Author :- QSQuinn

I stared at the page, trying to will the words to make sense but nothing was going in. The letters were just ink splotches on the paper. My focus was jumping around like a cat following a laser pointer. My mind raced; my heart thudded in my chest. Who could read at a time like this?

Would it happen again? Could it?

I gave a dry swallow and tried again to convert these words into coherent thoughts. But my mind kept drifting back to last night. That warmth. That tight grip. The smooth quick strokes and then the release. It hadn't been just a dirty dream? Had it?

I nearly jumped when I heard my door creak. I'd left it a crack open for exactly this reason: an invitation.

"Can't sleep again?" Mom asked in a voice soft as a silk scarf dropped to the carpeted floor. I didn't look up. I was feeling giddy, like a k** who's been spinning in circles for too long.

I pretended to finish the page I was on, as if my heart had not just gone into hummingbird mode. If I looked up maybe I'd realize it was only my imagination. Or, maybe I'd frighten her and she'd run away scared. Had to be cool. Had to act cool. Just breathe.

I risked a peripheral glance. There was definitely a shape in the doorway. A very shapely shape. She was back! She was in my doorway. I turned to face her as casually as I could. Were my hands holding the book shaking?

I held back a whimper. Fuck, she looked good. Mom had her long, straight, dark hair down, framing her heart-shaped face. The Asian heritage that came from her mother's side gave her eyes an exotic upward tilt. Those eyes that always looked like they were smiling, watched me intently, not revealing her thoughts, though her hands were tugging self-consciously at the hem of her nightie.

It was short, too short really to be comfortable. It ended at the top of her thighs barely hiding her crotch. It was also lacey. I could actually see the outline of her panties and the skin of her smooth belly, vivaciously plump but not fat. What she wore was more of a teddy than a nightie. Her huge tits strained at the (disappointingly) opaque material at her bust. Happily, it was cut low enough to expose a generous scoop of cleavage.

I suddenly became aware that I'd been silently taking all this in for far too long a time, blatantly ogling my own mother. Even as this awareness dawned on me, I knew I was still staring at those heavenly tits. I just couldn't look away. Not that mom seemed to mind. If anything, she pushed her chest out further, bathing in the heat of my admiration.

She lifted an eyebrow. Oh shit. She'd asked a question. What was it again? Oh, yeah. Can't sleep.

I nodded dumbly.

"Poor baby," mom pouted. Her hand moved up to finger the tiny bow at the apex of her cleavage. I watched it pluck at the material, licking my lips u*********sly. "Would you like some, um," Her eyes darted to the side and her cheeks flushed, "Assistance?" She cleared her throat and clarified, "Like last night?"

Despite my hopeful anticipation, I was still poleaxed when the offer came again. Last night was not a fluke. It had actually happened and, what was more, here was mom offering to do it again. I wanted to tell my stalled brain to give the go-ahead, but found, without consulting me, my head was already nodding by itself.

This caused Mom's flush to grow and her smile to brighten. My cheeks heated up too when I noticed her nipples were now poking through the thin material of her nightie.

With effort, I returned my gaze to her face. Her exquisite dimples came out and she stepped inside my room. Taking a last listen and a peek down the hallway she gently closed my bedroom door. I shoved my book away in the direction of my bedside table, not watching where it landed, instead giving my full attention to Mom's plentiful bottom as she stooped slightly to turn the key in the lock. Her nightie rode up, indecently exposing her panties which were not up to the task of accommodating that ass. Her cheeks bulged out either side of them in a way that would have made an anime version of me suffer an instant nosebleed. This brought me to another "full attention" of a very different sort.

Mom stole across my carpeted floor and knelt beside my single bed. The same single bed I'd slept in since I was ten and which was now comically juvenile for my lanky eighteen-year-old frame.

"Did it help?" She asked, her face expectant, while she placed an uncertain hand atop the covers, resting on my leg. I suddenly felt like a little boy again. Her little boy. She looked so eager to please.

