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Inizia la Settimana Gratuita di Pornhub PremiumI have been involved in the gay lifestyle for almost a lifetime, even at the fresh age of hitting the mid-forties, there is much I have experienced and many more experiences to share and learn with you. I live in the UK, just inside West London and I am a full time Gay Erotic story writer, my passion comes from my own experiences and desires and a need to supply the gay community with high quality gay books and stories. I have been writing on and off for around and in 2012 decided to write full time and make the stories for sale on Amazon Kindle. The aim is to give you a brand new story or part to a series every week to two weeks and I hope you enjoy every single one of them. I’ll be adding freebies and giveaways to subscribers of the site once I have the contact page and log in pages set up. toxicbitch.com
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