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La piccola dea asiatica Ember Snow sborra più volte mentre è soddisfatta dal sexy maschio asiatico Leo Vice

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avatar Ember Snow avatar Leo Vice
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    Tutti i Commenti (31)

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    4 anni fa
    His smile is sooo cute!
    4 anni fa
    Nice job bro, I’m also Asian looking to start out any advice you can give on getting started and finding partners to shoot with?
    Inspiration :’)) maybe i want to start out too
    4 anni fa
    Go to industry events and network with people. And if you're really serious about pursuing this, you should find a good lawyer that specializes in adult entertainment to help you set up properly.
    4 anni fa
    love what you’re doing for the asian male community, is it hard for you to get shoots with mainstream pornstars and actresses?
    4 anni fa
    It's kinda hard to shoot with some of the bigger named talents but it's more so that they are so in demand and have busy schedules and less to do with me being Asian. Since I produce all of my own content right now, Its on me to set up the shoots with other performers. Once you have a couple of scenes with some established talent, it makes things so much easier. Also meeting some of these girls in person at industry events also really helped a lot.
    4 anni fa
    wow you’re so handsome 😍
    4 anni fa
    Lawd he has dimples too😩😩😍
    4 anni fa
    Hey man! Just wanna say you're doing great work. What does your training regimen look like? Your physique would be end goal, not gonna lie
    4 anni fa
    Right now it’s really bad cause of quarantine and I haven’t been in a gym in over 10 months now, but when I had a routine I would do a modified PPL routine. One leg day, one push day, one pull day, then a misc day to work on what I think needs a little extra attention. Focus on lots of heavy compound lifts, then finish up with isolated lifts. But lifting is only half the equation. Gotta make sure your diet is right for what your goal is. And always remember it’s a marathon not a sprint.
    4 anni fa
    Loved the video! Checked ur profile and it turns out we have them say bday🥺😂😂😂
    4 anni fa
    More Asian on Asian content please! AMAF feels so much more natural than AMWF AND WMAF. There seems to be a lot more kissing and eye contact in this one than your other videos.
    4 anni fa
    Would be awesome to see a scene with May Thai
    4 anni fa
    Just looked her up, she's super cute. I would love to do a scene with her sometime.
    4 anni fa
    Very Nice stuff bro! The two of you should make more content together. Does she have a channel here ? Wanna see more of her man
    4 anni fa
    She's awesome and I would like to make more content with her down the road. I'll see if she's down next time I see her. I think she has a page on here.

    Playlist Contenenti La Piccola Dea Asiatica Ember Snow Sborra Più Volte Mentre è Soddisfatta Dal Sexy Maschio Asiatico Leo Vice

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