I managed to breathe out a "Yeah," and she squeezed my leg through the duvet. "It was," I stuttered searching for the words but found them all insufficient. Her hand was on my upper thigh, so close to where my hard cock was straining upwards. She had to be able to see the bulge in my bedclothes. "It was amazing," I finished.

"Good," Her smile was so warm and loving. She put a finger to her lips, looked around the room one last time to check everything was secure, and then moved her hand deftly beneath the covers.

I have no idea how we came to this place in our relationship. When this all began, last night, I can't rightly remember what words were said or what looks were exchanged. It all felt inconsequential at the time. Until it wasn't. A normal conversation between mother and son. A very beautiful mother and a secretly perverted and always horny son, certainly, but there was nothing in it that suggested we'd end up here.

She'd asked why I was up so late and I'd said I couldn't sleep. She'd made some classic mom suggestions: Read a book (tried that), drink warm milk (I'm eighteen), count some sheep (seriously?). Somehow the topic had gotten on to what, ahem, she'd heard, a lot of teenage boys, ahem, did before they went to sleep. It was supposed to make you feel sleepy after. It had mortified me, my blush turning me so beetroot she'd felt compelled to console me. Supportive words were said and supportive touches were made. In the process her hand had bumped a certain part of me, my eyes had lingered too long on a certain part of her, and the next thing I knew she was offering something I wasn't sure she was actually offering and I was agreeing to it without actually saying it in so many words. Does that make sense? Then, like now, there was the feeling of a warm hand slipping under the covers and traveling up my leg. The shock. The mind-numbing disbelief as my mother's own hand burrowed through the flap at the front of my sleeping shorts and wrapped around my rigid pole. I'd not lasted long. How could I? It was all so sudden, so unexpected. Just a few pumps from that soft loving hand and I was spurting like a geyser, drenching my sleeping shorts. But it was good. Epic, in fact. Just that simple little handjob, performed by my own mother, trumped any other experience in my, admittedly, unimpressive sexual history.

Then mom, flushed and more than a little self-conscious, had withdrawn. She'd eyed her cum covered hand with curiosity, seemingly unsure what to do with it. Maybe she was working through the shock of what she had just done. After a moment she took a breath, her smile returning and wiped her hand clean on her nightie (a much more sensible outfit than the one she wore tonight). That was pretty much it. We'd said nothing more of it, mostly ignoring each other all of today. I'd imagined afterward that it was either a vivid dream or, if not, that she would think it some horrific act and be furious at me for defiling her in that way.

And yet... And yet, here she was again. She was as eager, possibly even more so than last night. Clearly, she'd worked through her concerns and it had worked out in my favor. She also moved with more confidence tonight. That hand was back, snaking up my thigh. My skin tingled all over. Even with some idea of what to expect, after the events of last night, I still jumped at the contact. Her fingertips lightly grazed my balls and came to rest at the base of my shaft. I silently screamed with joy inside the confines of my own mind.

"So hard already," she brushed my length tentatively, sounding impressed, "Were you waiting for me?"

I hesitated at this question. Could answering truthfully get me in trouble? Would she judge me for lying here fantasizing about her, my own mother, coming to give me a handjob? I figured the line was crossed though. She was already holding my cock and not for the first time.

I nodded.

"Sorry I kept you waiting," She purred sympathetically, giving an exploratory stroke on my member, "I had to wait for your father to fall asleep." Seeing the question in my eyes she winked and answered, "Don't worry, He's snoring away. It would take an apocalypse to wake him now." Placing her other hand on my chest she gently pushed me down. "Just relax, baby. Let mommy take care of you."

I complied all too willingly. She was so gentle, her love for me imbued in every motion of her body. I rested on my elbows and watched the rhythmic rise and fall of my duvet. With her on her knees beside the bed, our eyes were on a level. Mom gazed at me with inscrutable fascination. Tonight, without all the shock and surprise distracting me, I began to suspect that Mom's interest extended beyond just wanting to help me sleep. She was a little too intent in my reactions for it to be just that.

