
so it is shower time . time to shave and wash out my ass she wants to play and go deep and wide .hope i can fufill her request . i am ready just hope my ass is willing… Leggi altre informazioni

Pubblicato da dirtdockev219069 4 anni fa 4

invasion of my ass

so the toys came and i just had to have her use some of them , there are new pics and a few new videos , just waiting for the mods to post them . i hope you like and enjoy them… Leggi altre informazioni

Pubblicato da dirtdockev219069 4 anni fa 8


Today new toys are on there way . my lady said she wants to open me up as much as she can . i can not waite to see what she bought… Leggi altre informazioni

Pubblicato da dirtdockev219069 4 anni fa 1