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gone tits up

what the fuck has happend to the pornhub community used to make so many friends and have so many good chats dont get me wrong there is a few of you i chat with who i love talking to but im sick to fucking death of these beggars on here you'll message someone the its $50 vid chat or add my premium snapchat etc etc please just all fuck off sucking the life out of people who love having a chat or watching vids or meets or whatever not pay to play fuck off to chaturbate or only fans if you wanna do that not here if you do vids and theres a send tip feature fine you should be aloud to get money for some of your vids you share on here im all for it but not messaging people demanding money 
  • 29
4 anni fa
I feel you. Recently I've been spammed by people trying to get me to click on their links. The tell is they can hardly string a sentence together. And like the other guy said, you can tell quite quickly the suspect profiles. I think all we can do is report them.
  • 0
4 anni fa
Mostly now it seems like you can tell which profiles are into that and which aren't. you just don't bother with the ones who are. and anytime I run into a message like .. here buy me shit or whatever. I just don't respond anymore.
  • 0
5 anni fa
I feel you, can’t talk to anyone without them asking for money
  • 0
5 anni fa
Youre on a porn website, not a dating website. Its just to support your fav porn creators, no ones you to pay anyone. Theres no thing wrong with advertising your content.
  • 0
6 anni fa
That's true I get a friend request when I accept it I will get messages from them to visit some dating website
  • 2
6 anni fa
got shut down
  • 0
6 anni fa
like i love chatting to people and whats worse if your having a convo and its like oh what you up to anything good its just "oh im preparing for my cam show" like for fuck sake
  • 0
6 anni fa
Agreed. It's just hard to avoid once there's monetisation and bots.If I'm passing Manchester, I'll happily try to cheer you up for free 🙂
  • 0
ha sbloccato un nuovo achievement: "The Squire"
  • 0
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Tom 21 10 inches ;) really open minded and up for anything ;) love fucking girls and guys and got Skype but no ask for it if you want ;P

Ultimo Accesso:
4 anni fa
Situazione Sentimentale:
Interessato a:
Ragazzi e Ragazze
"United Kingdom"
Interessi e Hobby:
Cosa Mi Eccita:
curvy girls great ass big tits pretty love being deep throated and rimmed being ridden and doggy moaning as she takes me ;) big cocks and straight guys who love cock love shemales best of both worlds ;)
Cosa Non Mi Eccita:
hairy and people who pester
Visualizzazioni del Profilo:
29 361
Video Guardati:
5 591
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