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Inizia la Settimana Gratuita di Pornhub PremiumOh i hate talking about myself. hRmm let's see where do i start? Well, i really am a preachers daughter, and i've been told i live a "sexually sheltered" life by my exbf. i lost my vcard to him last winter. He introduced me to porn and i realized that he was rite! I was sexual sheltered! :,-( So we broke up because i couldn't stand the idea of living my life and only getting to experience sex with one guy! I'm currently "on the market" as they say, but just for fun ;-) I don't want anything long term at least until i'm like 25!! I do prefer older men because i they know how to make a girl really cum! (not like boys my age lol). anywaz i thought i wud make this profile to reach out to the "adult community" and see just what kinda hijinks i can get into hehe. **Oh, if ur in the NY area i have a dating profile that i'll link to. hit me up sumtime, cud be fun! -xoxo PS - my username there is the same as here but with 3 x's in front of the name hehe ;-) PSS - OK OK for everyone asking!! Yes! I do have nudez, but their only viewable to my "friends" on there. I my be "dtf" (as someone called me) but I don't want creepers harassing me. Drop me a line, if I like you, i'll add u as a friend. fair enough right? :-P PSSS - here's the link for those of you that haven't got it yet! http://sepp.dk/27m1 -xoxo
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