"Is that good?" She soothed. She didn't have to ask though; she could tell from how my eyes were trying to roll back into my head. It made her giggle girlishly. I fought it though; I wanted my eyes to enjoy other sights. Most of all that of her jiggling breasts as her hand pumped me diligently.

Unlike last night I did not shame myself by succumbing immediately. I came close. Really close. In fact, if the memory of last night had not led to me manufacturing several more climaxes during the course of today at my own hands, it probably would have been another early night for both of us.

Mom's amused expression at my vastly improved stamina told me she either suspected what I'd been doing all day or else she was enjoying the challenge set before her.

Feeling brave now that I could see she was plainly enjoying herself, I took a risk and attempted to lift the duvet. I fumbled it clumsily though, and would have chickened out if Mom had not noticed and asked, "Oh, do you want to watch?" Before I could answer she tossed back the blanket and we were both staring at where her hand gripped my shaft. What a sight!

"Much better," She cooed, "Now I can actually see what I'm doing. Do you like that, baby?" She added a circular wringing motion to her stroke. I moaned. "Yeah?" She grew excited, "Is that right? You want mommy to keep doing that? You're so fucking big. My big boy. Look at that handsome cock. I can't believe what a man you've become."

Fuck, her weird mix of maternal ego-boosting and dirty talk was spurring me on. I had to fight back my rising pleasure. I wanted this to go on for as long as I could make it.

My mom must have noticed my strained face and balled fists because she observed, "You don't want to cum for mommy yet?" I shook my head, "You want me to keep going?" I nodded emphatically. "That's okay," she gentled her pace and began to tease my length with climbing and descending fingers, "Mommy can make you feel so good. You just relax baby. I'll take care of you."

"You're so..." I gasped at this protracted pleasure, "...So good to me."

She beamed at my compliment and resumed her stroking, albeit using her telepathic mom skills to keep me riding a long, delicious curling wave of pleasure.

Those tits though. My eyes kept going back to her jouncing, jiggling tits. They were so big and bouncy and reacted to every movement of her tireless arm. Again, reading my mind (Let's face it, it can't have been hard to do at this point), she traced my gaze to her bosom and asked nonchalantly, "Will it help you to see them?"

"Yeah," I breathed, "Yes, please. Would you?" I let the question hang in the air, not quite believing it would be answered. But, answered it was and not with words but actions. Using her free hand, she tugged at the straps of her lacy nightie on the one side. Then, caring mother that she was, she switched hands so as not to break her spectacular handjob, and slipped off the other strap. This is a gifted woman, I can assure you, as talented with her left hand as she is with her right. My eyes locked onto the material which was now perched dangerously low on her breasts. I could see the top half of those massive orbs now and they were only getting bouncier and more impressive.

Hooking a thumb into her plunging cleavage she drew her top down and performed a world-altering titty-drop. Her massive breasts tumbled free and rebounded with youthful exuberance that belied her age. Such breasts. Such wonderful full, fat, swinging, dancing breasts. Capping each was a dark pink nipple, giving each orb a shaped peak that multiplied their perfection. The fluidity of those huge tits, and the swirling motion of her nipples as they danced to her rhythmic beating was mesmerizing. On the one hand, it made me want to cum immediately. On the other hand, it was so hypnotic that I was temporarily lulled into a kind of blissful stupor.

I was so lost in the pink cloud of titty lust that I can't say I even knew what I was doing until I heard her say, "It's okay. You can touch them." My eyes went wide when I realized I already was. Sweet Jesus, my hand was groping mom's boob and her soft, supple skin felt incredible. How had I come to be cupping her right breast? Who cared? I was doing it and she was letting me. If anything, she appeared to be enjoying it. Her plump tit was too big for my hand. It flopped in and out of my grip until I was able to find something to grip. This happened to be one of her thick, pencil-eraser-sized nipples. When I pinched it, not entirely conscious that I was doing it, it elicited a crisp gasp from Mom. When I glanced up to see if I'd somehow transgressed, her hooded eyes told me otherwise.

