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Inizia la Settimana Gratuita di Pornhub PremiumHi there, I hope you're having a lovely day! I know this world is upside down and chaotic, but hopefully our mutual friendship can both give us peace and enjoyment together. A little bit about myself, I'm an intellectual individual who's very hands-on, loves to read books, solve puzzles and makes friends. It's perfectly fine if you're not into these things, as long as you have a nice attitude I'm sure we can get along together. I have a lot of experience with these types of relationships, so no need to be nervous I can guide you through this. Unfortunately it seems that this kind of community is becoming very transient. I'm looking for something more long-term but would focus along friendship first ideally. I'm definitely more attracted to older women, I'm not sure why. It's because you guys seem to be able to hold conversations more easily than others. I also love large saggy breasts. If you hate your nipples, chances will love them, lol. Hollywood has no affect on me. If you're younger that's fine too
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