Baby balls ultrasound

I thought for a long time before scheduling the ultrasound I needed. Then I worried about it for weeks. I wanted to cancel this appointment so badly. I got to my appointment on time and filled out the paperwork. It wasnt long before a young man came and got me. His name was Jeff. I was so embarrassed when I walked into the dark little exam room. He explained what he was going to do and that I needed to take my pants and underwear off. He also told me he was still learning this job and that his supervisor Jana would be present as well. He asked if I was ok with this and I said yes. I was almost in a panic, I was going to be seen by a man and a woman and had no idea how many more would see me.

He left me to undress and did give me a hand towel to cover my penis with. When he left I quickly undressed, putting my white lace panties in my pants where they could hardly be seen and got up onto the table. I hoped no one would spot them. I was humiliated staring between my legs. I have such a baby dick... its not fair..... I pulled my little penis up and layed the towel over it and waited for him to come back in. When he did Jana was with him. She was very nice looking.. probably mid 40s.. I found her very attractive and was beyond humiliated to have my tiny baby balls exposed to her. He sat in the chair facing me and his computer screen and she stood behind him watching what he did on the screen and how he used the paddle on my little balls.

They made comments to each other about what parts they were looking at and she was kind of quizzing him on what he was seeing. At one point she took the paddle from him and said "with some patients you need to kind of...." and she moved the paddle really low under my little balls. i dont know why she did it like that, I dont know what she was trying to say to him but in my mind I took it as "some very small patient".
During there small talk with me I admitted that my doctor sent me because he thought my testicles were underdeveloped. Jana quickly sided with my doctor and said she noticed that immediately! I wanted to cry and run away!!!!! My lip was trembling when I asked her if I was the smallest she had examend. She first assured me there was no reason to be alarmed and that there was probably nothing wrong with me, but then said that she would have to say that I was the smallest adult male she had done a testicle ultrasound on. All I could say out loud without breaking down and crying was "Oh.. Im sorry" IM SORRY!!! I apologized to them for having tiny sissy bumps!!! I have never felt so stupid!!! I am going to hear myself saying that for a long long time in my head.

Twice during the exam my fear about my little penis came true. I am simply to small to easily stay under the towel. As he moved the prob around my little pee pee just rolled out from under. Both times I noticed it happening and wanted to scream... I apologized both times and pushed it back under. The second time my eyes welled up and I was truly worried that I might start crying.

When they were done they both thanked me for being a good patient and for allowing them both to be present. I thanked them both and she told me I could use the towel to wipe the jel off and I could get dressed. She told me from what they could see there was nothing abnormal, the lab would print the pictures they took with the prob and a technician would look at them and the results would be sent to my doctor. She explained all of this to me as I sat there with the towel now covering my genitals .. I felt like a toddler in front of them. I diddnt want to get up and expose myself or the fact that I had panties to put on... it was an embarrassing few moments. I wiped myself clean and got dressed and left. I am mortified that more people have seen how tiny I am.
Pubblicato da babyryan
9 anni fa
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I love your story.
It is fabulous that you are small, thousands want to be baby! I am small and I love it, the panties fit beautiful!
such a sensitive girl
I LOVE tiny penises and marble sized testicles especially if they are neatly packaged Bi-Bill (London)
everyone will see how tiny your sissy balls are when she prints the pictures of the Ultra sound. In fact their whole office and your own Doctor will all have a good laugh when they see your tiny balls on big photos.
a dwtromana : Oh my, that is pretty bad! What type of exam was that?
Rispondi Mostra il commento originale Nascondi
i know this feelings, once i cum when i got an exam
excellent, you handled the situation just fine! your lucky your panties didn't fall out of your pants pocket in front of them. how did it feel when the man, Jeff probed around your "clitty" and "balls"? exciting?
well you made it through now you will be abel to be a gurl and enjoy your life has one
great story - i like to read your humiliating story - you are very brave sissy - would like to read more ...
Thank you for the insight to your self-inflicted embarrassment. It must be very confusing to feel shame and humiliation, and yet at the same time crave it for the curious arousal it causes you, too. I know you must have been dying of embarrassment. I know also that you masturbate compulsively to this day remembering this experience. Yes?