Seeing that I now had a way to toy with her like she was toying with me, I rolled that rubbery nipple until I felt it stiffen between my fingers. While Mom massaged my cock I played with her boobs, cupping and lifting, prodding and squeezing with a c***dish glee that seemed to please her immensely.

"Do you like them?" She enquired. She needn't have asked; the answer was in my enraptured attention. The question was evidently rhetorical, however, because she used it to lead into the next, far more meaningful, one. "Would you like me to do something special tonight?"

"Mmm hmm," I answered absently. The influx of pleasurable sensations was almost overwhelming. I did not even question what this special something could be. Could it get more special than this?

"Okay," she wore that adorable shy smile again and the flush returned to her cheeks. "Scoot closer to me."

I did, wiggling myself right to the edge of the bed.

"Take off your shorts," she commanded.

In a flurry of limbs, clothes, and blankets I obeyed. In a second, I'd fought my way free of the tangle and lay bottomless atop my sheets. My mom watched me, her eyes twinkling. That love I saw melted away any self-consciousness that might have plagued me. I kept my hands at my sides, resisting the urge to cover up my painfully erect member.

"Good," she tenderly ran a finger over my belly muscles, inducing a shiver, "Now, just lay still. You need to be nice and slippery first."

Not sure what she meant I opened my mouth to say something but whatever I was going to say evaporated as her hot wet mouth closed on the tip of my cock.

Oh God! Oh, Jesus! Mom was sucking my cock! My gorgeous mother had her plump lips around my dick and she was sucking like she was trying to drain my soul.

I'm going to cum. I'm going to cum. I can't cum. I have to fight. Can't cum. Won't cum. Fight it. Fight it you asshole. But it feels so good. Fuck it feels so good. The tight suction of those lips, her snaking tongue. Her hand gently squeezing my balls. This is it. I can't take this beautiful torture! Just a few more seconds though. Just hold on. She said she wanted me lubricated. For what? This wasn't the special thing. I mean, it was pretty fucking special, best moment of my life special, but maybe there was more? Could there be more? Could a human being experience more pleasure than this without blowing up their heart? I had to find out.

I willed myself back off the edge while Mom suckled my tip. Thankfully, just when I could take no more, she released me with a pop and let her mouthful of gathered drool pour down my shaft. I held her gaze (Fuck, it felt so dirty to do that) as she applied her saliva evenly to my entire length with her hand.

I whimpered. A gazelle in the claws of a fierce and proud lioness. God, I loved this woman.

When my cock was shiny, slippery, and swollen purple. She finally relented. She gave it a testing stroke with her hand. She grinned at the near-frictionless effect. As if to show her I was doing my part, when her squeeze reached the head of my cock, a spurt of precum leaped out and rolled down my tip, interlacing with her fingers and helping her add the last layer of lubrication.

"Perfect," she chirped happily, clapping her hands together.

I knew what was coming next or, at least I was hopeful, but still, I was not prepared for the revelation when it happened. My mom had to hoist up her heavy rack with her forearms so she could slap her fat tits down on my thighs like dough ready for kneading. I sat upright again and made a cry that, in any other situation, would have sounded pained.

Mom plumped her huge breasts around my member like my dick was a sapling being planted. The encapsulating warmth and softness made my mouth fall open but no sound came out. I was speechless.

"Do you like that?" She asked. She looked bashful, as if it were somehow likely I might be dissatisfied in some way. In what universe could that be possible? I gurgled a mindless reply. It was enough to satisfy her though and she squeezed me using her pillowy breasts.

"Do mommy's big titties feel good wrapped around your big cock?" She asked, teasing me by pressing her boobs together with her hands and sliding them up and down my length. With the coating of spit and precum she'd applied the journey was smooth and delightful. Five stars. I can highly recommend.

