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Inizia la Settimana Gratuita di Pornhub PremiumI am a submissive bottom who has had fantasies of being locked in strict chastity, cuckold, foot fetish and being as a sissy. Although I've been told I am attractive as a male, women have never been interested. Possibly because I have a small clitty..it seems like they can tell without even seeing it. I have been watching gay and sissy porn and edging, but not cumming. Right now I am restricting myself to only those types of stimulation, with no women whatsoever, except to sometimes look at their feet, and am staying orgasm free. I am constantly horny and can't believe I now get hard looking at gay porn. I desperately want to take my fantasies further, but my current living situation doesn't allow me to do much out in the open. Hopefully I can one day become a permanently chaste sissy slut.
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