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Cock Hero 3 videos
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NubileFilms Cock Hero - Non Venire Challenge (DIFFICILE)

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9.4M Visualizzazioni
7 anni fa
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909 Video 1.7M Iscritti


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7 anni fa
Man this was easy as hell
3 anni fa
Totally agree Bro...
3 anni fa
Yeah it was
7 anni fa
Sorry, this was a poor CH video. The same beat patterns went on for too long and I started getting limp midway through.
7 anni fa
not gonna lie, its pretty fucking awesome to see a CH made by an official studio. would love to see more
5 anni fa
This is the future. One tier of studios basically eking it out as content farms, and another level of players actively combining and remixing and reusing content. That other level won't be the community, or traditional producer. It'll be the one with and a M A S S I V E corpus of content and wealth of associated metadata and a HUGE, ~eager~, nubile, (ugh I guess i have to say digital nativ here), audience just rrready for it here, on pornhub.com.
7 anni fa
Great thank you for the feedback! We definitely want to make more of these so stay tuned for sure!
7 anni fa
its awesome you guys made a CH. would love to see more, longer and more difficult. this was pretty easy.
7 anni fa
They would not be sorry allowing Gem Cutter to help out, he really knows how to edit
7 anni fa
I agree. If it's too easy, you play it only once.
7 anni fa
Does someone know the song at 2:45.
3 anni fa
This may sound crazy, but I'm an editor for NF (Love my job) and recorded this for the company along with a few others. Thanks for liking the song! I guess I'll have to finish it and figure out how to release it somewhere if you want it.
4 anni fa
I'm trying to find the song (or remix of a song as i beleive it is) that you can hear best at 10:15 ish. Tried Shazam and Aha chrome extension and some others all to no avail
7 anni fa
who is the girl 2:09
3 anni fa
tip for people who ask this question a lot: take a screenshot and go to images.google.com and reverse image search it. With this i found the orignal of the picture at 2:00 that said good luck and it's a real video. that angle was really good ngl just try to do the same with the girl at 2:09 you might find her
7 anni fa
The worst thing about this Cock Hero (CH) is that the visual beat meter is totally disconnected from the sound track. It would have helped a lot to super impose the beat sounds over it. The second worst thing is that you end the game with a blue ball ad. Most CH fans prefer a REWARD round at the end. If you wanted negative publicity to promote NUBILES FILMS BUSTY, well, you succeeded. Being the studio, you are lucky to be able to work with exceptional footage.
7 anni fa
... CH productions are usually at least twice the length that you did. For such a 'short' production, you need to step up your game. You need to create different levels of tension through out the game to make it challenging, and images, sound and the beat meter must all be relevant to the level of tension of the moment and in sync too. My last recommendation, have BETA Testers try it before releasing to the public.
7 anni fa
This was easyyy as fuck. Gotta make these more intense
7 anni fa
Please please please can somebody tell me the names of all three songs used.... they are incredible
6 anni fa
Do you have find the song at 8:30 min please
7 anni fa
Does someone know the song in the warmup? Im always surprised how well-made Videos from Nubile FIlms are
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