Fuck, I loved it when she spoke dirty. It was so incongruous with how I'd known her to be my whole life. Yet, here she was milking me with her magnificent milkers and saying filthy incetuous things that made me want to explode all over her.

Finding that I was lubed to perfection, she began to fuck me with her tits in earnest. They were so big they swallowed me entirely. Only on the down stroke, where her breasts were pancaked against my rigid abdominals, did my tip peek out like a very fortunate periscope.

Mom leaned over the bed to drop the full weight of her tits on me. They were so soft and malleable. They were a physical marvel for the fluid way they could compress and elongate before instantly wobbling back to their spherical fullness.

She took me to paizuri heaven. Balling her hands into fists, she crushed her tits around me tighter and tighter. Soon I was thrusting into her, my hips bucking on the bed, so that she had only to hold her tits together while it fucked them ruthlessly.

"Cum for mommy, baby," She encouraged me, "Cum for me, my prince."

With me doing the thrusting, Mom was able to crane her neck so that, as I drove through the luxurious channel between her breasts, my cock would pop into her open mouth each time I reached my apex. Her tongue lapped at my tip as it came within range. It was bliss. The warm marshmallow goodness of her huge tits combined with the drooling heat of her mouth finally broke down the few barriers I had left.
With a hoarse cry I levitated my ass off the bed, belly muscles rigid, cock periscoping through her squashed titties. Holding that arched pose I felt the explosion of pleasure ripple through my body, shaking every muscle and culminating in a fierce jet of semen that fired point-blank into Mom's waiting mouth. Never one to abide a mess, she dove on my prick like it was a grenade, closing her lips around my tip and drinking the thick ropes of cum down as fast as I could fill her cheeks to bursting. Only once I'd emptied my balls into her mouth and she'd licked me clean did I sink back onto my narrow bed like I was settling on a cloud.

"That's my boy," Mom said, having swallowed every drop, "That's my special boy." She gave my fat tip a wet kiss, the sensitivity of my glans making me jump at the contact. "Hopefully my sweet prince will sleep sweetly now," she said, making to rise and tuck her breasts back into her nightie.

I wasn't ready for her to leave yet. "Mom," I halted her by taking her hand. It also stopped her from putting away those breathtaking tits. Bonus. "Can you stay with me for a bit? I don't want you to go just yet. Just until I fall asleep?"

Mom glanced to the door. It was late now. She'd been out of her bed for a while. What if Dad rolled over and found her side of the bed was cold? She bit her lip with indecision.

"Just lie with me for a bit, Mom," I asked, "Please?"

"Okay," Her dimples returned with her smile, "I can't say no to my prince when he asks so nicely but just for a little bit. You need to sleep."

Turning back to the bed she said, "You'll have to move up though, I'm not sure there's enough room for me on there." She patted her generous bottom for effect.

Hastily I wiggled away, putting my back to the wall, making as much space for her as I could on the narrow bed. When she hooked her fingers in the cups of her nightie so that she might return to modesty I said, my voice pitched slightly panicky, "Wait." She paused; one eyebrow raised in a silent question. "Can't you keep them out? They're so warm and soft. Just while we lie here and cuddle."

"Alright," She showed only one dimple as her mouth quirked up in a knowing, lopsided grin, "So long as you promise that'll try to go straight to sleep."

"I promise," I lied and offered her a hand to guide her to the bed. She accepted and, with some effort and much wriggling and shuffling she managed to lie down beside me. Mostly. That thick ass of hers was too much for my humble single bed and there was a generous overhang. It was okay though, I wrapped my arms around her to stop her rolling off the bed, only too happy for the excuse.

"We need to get you a bigger bed," She chuckled nervously.

"Oh, I don't mind," I said casually. Crushed together as we were, my face was practically buried in her cleavage. I really, really didn't mind.

