046 – An Unplanned Evening

When Maisie walked through the gate I was pleasantly surprised to see her still in her uniform albeit her shirt was unbuttoned at the top and untucked from her short black skirt and she was barefoot.. she excitedly ran towards the garage where I’d pulled her up a chair.. “Oooh what a cool neighbour” she said as I passed her the joint.. she took a big hit and I could see straight away she wasn’t used to such strength, she sat herself down while her brain processed what she’d just inhaled.. her face was a picture.

“Fucking hell mister.. that’s strong!!”’she gasped and I had to have a giggle at Maisie’s expense as her eyes seemed to roll.. she took the joint and had another hit and sat back in the foldaway chair totally oblivious to the fact her legs had parted and she was giving me a view right up to her white cotton clad crotch.. Yum.
I must say it didn’t take long to get the buzz and after about 10-15 minutes she realised I was only wearing my robe.. Oooh Frank.. I do like your robe..” she said giggling as she looked down at my hairy legs which I had to keep together for decency’s sake although as we both entered the zone I didn’t know how long I could keep that up.. I tried to make conversation as I rolled another joint.

“How’s ya grandad doing?” I enquired as I hadn’t seen John since that first shopping delivered.. again she giggled as she lost all her inhibitions making it more difficult for me to concentrate on what I was doing with her smooth creamy thighs directly in my line of sight.. she looked up and damn if her eyes were glazed over.. weed effects people differently and I was keen to see how it affected Maisie and right now she was placid, calm and giggly, “He’s doing alright mate, working all hours as usual” she replied which actually reminded me that I needed to put another order in.. maybe I’ll get John to deliver it.

I don’t know if it was the weed that was starting to arouse me or the fact that Maisie either didn’t realise I was looking up her skirt or didn’t care or it could’ve been a combination of all the contributing factors but I certainly felt my cock starting to stiffen under my silky robe, we lit up the joint and I think both our inhibitions went out the window as I couldn’t draw my eyes away from her creamy teenage thighs… “I have to say Maisie.. you have lovely legs” I said softly at least justifying my reasons for staring.. Maisie looked up at me and then down to her parted legs.. “OMG No.. my legs are skinny mate.. look, no shape” she said as she lifted up her skirt completely showing her knickers which also gave me permission to look closer.. her panties weren’t too tight either which allowed a couple of stray hairs to show down the sides and a slight gap showing a little peek of skin, my cock was now definitely on the rise.. “We’ll I think they’re nice Maisie” I replied to her rebuttal and then she looked down at mine..

“Now you DO have nice legs mate.. hairy is hot” she said with a giggle taking another hit on the smoke.. we were both in a playful mood.. I had to laugh, “Ha-ha Maisie.. you’re so funny” I replied as I saw her eyes widen as she tried to focus on the rising bulge. “It’s true.. you do have nice legs.. mine are skinny and yours are tanned and hairy.. Oooh oops.. hehe” she said giggling as I eased my legs apart and she got a glimpse at my hanging bollocks.. I pulled my robe up my thighs just far enough so she could get a good look at my thighs but although she could clearly see my dangly nuts I was careful not to show my erection.. “Wow mate, they’re awesome” she said smiling.. “My grandad has skinny legs with not much hair hehe.. his are weird not like yours” she said making no reference to my balls at all.

I pulled my robe a little down but making sure there was enough on show to keep up the tease.. Maisie, it seems was getting fucked up and it seemed she was in a playful mood.. “So.. seeing as you have absolutely no taste when it comes to women mate, anything else you like about me?” she said and I could sense some excitement in her bloodshot eyes but was this a licence for a bit of playful exhibitionism? I looked across at her body sitting there.. she kinda opened up sticking her chest out (not that she had much chest) but it did allow me to check her out in more detail.. her top two buttons undone on her shirt gave me just a glimpse of her chest and as my eyes wandered she still had her legs apart and OMG she looked so sweet.. “Well your breasts are developing well Maisie..” I said with a smile which seemed to make her laugh.. “Oh no.. no way mister.. I ain’t got no tits.. flat as bloody pancakes me” she said giggling which wasn’t quite true as from the outline I could see under her shirt her little puffies were starting to take shape.. I leant across and pulled her shirt out to give me a peek down the front.. “See.. nothing” she said giggling.. “I can’t really see much Maisie” I said as I fumbled with the next button which again made Maisie laugh.

