What's Going On With Xhamster?

There's been a lot of changes, like certain profile pics being banned (nudes I think), and no longer being able to add your own images onto the about me section etc...
And now, I can't even see or read the comments left on my posts, or anyone else's either, I still get notified about any comments though.
And, I can still respond to them through notifications, but that's it, I mean I never had a high opinion of porn sites full stop, but...
Things are getting rather bad on here, aside from it being a site of ill repute, but that's normal and expected lol.

I mean, there's other stuff to complain about too, like being blocked for no good reason, people who choose to argue with strangers they know nothing about, over a load of nonsense (mostly lol.)
And, scammers, fake accounts, but all that comes with the territory, but when the site no longer functions as it should, there's a problem.
And yeah, there's been too many changes too soon.

*Update, now people are saying they can't see anywhere to leave comments underneath posts, up until yesterday people could still leave a comment even if I couldn't see it (except in notifications.)*

Something else that concerns me, is that even if this mess gets sorted out, I have a sneaky feeling that the comments that were there might get deleted...
And, it wouldn't at all surprise me if comments were no longer allowed on posts, seeing that this site has banned other things for no good reason too.

Apox on this site!
The miserable curs!
I lament henceforth the day that I created an account to my persons on here, respect and civility to the service users appears to be missing.
When will this downward slope of blithering mediocrity, and a forever tightening of silly rules, that achieve nothing come to an end?
Tis nothing but a load of bacca and pipe.
Pubblicato da simpsonss345
11 giorni fa
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