From the way she shifted I knew that she, like me, was becoming increasingly conscious of the fact that we were both practically naked. I'd not put my sleeping shorts back on and, now that I could feel my bare cock pleasantly rubbing against her warm thighs, I was certainly not about to do the gentlemanly thing and offer to do so.

"Try to rest now, baby," Mom said, taking me by the back of my head and drawing me even tighter to her chest. Rest? She should have known this action would have precisely the opposite effect. It woke me right up again. Or, at least, a very specific part of me.

My hands, which had started by holding her back, began to drift down on their own accord. The one trapped beneath her had limited motion, but I still managed, with some effort, to let it roam in tandem with its partner over her widely flared hips to take hold of her dense ass flesh.

"Baby!" she rebuked, but with amusement at my new-found brazenness. While I fondled her ass cheeks, I started to kiss the tops of her breasts. This time when she said, "Baby!" It was slower and in a much huskier tone.

I gripped her bottom through her panties and kissed lower and lower on her chest.

"You're wicked," she sighed, wriggling in a delightful manner in my arms. She offered no further protest though and even tilted her chin up, inviting me to nuzzle her neck. Which I did, gratefully.

"Oh, baby," I felt her voice vibrating beneath my lips when I kissed her throat, "So quickly?" I knew what she was referring to because, at that moment my limp prick had surged back to life and was prodding energetically at her plump thighs.

I kissed lower and lower. Mom's left hand dug into my hair while her right pulled my body tighter to hers. Joy rang like a bell through my very core when I made it over the swell of one huge breast and discovered her nipple on the other side. Without hesitation, I latched onto it, as I had done in my infant years, and suckled her gently. Mom arched her neck back and muttered, "Ooh, baby. We really shouldn't. But... But... that just feels so good."

I sucked at her teat, stretching and nuzzling her pliant flesh. My hands dug deeper into her ass. My fingers ran into the groove in her panties and down until I felt soft mushy flesh beneath my fingertips growing damp through the thin material.

I ran my tongue around her wide, dark areola, but kept coming back to her sensitive nipple. Teasing and twerking it with my tongue and lips. She was kind enough to roll over enough to free her other breast and I quickly buried my face in that, giving it the same loving attention, I'd given the first.

Meanwhile, she had tactically raised her leg just enough so that when my hard cock flopped into the gap between her thighs, she was able to close it again and trap me. I moaned into her tits when her strong leg muscles sandwiched me. It was too tight for me to move until, with all the titty sucking and thigh squeezing, my cock leaked sufficient precum all over her inner thighs. Then I began to slide between those toned legs. It was good, but it only got better when my dick serendipitously popped into the little triangle formed at the junction of her legs and pussy.

I groaned as I pushed into the tight thigh gap. My dick rasped against mom's pussy through her wet panties. I heard her sharp intake of breath and felt her nipples, already hard, turn to pebbles in my mouth.

"Oh, my boy," She sucked in a breath, "Oh, my good boy. You're making Mommy feel so good. Don't stop baby. I love it. Please don't stop."

I thrust into her, deliberately driving my cock at her vulnerable pussy. The more I bounced my tip off her covered mound the more excited she got. She hugged my head into the valley of her breasts, nearly suffocating me in the tide of flesh.

"You're making mommy so wet, baby. You're so, so bad." She trilled in the back of her throat. "Fuck, we really should stop, but I don't want you to. I want... I want..."

I was happily humping my way to completion when she suddenly released the pressure on my penis. I shot right through the gap she'd created by lifting her leg and our pelvises slammed together. I felt her hand flutter past my dick and then it was at her panties. Tugging and pulling, stretching the material out of the way.

"Fuck, I'm so horny. I can't take it. I'm burning up! Do you want to put it in me? Do you want to fuck mommy's pussy baby?"

I didn't have to consider it. I nodded. Because her nipple was in my mouth her breast nodded along with me for added confirmation.

