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Eastpointe, Michigan. metro Detroit, United States
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We both really appreciate all our friends in the PH community!!
If you would like to be our friend we'd like to share with you. 
Some things to know:
1.  Sharing is a two way street.  If you signed up today - have no avatar, no history, no friends, no subscriptions, no profile,  you're being selfish - get involved.and yes, we would love to be your friend. 
2.  In our Profile is listed turn offs - everyone likes what they like.  We can be friends - be respectful please.
3..  See item #1
Information - if we've asked you to be our friend and you decline - we'll block you, not because we're upset.. it's so we don't ask again and bother you.  We feel we're respecting your wishes.
  • 40
%%CONTEGGIO%% anni fa
many thanks for sharing and for the add
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%%CONTEGGIO%% anni fa
Thanks for the add!
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Thanks for adding me. Great page. Thanks for sharing the lifestyle. 
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COUPLES...Let us know if you are nearby and would like to have fun.  We are looking for you.
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Question, who started between both of you? was it Fin telling Ruthie that he was interested in men or the other way around?
  • 4
%%CONTEGGIO%% anni fa
He told me he was curious and I told him I wanted to.  Two guys is SO fucking hot♡
  • 1
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☆ We moved to Utica, Michigan!!! ☆

Hey guys, how are you? If you want to do my hubby or me guys and gals we've been waiting to hear from YOU!
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Thank you Both for the Freindship 🙂
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i will bang you and your hubby
  • 1
%%CONTEGGIO%% anni fa
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Thank You for the add XXxx 🙂 ❤️ Couples
  • 2
%%CONTEGGIO%% anni fa
Thank YOU for the add!!! ♥♥♥
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Glad to be your friend.
Love your playlists - they are so messy..
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Hey  Thank so much for the add!!!
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Wish you guys lived in Florida. I would love to have sex with a couple.
  • 1
%%CONTEGGIO%% anni fa
sharing (everything) IS the best.
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great vid collection, and i like your avatar. thanks for the add!
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Thanks for the invitation.
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What is your true preference? I am married but would almost die for a TS experience
  • 1
%%CONTEGGIO%% anni fa
It's providing orgasmic pleasure to a sexy cock that gets us both hot.  The TS vs male each has its individual pleasure and fantasy.. 
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just cleaned my own cum from wife yesterday, loved it
  • 2
A proposito di

Shared profile Ruthie (58 ♀) & Fin (47 ♂). We're relaxed, comfortable, open, and honest and respectful with each other. He's bi, she likes to watch and play mmf as well as bbc. Both 4 both closed or open - closed for either is guys only. We both like to please and love cum. You can see what we like to watch and do by the videos and playlists. Some are hers some are his. ♥ porn. PLEASE have an avatar to friend....It is so much easier to identify friends with pictures...visual recognition....

Ultimo accesso:
%%CONTEGGIO%% anni fa
Stato della relazione:
Interessato a:
Ragazzi e ragazze
Eastpointe, Michigan. metro Detroit
"United States"
Interessi e hobby:
♀bi-couples interested in meeting are welcome to message. Into ff, mm, me and m, Fin and male closed role play and fun. ♀ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ♂ I love sharing with Ruthie and seeing her enjoy herself while making others cum. Watching her cum with another man inside her. Marriage doesn't make us happy -- we make our marriage happy. ♂
Musica preferita:
We like most all music... Avant-Garde, Blues, Country, Easy Listening, Folk, Jazz, Oldies, Pop, R&B, Rock
Libri preferiti:
Stories on Literotica.com
Nice people that have a lot of 'want to'. Being watched, role play, blow jobs, swallowing, cum swapping, and creampies. I especially like him to eat my creampies and cum kissing after a blow job or cleanup.
Poor personal hygiene, ws and . Rudeness and disrespectfulness.
Visualizzazioni del profilo:
64 109
Video guardati:
1 113
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