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I love to knead and kiss balls as a great game of love. My partner lies spread out on the bed. I want to excite her as much as possible. Hence the game with the balls. The cock must not be touched, carefully raise the glans with a feather. It is important to maintain sexual tension for as long as possible. After about an hour she vibrates with lust. She wants to come. I`m going to the deed. I kiss her ass, saliva it. If you have a good friend or are not afraid of dogs, the friend or the dog can do it too. And then at the same time two of my fingers slide into her ass and my mouth closes over her cock. My lips tightly embrace him. My tongue plays around the acorn. I`m sucking the cock deeper and deeper. With elemental force, the cream shoots out of her directly into your throat. You suck it completely empty. And when she is lying there relaxed, your penis visits her ass and you get your part of happiness. You lie deeply satisfied in her arms and then maybe take care of the beautiful dog. Ich liebe es Hod

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Sex and porn and porn and sex
Cosa Mi Eccita:
I've come up with a nice game. It will give us an exciting way highest satisfaction. What is required is mainly our creative potential. There sections. 1.) I do everything with you what you want from me. 2.) You're everything to me what I want from you. 3.) You're everything to me what you want. 4.) I do everything with you what I want. The order of the sections is arbitrary. It is important: Both should have fun. is excluded. Pain is permissible only in so far as it both want. There have to be particularly clear rules. Then there is only one important rule. Everything you do with me, I can also do to you. Everything I do with you, you can also do to me. The sections should be of equal length. How long is a matter for agreement. 30 minutes but they should already be. It's not about the quick fuck. It is about imaginative sex. We can also play with more game like. Since then many variants. We should agree beforehand binding only on those variants. Do you still have questions? And now
Cosa Non Mi Eccita:
, militär,rassismus
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