"Yeah?" Her hand took hold of my dick. "You want to fuck me?" She guided me towards her entrance. "You want to fuck your mommy's tight little pussy?" I wasn't answering her questions. She already knew the answer. She could feel it as hard as a rail spike in her hand. When my tip nuzzled her smooth oily folds I grunted, nearly cumming right then. The earlier boobjob was the only thing that gave me the stamina to hold back.

"Shove it in me, baby," She growled, "I want to feel you inside me."

I pushed and she directed me. I hit resistance. A ring of constricting muscle. Damn, she'd not been exaggerating, mom was tight. Together we pushed until, all at once, I sheathed myself in a slippery, squelchy rush of heat.

"Oooh, baby," Mom tossed her hair this way and that, "God you feel so good inside me. You fit me so good. Nobody fills mommy like her prince does."

If she was feeling anything like I was feeling then she was not exaggerating. Her pussy was all mature strength combined with the youthful elasticity of a virgin. How did she keep it so pristine?

It really hit me then, an 18-wheeler speeding down a hill with its brakes cut hit me. I was fucking my mom. I mean, I'd known it before, but it had felt like part of a game or possibly a fantasy. But this was real. I was buried in her channel all the way up to my balls. It was like I was floating above my own body, looking down on our humping, writhing mass of hair, limbs, ass, and tits. This was really happening. It was too crazy to even try to comprehend. I just knew it was the best thing I'd ever felt and I wanted it to last forever.

Mom was less patient than me by then. She was an orgasm behind and eager to catch up. She began to rock her hips. Her passage sucked the head of my cock as hard as I was sucking her nipples. We rocked back and forth on my tiny bed, only able to make short, sharp thrusts. It creaked and thumped against the wall so loudly that, if Dad were not the world's heaviest sleeper he would surely have woken and thought the house was under attack.

As we made love, Mom became more and more tender, her words were so sweet and encouraging I felt as if my mind was being wrapped up and coddled in warm blankets. My kisses on her tits gradually worked their way up to her neck. I remember thinking that I would like to watch her, to see if the rapture in her voice was matched by the expression on her beautiful face. I didn't get the chance though. I received yet another shock when, just as I tilted my head up my mouth was seized by hers.

She must have been waiting to pounce because her lips instantly closed on mine, her tongue thrusting into my mouth. Eyes wide, I was taken aback by her ferocity. The kiss was so charged with lust and love that I soon melted into it and began to push back with my own hunger.

Whatever passion I'd awoken in Mom turned feral. She grabbed fistfuls of my T-shirt and aggressively shoved me onto my back. Rolling with me, she landed astride me, still with my dick inside her. Her huge tits hung low. My hands instinctively grasped them and began to tease and massage them as they swung pendulously. Mom mashed her lips against mine, the kiss becoming a****listic. She bounced her juicy ass up and down on my rigid pole, slamming down on me harder and faster as she chased her climax.

She broke the kiss to nip my ear and hiss, "You're going to make mommy cum. Keep going, baby. Mommy is so close. Oh, god. That feels so good."

I held onto her tits and did my best not to explode inside her. She was a force of nature and I felt like I was being battered in the center of the storm.

"Yes! Yes!! Yes!!!" She practically shrieked with each slap of her ass on my crotch. Could Dad really sleep through this? I prayed he could because even if he walked in on us now, I would not be able to stop until I felt my mom cum on my dick.

By now she was impaling herself so deep on my shaft that I had to be bouncing off her cervix. "I'm cumming. I'm cumming. Oh, fuck! I'm cumming." She squealed as she slammed herself down on me in a ragged, desperate rhythm until, finally, she started to shudder and tighten up all over her body.

Mom's pussy clenched down on me and I felt her climax travel through her like a detonation pressure wave. Her tits wobbled like jelly in my hands and her pussy choked up around my cock. She cried out her pleasure into my mouth as she rode an impossibly long wave of pleasure past her climax and into a warm haze of elongated bliss. She rode out this pleasure until her clumsy thrusts became a low circular grinding with my cock as the pivot.

