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n, San Marino
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Best raspberry blower?

Due to the lack of equipment at the moment I'm pausing animation/illustrations making, but I'm going to make some raspberry blowing compilations.
I'd love to hear from you all, in your opinion who is the best raspberry blower out there?
My personal favorites are Taylor Raz, Simona, Summer/Jessica, Whitney Morgan, Christina Carter and Chelsea Zinn as they seams to really be into it and enjoy giving raspberries, and do so in every opportunity they have, even if it's not in video script.
Christine Fox[lately] and Sasha Foxx are obviously into it, throwing zerberts in whenever they can, but for my taste they are blowing too energetic, short and aggressive raspberries. Love them, non the less.
I also love seeing Tasha, Brooke, Honey, Mandy, Nikki Brooks, Crystal and Addie Juniper as they are really skilled ticklers and raspberry blowers.
Lastly, I'm big fan of Charlee Chase, Alexis and Ginary, but unfortunately, to me it seams like they do it mostly cause it's in the video script and it seams to me like they aren't into it that much, thou I love seeing them zerberting others. 
Was your favorite raspberry blower among mentioned, or was it someone completely different?
Please let me know who to search for and what you'd love to see in some of my next uploads. Cheers.
  • 5
4 anni fa
I really really want to tickle charlee and Christina cárter with raspberry blower in they belly and they breast
  • 0
4 anni fa
Yo you think I cam get an add back? I don't have any videos posted either, but I promise I'm active in the community. U have good videos here I just want to watch them thats all.
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4 anni fa
Hey bud! Any updates? Or still no animation?
  • 0
4 anni fa
Can I have an add please? I don’t have videos posted but I definitely keep up by watching videos. You could go to my watched videos and see tons. You have lots of videos of stuff I’m into and I’d love to be able to see what you have and maybe even be in touch with new ideas. Thank you so much! I’d really appreciate it
  • 0
5 anni fa
I would like to blow a big raspberry on Kattie Cumming's belly 😍😍
  • 0
5 anni fa
Honestly I’d have to say Taylor raz just cuz she seems like she’s actually really enjoying it you know? So many tickling videos just feel like it’s part of the script but not with Taylor at least for me personally
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Questo messaggio è appuntato
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In next period I'll be working on illustrations and animations [raspberries/tickling/femdom].
If your scenario fits in these categories, feel free to let me know, and I'll try to do make your fantasies came alive.
  • 1
5 anni fa
You’re the best! I love that idea! Would you ever draw a similar picture with a mother being pinned and tickled by sorority girls?
  • 0

PLEASE READ: I'm into raspberries, tickling, japanese and femdom handjobs. Second acc unfortunately this time accepting only those who have SOMETHING, ANYTHING to contribute or somehow to add value to community and people with similar interests. Otherwise, if you think I should friend you, make CLEAR STATEMENT WHY. I'm making various full length clips(mostly raspberries) though video editing, I'm also writing tickling and femdom stories, both on my own accord and for others. If you are interested, let me know.

Ultimo Accesso:
1 anno fa
Situazione Sentimentale:
Interessato a:
"San Marino"
Musica Preferita:
Metal in general
Cosa Mi Eccita:
Raspberries, erotic tickling and genuine laughter, Japanese, femdom handjobs
Cosa Non Mi Eccita:
Any kind of pain inflicting, or yet worse hurting someone
Visualizzazioni del Profilo:
8 232
Video Guardati:
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