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Inizia la Settimana Gratuita di Pornhub PremiumI enjoy conducting intellectual aesthetic analyses of the stylistic elements of pornography. As with any genre in the domain of the arts, porn is also composed of these characteristic traits. The subjective assessment of what constitutes ideal erotica is based upon similar criteria as found in film media and the visual arts. These identifying criteria may entail the lighting, location, application of cosmetics, choice of clothing, positioning of performers, camera angles, dialogue, audio, acting ability, and other methods of analysis. Examples of this analytic process include: how do the moaning sounds factor into a certain situation in a given scene (e.g., during oral sex), what defines beauty and aesthetics when regarding genitalia, and where does the ejaculation of semen appear to be most visually appealing (e.g., vaginal, facial, oral, etc.)? I believe these to be legitimate questions when interpreting the psyche of porn, and with any academic subject, they should be investigated. For science!
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