"You made me feel so good," She kissed all over my face and hair, back down to my lips and along my neck and collarbone. Her long nails sc****d my hairless chest. "So damn good. I want you to feel good. Can you cum for me? Do you want to cum inside mommy?"

"Oh fuck," I moaned. Just those words were enough to undo me. I'd barely been able to hold it together since her pussy clamped around me.

"Cum in mommy's pussy. I want to feel you fill me up."

She only had to jiggle her big ass a few times and her pussy, which was still clenching with the aftershocks of her climax, wrung out the last of my resistance.

"Oh Fuck!" One of us cried, I'm not sure if it was me or her, as white light filled my vision and a searing stream of cum burst into her pussy. I glugged and gurgled a fountain of cum into her, flooding her pussy. Given how deep I was inside her, a great deal of it had to be going directly into her unprotected womb. She didn't complain though. She sighed contentedly and used her pussy to stroke my length, hungrily squeezing out the dying spurts of my seed until I was drained and she was packed to bursting.

"Mmm," She said dreamily, laying her head on my shoulder "It feels so warm inside of me. Thank you, my handsome prince."

"Th-thank you," I stuttered, still not precisely sure how or what had just happened.

"I love you," She gave me a motherly kiss on the cheek which, seeing that I was still semi-hard inside her, somehow made all this feel even dirtier.

"I... I love you too, Mom," I wrapped my arms around her.

"I know," She giggled, "You did a great job of showing me." Looking regretful, she added, "Now, it really is time for you to go to sleep. But, I don't think you'll have any trouble after that performance."

"Oh," I said, unable to hide my disappointment. When she rose off me, my cock slipping free from her embrace, I suddenly felt cold.

"It's okay, baby," Mom smiled, her dimples returning with full force. As she stood some of my cum leaked from her overfilled pussy. She surprised me yet again by catching it on her fingertips before snapping her panties back into place to trap the rest inside her. Not showing any of the uncertainty of last night, she immediately brought her hand up to her mouth and licked it clean of sticky juices, humming happily to herself as she did so.

She tucked away her magnificent breasts and straightened her rumpled nightie. Before she left, she paused and said, a little of her shyness returning, "I'll come back tomorrow night to help you sleep again, if that's okay?"

I nodded rapidly.

Her hand rubbed absently at a nipple through the material as she continued, "If it continues to be a problem, we'll just keep at it for however long you need my help, okay?"

I smiled wider than her at this. There was more than a tinge of hope in her voice. I agreed wholeheartedly.

Unable to shake her maternal instincts, Mom pulled my duvet back over to cover me. She brushed my messy hair off my forehead and gave me a last kiss before saying, "Sleep tight, my handsome prince. I hope you have sweet dreams."

My eyelids drooped heavily as I watched her voluptuous ass sway out of my room. They closed seconds after the door to my room did and I already knew her wish would come true. Because tonight, and forever after, I was going to dream of her.
Pubblicato da CLAIRSBOY2
10 mesi fa
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CLAIRSBOY2 Editore 2 mesi fa
a jimmcd : I'm pleased you liked it. 
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jimmcd 2 mesi fa
I just loved that.. Gave me a real boner... Just adore mother and son well written. Almost felt I was there,,, thanks again
bingobob3018 9 mesi fa
That is a great piece of writing. Takes you right into the room watching mom and son good
alibodge 9 mesi fa
wonderful...and lucky!
Ukchris56 10 mesi fa
Wish I  had a mum like that
funpics70 10 mesi fa
the perfect mum
captJack33 10 mesi fa
Loveitall66 10 mesi fa
Bravo! That’s fantastic, well written and so erotic even amusing in places, let’s hope there is more
CLAIRSBOY2 Editore 10 mesi fa
a boxerdog822 : I hope so as you can see I'm not the author.
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dmf399 10 mesi fa
Holy smokes this is HOT!!!  Nicely done.
boxerdog822 10 mesi fa
Fantastic story is there more to come? 