is at the top of the list altre informazioni

Pubblicato da elNinho 13 anni fa 11