She didn’t protest and just sat with her arms by her sides as I proceeded to undo all her buttons and open up her shirt.. “See Maisie.. perfect shape and look.. your nipples are nice and big.. lovely breasts” I said smiling as I leant forward to get a closer look.. Maisie laughed.. “Told ya your taste in women is shit mate” she said giggling as I sat back in my chair and took the joint.. Maisie did just one button up but that was because I handed her back the smoke and she forgot what she was in the middle of.. but it was nice.
“So what else do you like about me? or in guys generally?” I asked which brought a smile to her face.. “Strong arms are important” she said as she looked me up and down and although my bollocks were on show she again made no mention.. “Really?” I replied flexing my muscles which young Maisie found highly hilarious.. “OMG you’re funny.. I can’t see them” she said giggling and then began the unenviable task of removing the top half of my robe without fully exposing myself.. Maisie looked on with interest as I struggled to expose the top half of my body but then cheered when I succeeded.. my robe was in my lap and again I flexed my muscles.. “Oh yeah.. that’s what I’m talking about” she said smiling as she stared at my topless torso.. “Nice chest too mate” she said with a giggle as she continued to look at my ageing body which must be an improvement on her grandads.

“Your turn Frank” she said obviously growing into the game we’d developed and it was fun, “What else do you like about me? or in women in general?” she asked using my exact words.. I had to think now.. how far do I go?.. we were both fucked up and in good spirits so I decided to just run with it.. “Well Maisie.. I am partial to a nice arse.. and if you don’t mind me saying.. you have a nice one too” I said with a giggle.. there, it was out there.. “Really?.. Oh wow.. actually I do think my arse is my best feature” she said with a smile.
“Do you wanna see it?.. I don’t mind as I think it’s my best feature” she said in a mischievous voice and who was I to reject such an invitation.. she got up off her chair and knelt on the chair arching her back so her arse stuck out.. her short skirt barely covered it and if I glanced down between her legs I could see her soft white gusset.. it was that short and already my cock was pushing against my crumpled-up robe.

I reached out and slowly lifted up her skirt and rested it on the arch of her back.. Maisie giggle knowing her panty clad arse was fully exposed.. “Wow Maisie.. it is nice and I love the way your knickers push into your crack.. Oooh I love it” I said softly as I eyed every pimple and every curve on her sweet rear end.
She gave me a little wiggle and she allowed me a few minutes to fully take in its beautiful shape and even with her knickers bunched up into her crack it still didn’t make the gusset too tight.. perfect and I was in touching distance.. it would be impolite not to ask.. “Um Maisie.. would you mind if I .. Um.. touched it” I said in my best begging voice and again she giggled as she turned her head towards me.. “Just a quick touch then” she said almost excitedly.. I wasn’t going to wait and have her change her mind so I quickly reached out and ran my fingers around her bulbous cheeks and down her crack causing yet another giggle.. “Oooh that’s naughty mate” she said getting herself together while I pulled away not wanting to push my luck..

she sat back down and smiled.. “Your turn again Maisie, I’m sure there’s nothing else about me but what else do you like about guys.. you’ve had good choices so far” I said hoping to carry on the game.. She looked me up and down again and I could see the devil in her eyes.. “Hmm.. let’s see.. I do like a nice arse on a man too.. do you have a nice arse Frank?” she asked and I think we both knew what was coming next.. “I’ll happily show you Maisie but be warned.. I have no underwear on” I said very tongue in cheek but her eyebrows raised and her eyes widened.. “Oooh really? A good test then” she said softly so I had to give her a viewing which wasn’t easy considering my robe was wrapped around me like a towel.. and not very secure.

