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Inizia la Settimana Gratuita di Pornhub PremiumI'm divorced but it's better that way. I'm only 23 I shouldn't have responsibilities, especially when I'm consuming this much porn. I'm a devout christian and one day my wife walked in on me sticking my finger up my asshole pleasing myself to asian pornography, so she screamed at me and no sex for a week. Even more anal pleasure ensued. It wasn't until a cold Winter's night that she caught me once again. This time it was a tiny mexican man choking me while watching porn. Enough was enough - we got a divorce. Now I am lonely but I watch porn all day. I work at Burger King. They treat me better than my ex-wife. Employee discount and the occasional handjob from Deborah the cashier. She's hideous but I make her wear a Burger King mask. Next time you go to Burger King: please think about me and pray for my salvation.
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