Massage With Jane

I was so glad of the rest and to sleep in my own bed.. alone, and I got a great night’s sleep and felt refreshed in the morning and even before making my coffee I took a long cool shower ready for the day ahead and then as I sat down in my robe drinking my coffee I thought of plans for the day, I had nothing set in stone.
Then out of the blue I received a text from an unknown number, it read: “Hello Frank, I’m Jane and I got your number from a girl at school you told me you do a great massage, I’ve been having issues with my neck and shoulders and hoped you’d be able to help, thanks J” which I thought was nice but strange and she could’ve got my number from a lot of people however it didn’t matter who, so I replied: “Hi Jane, so nice of you to contact me, I’d be happy to help with your neck and shoulders or I can offer you a slow and relaxing full body massage if you’d prefer using sensual oils on a professional table, let me know, Frank” I sent it and waited for her reply which soon came, “As tempting as it is I’ve never had a full body massage and a bit worried about taking off my clothes as I’m told you are an older man, I’ll stick with the neck and shoulders please, J” so I gave it some thought and obviously I didn’t want to push it but decided to dangle the carrot, “Hi again Jane, I totally understand never having had one before however we all start somewhere, I can assure your privacy at all times and you can wear as much or as little as you’re comfortable with and I’d be happy to work around any obstacles, I would highly recommend an unhurried relaxation session with the emphasis on your neck and shoulders, F” and sent my reply and I must have waited a good 10 minutes for her to respond.

“Can we discuss it when we meet? J” came the reply so I quickly sent back to say that was perfectly alright and she came back to say she’d be round in an hour, I had to go get the room ready coz even a neck and shoulders can be done on the table.
It didn’t take me long to sort out the room and light the candles making it all cosy for Jane and I received another text: “Sorry to a pain, I’m on my way but how long does it take? Thanks J” she wrote and I suppose with her schoolwork it was a valid question so I wrote back, “You’re not a pain at all Jane, it can take as long as required and if you’re in no rush then the longer the better, it’s all about making YOU feel good, see you soon.. F” and I wasn’t expecting a reply but I got one: “Aww you’re so kind sir, thank you and I’m in no rush at all and thanks for thinking of my well-being.. J” which I thought was a lovely reply and as I sat in my kitchen in my little shorts and tee shirt which I find the best attire for massage it wasn’t long before I saw Jane walking down the path, Oooh she did look cute in her white sleeveless shirt and short skirt and little white ankle socks, she was quite a slim girl and from what I could see she had nice smooth legs, Mmm I was going to enjoy this morning.

“Hi Jane, please do come in and slip your shoes off for me and we’ll have a like chat before we start so I can get some history” I said softly making her feel welcome, she smiled as she looked me up and down, “Nice to meet you sir, I was expecting some fat balding guy” she said with a giggle which was a nice way to break the ice, she had lovely blue eyes and an even lovelier smile, “Please, come into the lounge and we’ll work out a plan” I said and followed her into my lounge where she sat on the sofa with her knees tight together and her hands clasped on top, I sat down opposite being careful not to expose myself..

“So Jane, tell me your main ailments and I’ll work out a good program for you” I said smiling and I could see she looked nervous, “Well sir, I do a lot of gymnastics and recently I’ve been having issues with my neck and shoulders so I really need them looked at” she said which was nothing I didn’t already know so I had to dig a bit deeper, “Ok, that’s good and what about your back and spine?, any issues or tightness there?” I asked and she could see I was thorough and seemed to open up a little, “Actually yes, I do sometimes feel my lower back straining” she added and it all made sense, “That’s good Jane, we’re finding out more and believe it or not it’s all linked, do you feel fatigued more than usual?” I asked keeping the consultation going and she looked up, “Funny you should ask that sir because coming to think of it I do, is that normal sir?” she replied and I gave her one of my ‘in deep thought’ looks.