As I stood up to get into position she was laughing at my feeble attempts at keeping hold of my modesty and as I knelt on the chair and raised up my crumpled robe I totally lost the grip and my robe fell to the floor.. “Oooh nice arse mister” she sighed as I positioned myself bent over the chair, legs apart and my bollocks hanging down between my legs, my cock was throbbing but right now she hadn’t seen that.. “Oh yes.. I much rather look at you than my grandad.. not bad for an old man though mate” she said laughing as she moved her chair towards me..
My head was seriously spinning as I heard her breathing increasing.. “Err.. can I touch it please?” she asked tentatively and before I answered she’d already reached out giggling as she felt my smooth arse cheeks and as she circled her fingers I had to moan out softly.. what the fuck were we doing??

Her fingers then ran down my crack and between my legs where I felt her cupping my balls and giving them a gentle squeeze and I felt her fingers extending to the base of my solid cock.. “Oooh mister.. someone’s got a boner I think.. Oooh it does feel good” she sighed as I felt her fingers exploring my veiny shaft.. “Of course.. I do like this bit the best of all” she said reaching her hand through my legs and wrapping her fingers around my shaft for a much better grip.
“You do look good naked Frank.. I like it.. can I see the front properly.. Oooh my head” she said softly and I think her head was spinning in tandem with mine and I have to say it was a struggle getting off the chair and maintaining my balance but luckily Maisie reached out grabbing my hips to steady the old ship.. “Thanks Hun” I said giggling as my erection swayed back and forth in front of her face from the momentum of my dizzy stumble and I could see her eyes struggling to focus.. “Mmm.. it looks big mate.. why won’t it stay still.. hehe” she said as I continued to struggle for balance and as she tried to hold me my cock inadvertently slapped her around the face which resulted in us both having a complete meltdown with laughter.

We were both stumbling about and I must have grabbed her shirt as the button flew across my garage leaving Maisie’s shirt open and revealing.. the best thing was for me to try and line my arse up with the seat but every hesitant move or stumble was met with laughter.. I held on to the shoulders of her shirt but with it now open there was nothing to hold on to and I ended up falling backwards onto the floor taking Maisie’s shirt with me.. poor girl was beside herself as she looked down at my naked body.. her shirt over my head wriggling in uncontrollable laughter, she just couldn’t control herself.

I moved the shirt from my head and looked up at Maisie’s topless body sitting inches from my legs and through the laughter I could see her trying to focus on my erection which she was finding fascinating but right now we both needed to control and compose ourselves, “Ahem.. are you ok mate” she said looking a bit concerned and as I looked up all I could see was the whiteness between her open legs.. OMG neither of us were in any fit state and I was naked on the floor and she was sitting topless with her elbows on her widened knees looking down at me trying to figure out why her neighbour was lying naked on the garage floor.
I don’t know why but I couldn’t seem to move.. I was drained of all energy and the blood had definitely ran to my dick which just seemed to lay flat against my stomach pulsing.. “Let me help you” she said softly as the seriousness of the situation took hold of Maisie and she started to regain some kind of composure albeit not too much because as she slowly got off her chair she stumbled and almost ended up on top of me, I think with all the will in the world she was also struggling as much as me..

“Hang on.. let me try and get over the other side of you” she said softly as she struggled to move her leg and ended up kneeing me in the head.. I wasn’t sure what getting the other side of me would achieve but I was in no position to argue as she again tried to move her leg.. she managed it and was now almost laying on top of me with arse on my chest and one leg each side of me and as I glanced down all I could see was the cheeks of her arse staring at me.. her panties were all over the place and her hanging skin flaps in full view inside her hanging gusset.. my cock was throbbing overtime as it pressed against her soft skin.. we were in limbo but it was up to Maisie to try and move, it wasn’t easy and luckily she wasn’t much weight..

