The Night of the Fetish Party

We went to Cleveland to visit a male friend whom we have played with a couple of times. It was near Halloween and we went to a fetish party at a local bar. Beany was dressed like a nun but with stripper shoes. She attracted a lot of interest at the party and my friend and I enjoyed strapping her to a rack and feeling her up in front of dozens of other partiers. While we were there she began dancing with a black guy dressed like a priest. After a couple of dances she pulled my friend and I close and put our hands on the priest's crotch to feel his large erection. We were all impressed and the o… Leggi altre informazioni

Pubblicato da cecilserpent 4 anni fa 8

Ian, Our First Male Stripper Adventure, Part II

A few months after Beany and I had our encounter with Ian, we went to a local dance club that had male strippers in the upstairs lounge one night a week at 11:00PM. We couldn’t have planned it better as we were not aware before our arrival that they would be there that night. We danced to the club music for awhile, then ventured upstairs to the lounge to see who was there. We watched a couple of dancers, one a sexy Latino, and the next a slender and muscular black man. And then lo and behold! To our enthusiastic applause out came Ian. He picked us out of the crowd right away. We are a pretty m… Leggi altre informazioni

Pubblicato da cecilserpent 4 anni fa 6

Ian, Our First Male Stripper Adventure Part I

We had seen Ian around at a couple of gay bars on strip nights. It had become a new pastime of ours to visit the clubs when there would be guys with well-defined muscles and big bulges dancing. Cecil, being bisexually inclined, and Beany also an enthusiast of the male form, never interacted with them other than slipping a dollar bill in their tight little underwear as they circulated through the crowd after their dances. Often one’s hand would brush their cocks “inadvertently” or one would get a glimpse of their goods when they held out their waistband. It was fun sharing our attraction to the… Leggi altre informazioni

Pubblicato da cecilserpent 4 anni fa 4

Beany and Cecil Go to the Male Review

We enjoy going to the local gay bars to watch the male review dancers from time to time. These guys are always hot, young, and buff. We went to one last night and it turned into a hotwife adventure. It is our experience that a lot (if not all) of the male dancers are bisexual. They may be there that night to dance for mostly gay men, but at some bars featuring a male dancer night, there is also a sprinkling of females or a small bachelorette group. After they dance and strip to their sheer underwear, they circulate through the patrons and flirt with both sexes, collecting tips as they move fro… Leggi altre informazioni

Pubblicato da cecilserpent 9 anni fa 17

Wife Takes Advantage of Male Stripper

Last night was to be a night of dancing to celebrate my wife’s birthday. We went to a popular dance club in town and danced to songs of the 80’s. Around midnight we drifted out the door to head to another spot. We ended up at a gay bar that had male strippers. The show had already started despite that there were only about 5 patrons in the club. At times we were the only viewers as the other patrons filtered out and in. The first dancer we saw was a white male with dark curly hair and a cut, lean body. He finished his dance and then stopped by us for a “meet and greet”. This is a part of the s… Leggi altre informazioni

Pubblicato da cecilserpent 9 anni fa 7