“Hmm, one last question which could be quite relevant, doing gymnastics means your quite flexible, right?” I said and she nodded her head, “So have you experienced any tiredness or muscle fatigue in your thighs, especially here?” I said running my fingers up the inside of my thigh which meant I had to open my legs which meant she had to look and from the look on her face I knew she’d got a glimpse of my balls up the leg of my shorts, she smiled without commenting on what she’d actually seen, “Now you mention it sir, I do feel a bit fatigued there” she replied and actually looked a bit worried having confessed to all these ailments which she probably didn’t realise were issues, “What do you think sir.. throw me on the scrap heap?” she said laughing which actually made me laugh, I was glad she was opening up and being honest.
“Oh god No Jane, I can certainly help but I feel a full body massage will be in your best interest, I can sort out your neck, shoulders and back and we can work on your thighs too and believe it or not your buttocks hold the key to a lot of issues as everything runs through there, it’s all about the transfer of energies from one person to the other, I use a lovely warm oil which will send you to sleep” I told her and felt I was pretty convincing and she was giving it serious thought, “Oh and don’t worry I use a modesty towel, it’s all very professional” I told her and she nodded, “Oh it’s ok sir, it’s obvious that you know what you’re talking about and I feel really good about it but it’s just I’ve never done anything like this before” she said airing her concerns, “And this is why your body is like it is Jane, You need to look after it especially if you do gymnastics” I said selling her the process.

“I like it sir, your very kind and I totally trust you but if I may ask, how do you transfer energies?” she asked and I wanted to be as thorough as I could be with her, “Glad you asked that question Jane, energies can be transferred through touch and the male semen contains a variety of protein and goodness and can be administered in three different ways, orally.. anally or vaginally and the benefits are immense, I guarantee you will feel a new woman by the time you leave here” I said with such conviction that her face was already starting to glow, “Wow sir, you really do cover all bases and put your clients well-being as a top priority, I’m in no hurry sir so I’m going to trust your judgment” she said although she still looked a bit nervous, “That’s a good decision but don’t worry Jane, I’ll do a thorough assessment when you’re on the table to make sure I’m treating the right parts in the right way, shall we go up and get comfortable?” I said and again she gave me a warm smile, “Sure, I’m ready” she said standing up and as I got up I pointed the way to the stairs, “After you Jane” I said softly and as she slowly made her way up the stairs I got a lovely peek up the back of her skirt at her perfectly rounded arse and with her panties bunched up into her crack I immediately felt my cock twitching.

“Oh wow sir, this is so nice” she said as she walked into my dimly lit bedroom with the smell of scented candles making it very relaxing, “Ok Jane, if you can undress and lay face down putting your head in the rest making sure the pillow is under your belly which will raise your bottom up allowing the blood to flow out and put the modesty towel over you, I’ll give you some privacy and be back in 5” I said softly making her feel totally at ease, “Mmm thank you sir, Oh.. do I get totally naked?” she asked, “It’s up to you Jane but it would be better” I said as I left her to it and walked out.
When I returned I saw her lying face down as requested with the towel covering her raised arse and could see her clothes neatly folded on the bed including her knickers so I knew that under the towel she was naked, lovely as it gives me something to work with.

Her head was nicely in position in the head rest, “All good Jane, are you comfortable?” I asked and she gave a muffled, “Yes sir” as I ran my fingers lightly up the back of her leg up her body as I walked to the head of the table, “I’m just going to remove my shirt as it can get quite warm in here” I said pulling off my shirt as I stood at the head of the table looking down at her slim and slender frame.
The top of her head was pressing against my belly so I knew that any sign of arousal at this point would be noticed so I concentrated on oiling up my hands and started to work on her shoulders and although my tight little shorts showed what was inside it wasn’t growing as I gently worked on her shoulders and as I then worked her neck I pulled which forced her head harder into me, it was all innocent stuff however I did feel myself getting aroused, “How does that feel Jane?” I asked just to make sure she was ok, “Oooh it feels good sir, you have a lovely touch and it’s so soothing” she said softly and I could sense she was starting to relax even if her head was pressing against me,

“I’m gonna work your shoulder and neck a bit hard now so if you want to wrap your hands around me it may be a little painful but no pain no gain” I said to her and she heeded what I’d said and brought her hands up grabbing the back of my thighs and as I dug hard into her shoulders I could feel her fingers at the top of my thighs pushing inside the back of my shorts almost grabbing my arse cheeks, “It’s ok Jane, don’t worry where you’re grabbing” I said which made her giggle, “Oh OK sir” she said as I really worked her shoulders and neck and knew she had a birds eye view of my growing bulge which was just inches from her face, I could tell it was hurting as she grabbed my arse inside my shorts which only seemed to make the front tighter and more prominent, “Don’t worry Jane, nearly done and the pain will go soon” I said as I lightened the touch before easing right off which allowed her to loosen her grip on my arse,

