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Amici veri fanno un divertente quartetto - Kate Marley

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6.7M Visualizzazioni
3 anni fa
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      205 Video 194K Iscritti
      Vota le categorie
      • Amatoriali
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      • Cunnilingus
      • Giovani/Vecchi (18+)
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      Grazie per i tuoi suggerimenti! Il nostro team li sta vagliando!
      Vota le tag
      • Kate marley
      • Chris marley
      • K8orly
      • Orgy
      • Fourway
      • Foursome
      • Real couple
      • Swinging
      • Couple swap
      • Swingers
      • Real foursome
      • Threeway
      • Friends
      • Best friends
      • Real
      • Authentic


        Vota la produzione
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        • Amatoriali
        Aggiunto 3 anni fa
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          Tutti i Commenti (124)

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          3 anni fa
          Am I on the right site? Is this some conservative christian site? So many comments condemning this couple? Why? It is their choice how they want to live. There is nothing wrong with having an open relationship, swinging, cuckolding, etc...My motto: Sharing is Caring. They shared their videos with the world. So what's the issue with sharing their love of sex with some good friends as well? Sounds like there may be some jealousy? Anyway...Great Video!
          9 mesi fa
          Someone must have shared it on their chat group, and after blowing their wad to it, they felt like their penance was to criticize. 🙂
          2 anni fa
          Ha-ha-ha-ha, it's really weird, some of the comments are so stupid
          3 anni fa
          I am just bummed you used a couple that had blurred faces. Especially after expressing your feelings on this with your radio interview. I am sure it is hard finding compatibility, but still wish we had faces. Sensuality is in facial expressions too!
          2 anni fa
          It’s exactly what I was thinking when I watched this
          3 anni fa
          I usually love your videos, but this one is absolutely the best, awesome!
          3 anni fa
          How do like the couple swap experience? Please give honest reply.
          3 anni fa
          Sorry, I did not like this One as much as your other vids. I missed the sensuality, intimacy and foreplay.
          3 anni fa
          I like your other vids better. This one wasn't authentic and I think it's like all the other videos on PH. I like the idea of trying new things to keep it fresh, but don't sell your identity for that. My two cents.
          3 anni fa
          One of you is suffering a lot, just keeping it a secret. Is it worth risking the relationship?
          3 anni fa
          poopo082: Sweetie, first of all, masturbating is a normal thing darling, but you know what isn't? Pretending you have a true love story and then fucking with your best friends babe. Second, nobody said he is claiming his opinion as a fact. He shared his opinion, in which you decided in you own brain that is a fact, he didn't said that. And I think we can all share our opinions, right? But why are you attacking him?
          3 anni fa
          Says the guy who's homepage photo is of an Asian female spreading her ass cheeks... You probably wrote this after pulling your pants back up? Also, please share with us the moment in this video where someone was suffering?... Ah, you can't. So it's just your opinion that you're claiming as fact. Got it. Additionally, I find it funny how certain people are all about how others should not be ashamed of what/who they are - yet immediately judge others themselves.
          3 anni fa
          This is one of the hottest videos around. Love the concept. Kins of like a newbie couple playing with an experienced one. Good looking people. Fun sex. The blurred faces actually add to the risqué dimension of it all. Need many more of these please! It's a fun fantasy and my girl and I have gotten off several times watching it. Very well done. Very hot!
          3 anni fa
          This video is so sad. It looks like Chris is trying to fulfill some sort of his own deranged fantasy while Kate is awkward and unhappy. This doesn't look like a healthy relationship. Must be painful to see your man lust after another woman so much...
          antheliosx • 3 anni fa
          3 anni fa
          Whos idea to ruin fans interest?

          Playlist Contenenti Amici Veri Fanno un Divertente Quartetto - Kate Marley

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