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I wonder…

I’ve been thinking once again about celebrity women and especially the sistas. I some times wonder if they really have that special someone that gives them that good-good or has cameramen them in this bubble there they have to settle for some pretty boy that looks good next to them on the red carpet or on paper when one of us everyday Joes could put it on them proper but the stars simply won’t align right - we are not in their class. I mean look at Oprah. She a BILLIONAIRE! You’re going to tell me she can’t afford to have some stud on retainer that can plow her back forty like a BEAST? It damn sure can’t be Steadman! And Tracee, she can’t get some NFL player to scrimmage with discreetly? or that Mowry sister that’s single now and blue about her prospects - sure, I’m too old but there has to be somebody that can rock that funky joint to the moon and back!
I think of these things: is Ms Stallion living as she raps? Is Rock ASAP really able to put in the proper “work-work-work-work -work” on Ri-Ri? Only one I can have faith in is that I just know Travis is taking Taylor to pound town with all cylinders firing! How did John Witherspoon say it? “ BAM BAM BAM BAM!” lol. Okay I’m done…
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An older dude, not interested in trying to hook up offline, nor what the fuck folks think of me online, so I stopped lying about my age. Who am I trying to impress anyway? This is my perspective, so I'll own it, a 30 year porn watching hobby. What gets me off is the moments when the woman is really getting off - real pleasure and orgasms, amidst all the fakery. I also love that, thanks to the internet, more women than ever are porn watchers too. I dig GOOD girl/girl genre scenes. All praise the magnificent and glorious pussy! Nothing beats being face down. deep in the pussy, and having my lady moan that moan, have mercy! Seriously I wish every living soul can have good hard orgasms, even if you have to be alone! Not for nuttin', but not nuttin' makes a person ornery!

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