“That’s great Jane, I’m gonna work on your spine now” I said applying more oil to my hands, “Shall I keep my hands behind you sir?” she asked obviously not wanting to overstep the mark, “Sure, it’s fine” I replied as I slowly worked my fingers down her spine forcing myself hard against her head and her hands again grasped my arse cheeks albeit outside my shorts this time and as my fingers pushed the towel down exposing the top of her crack my boner was growing and as it pushed against the inside of my waistline I’m sure I felt it make contact with her face, I lingered for a few seconds as I rubbed the top of her cheeks before slowly returning back up, “Hmm.. your spine needs a bit of work Jane” I said softly trying to keep her updated, “Ok sir, but when you reached down I could feel the energies” she said softly which was because my hard cock was touching her face, what a bright girl.
I worked back down her spine and I could feel her moving her head to get more comfortable and as I stretched down to the top of her buttocks I heard her sigh,

“Oh that nice sir, I can feel it” she mumbled and I definitely felt contact with her face and it was like she was nibbling at my waistband so I lingered a little longer working my fingers into her buttocks running up her crack and definitely felt her mouth pressing against my hidden bellend.
As I worked back up her spine it eased the pressure, “I don’t mind if you take your shorts off sir, they look a little uncomfortable” she sighed with a somewhat excited voice and it was nice of her to be considerate, “If you’re sure you don’t mind Jane, they are a little tight” I said as I got back to her shoulders before carefully slipping my shorts off leaving myself naked with a big boner in front of her face, “Are you going down my back again sir, I could really feel the benefit” she said and I was more than happy to oblige and as I worked down I could feel my cock against her face, she quickly adjusted and I then felt her lips around my bellend as she started to apply gentle suction, Mmm it was nice and as I stretched down to her buttocks the towel slipped right down giving me full access to her arse plus my cock slid further into her mouth.

As I massaged her arse cheeks in a circular motion it allowed me a gentle thrust into her mouth and I figured this was a good time to transfer some energies orally and she didn’t seem to mind and as I worked on her buttocks spreading them and working my fingers into her crack she seemed to moan softly as I gently fingered her arsehole working the oil into her dark shaded sphincter, I could feel her suction increase as she gripped my arse cheeks pulling me in tighter.
With my oily fingers I was able to push a finger into her arsehole and it seemed to spur her on to suck harder as her own fingers searched into my crack and I knew I could feel the pressure building as my cock felt the tightness of her throat and the was no better time to administer the first dose of energy, my coco started to pulsate as it shot my first load into her mouth and as her hands tightened their grip on my arse her lips tightened around my shaft as she swallowed quickly all I could throw at her, she murmured as she swallowed not wanting to waste any of the protein I was giving her.

As my cock softened it slipped out, “Mmm sir, that was so nice and I already feel better” she sighed softly, “That’s good Jane, I need to work more on your buttocks and legs and then we’ll turn you over” I said softly as I walked around the side running my fingertips down her body completely removing the towel and suggested she put her arms down her sides which she happily did.
I moved her feet to the corners and told her to relax and as I stood looking down I could see her sweet hanging lips surrounded by some fair coloured pubic hair which thinned out going into her oily arse crack. I oiled up my hands and started to gently rub her cheeks in a slow circular motion and as I stood close to the table I could feel her fingers against my flaccid hanging cock which the way she was wiggling her fingers I knew wouldn’t stay like that for long especially as I was rubbing her fleshy arse cheeks which was nicely raised up allowing for the occasional slide between her legs, “Oooh that feels so nice sir, I do like it” she sighed as I widened her cheeks and gently fingered her dark oily hole, she did have a nice arse and I could feel my cock responding as could she.
My cock soon got hard again and I felt her fingers gently stoke the shaft running down to my balls and she definitely liked touching it as I poked and probed her tight little hole and as I eased my finger into her she gasped squeezing my cock but at no time told me to stop, I just needed to get her into the correct position to administer her second dose of energy, the table was certainly strong enough so maybe with her arse nicely raised and oiled I figured that might be the right approach. “I’m going to administer your second dose of energy anally now Jane” I said softly as I lowered the table a little and got into position at the end looking up at her shiny naked body, “Oooh yes sir, Mmm” she sighed as I climbed up getting into position.

