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I am a 53 year young man, I love BLACK women, I have a freaky side of me that I would love to find someone to exsplore with, I don not smoke, or drink. I Love to see women happy. My name is William I am 55 years old My favorite sexual positions are: 69( there nothing prettier than a pussy in my face), and doggie style nothing like slapping that ass as I am pounding that pussy, and don’t get me wrong I will hit that ass if it’s wanted, The most amazing thing that I have done is having sex in public, and I have done that many times, it felt so good. What wont I do sexually? There is nothing I will not try but some things I am not rushing, I am not into pain, if you want it I will try to please you because pleasing my partner is important to me. I am a very oral person, for a long time I thought eating pussy was just plan nasty, once my lips tasted pussy I was sold, so when ask to taste a ass I was eager to try it, and now I am an avid ass eater, And I put work in to get every spot.

Ultimo Accesso:
3 anni fa
Situazione Sentimentale:
Interessato a:
"United States"
Interessi e Hobby:
My favorite sexual positions are: 69( there nothing prettier than a pussy in my face),The most amazing thing that I have done is having sex in public, and I have done that many times, it felt so good. I am a very oral person, for a long time I thought eating pussy was just plan nasty, once my lips tasted pussy I was sold, so when ask to taste a ass I was eager to try it, and now I am an avid ass eater, And I put work in to get every spot.I don’t know if you would want a kiss during sex, what I know is when you are having sex you are sharing a most intimate part of yourself, so I am a kisser during sex or right after the act.I have tried a threesome before but my mind was not into the act, what I would like to do is have 2 threesomes one with a male, and one with a women, I want to know what it feels like to have a dick in my mouth, and be fucking a pussy as I am eating a pussy.
Film e Serie TV Preferiti:
nything with Janet Jacme in it, and Ed Powers movies
Visualizzazioni del Profilo:
7 861
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