“I’m gonna have to come up your body mate.. bear with me” she said and huffed and puffed trying to move and with a little success I did see her arse moving a little closer as she raised up from her knees which also eased the pressure on my cock.. now all that was needed was for her to move up my body.. easy eh!
I decided I’d try to lend a hand and grabbed hold of Maisie’s hips in an attempt to pull her back but as her knees weren’t moving all I was able to achieve was lifting her upwards which did help up to a point however as I looked up between her legs and the sight of her exposed labia lips I was aware of what goes up must come down and the only place that sweet arse was coming down was on my face.. it just depended on how long she could support herself in her weakened state..

At the other end I could feel her breath on my bollocks and at one point was sure I felt her tongue flick on of them so I moved my hands up inside her skirt and took hold of her fleshy cheeks in a bid to at least support her descent, we were both low on ideas and as my arms weakened so did her arse lower down towards my face and I needed to use all my remaining strength to guide her hanging flaps onto my face.. bingo!! As her pussy came down square on my face my tongue sprang into action straight between those succulent lips and OMG she did taste sweet and with my nose pushed between her soft cheeks pressing against the soft cotton I felt her tongue starting to lick more around my balls and up my shaft.. she was mumbling something and as my cock slipped into the warm confines of her mouth she somehow found the energy to bob her head as she sucked on my throbbing manhood.

Oh Wow.. she started to grind on my face whether this was a tactic to ease herself off or not I don’t know but my tongue was in deep and as her body started to spasm and shake I could feel the wetness between her legs increasing as she orgasmed and with what she was doing to me I knew I wasn’t going to be far behind, my tongue was everywhere.. I’d freed her soft cotton knickers from her crack and had it wide open allowing my tongue to find that sweet, darkened paradise causing her to suck harder in what can only be described as a frenzy of lust.. she was worshiping my cock trying to force out my seed.. she didn’t have to wait long as I felt my legs shaking and my cock pulsating shooting my stream of hot creamy jizz right down her throat.. of course she had to follow that up with another intense orgasm of her own and after the passion died down we just lay there totally motionless with my softening cock still in her mouth and her sweet juicy cunt still in mine.. neither of us had the energy to move, our heads spinning out of control.. in a way it was nice.

I had lost control of the majority of my senses however having Maisie spread eagled over my face was adequate compensation for enduring the hard garage floor.. she was still breathing because I felt her tongue swirling around my softening cock but at some point we had to try and move.. we couldn’t have her grandad John come home and find us totally wasted in my garage.. I needed to think of a plan.
“We need to try and get you off Maisie” I said softly as I felt her mouth moving and gently sucking on my now flaccid meat.. she pulled her head up for a second.. “Oooh why? I kinda like this” she said which to be honest was not what I wanted to hear.. “But you’re right mate” she added so I got my hands back into position cupping her bulbous arse cheeks and as I pushed up with all of what I had left not only did she start to move but my thumbs pushed into her crack causing her to yelp out but she knew it was for the greater good..

“That’s it Maisie.. we did it” I cried out as my young teenage neighbour crashed over to my side giggling.. as I got myself up onto my feet I helped her up into the chair.. “Oooh I’m so dizzy mate, what the hell happened?” she asked and I can only tell her that the joint was rather strong.. “Fucking good though” she said with a smile as I sat back down opposite her looking at her semi-naked body.. her puffies swollen and her nipples like little bullets.. with her legs still spread I could see her knickers still pushed to one side and her pretty pussy in full view.. I was still naked with my cock hanging down and we took a few moments to try and concentrate our heads.. “What time is it?” she asked obviously concerned of her grandads imminent return from work.

It was 9.30 so while we still had time we didn’t have much of it and I was a little concerned at Maisie’s state.. “Oh fuck” she said as we heard his car pulling up out the back.. “Quick.. put your shirt back on” I said handing it to her while I quickly grabbed my robe and figured that while I could explain away the fact we were both fucked up it might be harder to explain our state of undress.

To Be Continued….
Pubblicato da britguy
2 anni fa
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Such a turn on
grandad home and he will be looking for his little girl to look after him hope she can
Maybe get grandpa high and have a 3 some. 