As I guided my cock towards her oily cheeks I didn’t even have to spread them and Jane gasped as my swollen head pushed against her sphincter, “Oooh yes sir” she sighed and then yelped as I pushed into her oily hole but the pain quickly turned to pleasure as my cock easily slipped into her lubricated hole, that’s why I love fucking arse during a massage as the oil makes penetration so easy and the fact her arse was nicely raised made the penetration angle perfect and very quickly I was slapping her cheeks with my belly giving her a very painless ride.
Although she was tight the oil made it a very pleasant experience and she was purring as I got into a very steady rhythm and I felt she was in no discomfort whatsoever and after a few minutes of constant banging I gave out a loud grunt as I felt my cum shooting deep into her arse, “Oh yes sir, that feels so good.. Mmm” she sighed as I deposited my second load into a very relaxed girl.

I got my breath back quite quickly and as my cock started to soften I pulled out watching her enlarged hole closing trapping all the goodness and energy deep inside.
“How are you feeling Jane?” I asked as I got off the table and she gave a big exhale of breath, “Oooh this just gets better sir, I feel really good” she sighed softly as she lay there motionless.
“In your own time Jane, could you turn over and we’ll have a look at the front” I said softly and as she turned her slim and slender body over I removed the pillow so she could lay flat and made a slight adjustment to the table and she showed no embarrassment as I looked down at her lovely naked body.
Her little titties were flattened but her nipples stood proud and she had a flat belly leading down to a tuft of fair coloured pubic hairs which came to a point when her stiff little nubbin was poking out of its protective hood and her moist pink labia lips shone in the candlelight, Mmm.

I widened her legs and let her body settle while I went back to the top of the table and oiled up my hands and could see her looking up trying to get a peek at my hanging cock but the table was a little too high but was at the right height for me to quickly massage her chest and as I rubbed my hands around her flattened boobs I could sense how sensitive her nipples were as I brushed across them before working my way down to her flat abs.
I didn’t want to spend too much time on her upper body as I needed to work on her thighs and administer the third dose of energy which was going to be the most enjoyable.

As I walked down to the foot of the table I asked her to scoot down a foot or so and dangle her legs over the side, “I can work on your thighs much better like that Jane” I added informing her why I needed her like that not that she was complaining and as she got into position I could see her pussy lips opening up, Damn that looked so arousing I could feel my cock twitching. I oiled my hands again and starting with her left leg I worked my fingers into her thighs working my way inside and upwards very slowly getting closer to her hairy hole and as she lay back with her eyes closed I could hear her soft moans getting more prominent the closer my hands got to the top and when they did I took a little time just gently rubbing her lips, I repeated the process three times before moving to the right leg and by the time I was finished her hole had widened and I could almost see inside, I so wanted to taste it.

She was definitely flexible, your thighs were a little tight Jane, now widen them as far as you can for me” I said and helped her a little bit pushing her knees wide and OMG she opened up nicely and I just bowed down and as I got closer I could smell her musky scent and didn’t hesitate to get my tongue into her open hole, damn she tasted so fucking nice and as my nose pressed against her little stiff clit she gasped even more as I pushed my tongue deep into her wet hole, “OMG sir, I never knew that felt so good sir… Damn” she sighed softly and with my cock standing and ready I needed to get her to the edge so slipping my hands under her arse I pulled her towards me and she instinctively wrapped her legs around my waist as my cock slipped into her and I could feel her working really hard to contract her cunt muscles in order to get some kind of grip which she achieved but it was so warm and wet my cock pushed right in until my balls were banging against her arse.

I didn’t stand on ceremony as I quickly got into a slow and steady rhythm causing her to grunt and groan with every forward thrust, she was delightful and as much as I tried I just couldn’t prolong it as much as I would have liked and within minutes I was shooting another load into her young cunt which she felt very quickly and I was totally breathless.
I stepped back and looked at the smiling Jane, “How do you feel Jane” I asked and I could see a beaming smile on her face and her pretty blue eyes glowed in the candlelight, “Absolutely wonderful sir, thank you” she said and somehow I sensed some disappointment in her voice that after over 2 hours we were finished, “I’ll leave you to get dressed, come down when you’re ready” I said softly grabbing my robe and heading downstairs.

To Be Continued…..
Pubblicato da britguy
2 anni fa
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i think shes going to be back soon
Great way to give her energy.  I expect she will need a lot more….great post, thanks
such sweet receptive young lady and seems verey grateful for the three loads of energy
Dam, I've been wasting my energy to my hands. Would someone like to give me their load of energy in each end? ? I'm looking forward to reading more about Jane. 