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The focus of this channel is to post videos about succubus/monster girls that aren't already on this site. I often make fansubs for many of the titles that don't have an official translation or it won't be getting on soon. I do not own any of the titles, I just translate them. All my translations are posted here on pornhub for free. All the games I post come from the dlsite here. https://www.dlsite.com/index.html If you want to help support me I have a patreon here https://www.patreon.com/zoozonic. All funds I make go into buying these games. If you want to know what's upcoming for my next translation or you want to tell me your suggestions join my discord here https://discord.gg/MRaHVCv. My alt is here https://www.pornhub.com/users/overdon
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