
In the last few weeks, some of you asked me if I could reupload old pictures of mine, because xHamster has become what has become. So I did look here and there and found a few photos you liked so much. I remember I've had many more of them, but over the years I've lost most. We change phones, flash drives, notebooks and later things are missing. Just another law of nature. ;-) So, anyway, thank you for your kindness, friendship and love. It still amazes me how good you treat me. I wholeheartedly appreciate your affection and generosity. I usually don't do requests or anything, but for you it'… Leggi altre informazioni

Pubblicato da black-metal-queen 3 mesi fa 7

Hey, hi and hello everyone!

I don't know if you still remember me, but in case of your concern... I'm back. Same as always, but with more knowledge and experiences. And even with bigger hunger than before. Boy, what a summer it's been. So much has happened and changed in such a small amount of time. Mostly great things, but some bad things too. Well, there must be some balance in life and nature. Things come and go, we laugh and cry, we win and lose, we fall down and get up and fall down and get up... Personally, I had probably the best time of my life. We've spent wonderful 4 weeks in Puszczykowo and its neighbourhood.… Leggi altre informazioni

Pubblicato da black-metal-queen 3 anni fa 12

I'll be out for some time.

I just wanted to inform you about it, so you won't be nervous throughout this period. I find it cute everytime I come back on here after a few weeks and read your messages, but I know some of you were really concerned. I'm sorry I made you feel like that. You worry about a crazy bitch who used to get into fights at school, in bars and on the street. Always with bigger adversaries. I've never harmed someone weaker or smaller who can't fight back. And I did never start, I did always wait. At the utmost, provoking verbally. ;-) So we'll be out for six to eight weeks. We're going to an old friend… Leggi altre informazioni

Pubblicato da black-metal-queen 3 anni fa 4

Are you spiritual?

I must confess I am. Since about 8 years. Does it change my life? No, because I'm not mental. ;-) 95 or more percent of my friends, heroes, people I respect and admire are atheists. And most of the so-called "religious" people make me sick. But let's be honest, they don't believe in anything. Organized religions are about power, control and money. Just like politics. And both use ignorant, uneducated and primitive individuals for their own purposes. Basically, it's a really fascinating subject, and there are very few people I talk with about it. And it's also... entertaining. ;-) I've never b… Leggi altre informazioni

Pubblicato da black-metal-queen 3 anni fa 11

Alright, I owe you a little explanation.

See, folks, I have a tendency to disappear from here from time to time. I think my record was 8 months. I log in here only at work, when I have a lot of time. So when I'm busy as hell, which I love, then I'm out of reach. My girlfriend and I travel a lot around the world, we keep educating ourselves, and we both have this lust for life and this burning desire to see and experience as much as possible. She says I opened her eyes, I found in her a companion I've been looking for all my life. It's unbelievable how wonderful I feel. When you feel every second matters, when you know there's nothing… Leggi altre informazioni

Pubblicato da black-metal-queen 3 anni fa 19

Some people just can't be reached...

It's always been like that and always will. That's nothing new, but the problem is that we've allowed them for way too much. They can live in their bubbles, they can attend their Black Masses, they can believe the Earth is flat, they can believe in whatever the fuck they want. And they don't have to have abortions or euthanasia. But there's one thing they can't ever do - it's pushing their beliefs on other people. We've let them do this for years. Just for the sake of not offending them. When they're the offence of humanity! And, of course, they're very sensitive. Never call them by their name… Leggi altre informazioni

Pubblicato da black-metal-queen 3 anni fa 8


Enough of hypocrisy, enough of bigotry, enough of tyranny of the minority, enough of psychopaths in power. We've reached a point when 20%, at most 30%, of the population can impose their will based on barbarism, caprices, vileness, and a dozen of other symptoms of an***lization. They are like rabid an***ls, and even worse. They relish their own stupidity and hatred. Those monsters love words like "morality" or "humanitarianism", yet they are a total contradiction of these concepts. Now you can see the Scum International with their #BabiesLivesMatter bullshit. Fuckheads don't give two shits whe… Leggi altre informazioni

Pubblicato da black-metal-queen 3 anni fa 3

What am I exactly looking for on here?

This is the question of the questions. The mother of all the questions, the Holy Grail of questions. Sooner or later, everybody asks me about this. Usually, I just say I like to watch some nice bodies. Sure, but why do I post my pictures? Okay, so here's a little story. There was this hot green-eyed goth girl on xHamster. Some of you knew her as Little Gothic Slut. I was mesmerized by her. She used to post her photos, which, stylistically, were quite similar to those of mine. And I was like "why the hell not to upload my own pictures?" Right? "Everything's so literal and vulgar on here. Time t… Leggi altre informazioni

Pubblicato da black-metal-queen 3 anni fa 20

I wanted to cheer you up, guys, but...

...it would be unfair to raise false hopes. I wanted to say that this new year will be better, but it won't. I'd love to say that we're learning important lessons about our own fragility and disrespect for nature, our blind pride and unchecked prejudices, about populism, values and limitations of democracy, but... we're not. We still haven't seen the full economic impact of this crisis yet, but we already can see how people start to act like mindless and hateful monsters. Just wait till they start going hungry. The crawling fascism will have even more fuel. People are so absurdly easy to mani… Leggi altre informazioni

Pubblicato da black-metal-queen 3 anni fa 11

Do I work out a lot?

This is another question I've heard quite often recently. Well, the answer is no. It's not a labor for me. Everyday I do 25 pull-ups, 25 chin-ups, 25 dips, 25 push-ups, and 100 sit-ups. It takes less than 15 minutes and just makes me feel better. I could do more, but I don't want to be too muscular looking. With a shower, it's a perfect entrance into a new day. It's a nice, quick, and simple routine. Besides this, I ride a bike a lot. It gives me this wonderful sense of freedom. I love sports like football, basketball, tennis, volleyball, and swimming. In high school I used to train taekwondo… Leggi altre informazioni

Pubblicato da black-metal-queen 3 anni fa 2

Do I look younger?

I've heard this question a few times lately. Actually, I almost haven't changed at all since I was 18 or 19, so I was quite surprised when some of you told me so. Of course, one can't be objective about her/himself, but it got me thinking. And you, folks, might be right. Because when you're in love, you feel like you can do anything. You feel better and you are better. And "better" means you lose what makes you an adult. You lose anger, you lose angst, impatience... Then you recover your innocence, ability to forgive, you're young again. The past doesn't weigh so heavily and the future doesn't… Leggi altre informazioni

Pubblicato da black-metal-queen 3 anni fa 12