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Inizia la Settimana Gratuita di Pornhub PremiumOk so here's how it's going to work from now on. I clear my friends, then I upload. If you want me to add you, you need to upload. If I accept your request, you have a week to download until you are removed and the process repeats anew. . . IF YOU WERE REMOVED FROM MY FRIENDS LIST, IT IS BECAUSE I’VE BEEN GETTING DMCA NOTICES. I HAVE KEPT THE FRIENDS I TRUST AND WILL BE VERY SELECTIVE WITH WHO I ACCEPT FROM NOW ON. IF I THINK YOURE A LIABILITY (too many public vids or public vids that are obviously from popular studios) I WILL NOT ACCEPT YOUR ADD. OTHERWISE, IF YOU WERE REMOVED, IT MEANS YOU WERE EITHER NOT UPLOADING (ENOUGH OR AT ALL) OR YOU REPOSTED MY VIDS. YES I DO CHECK. AND REGULARLY. No harrassment. One friend request is enough. I'll look at your profile and if you don't get added it's because you either don't have enough/any videos, or enough/any that I like. Also, offering to pay me to be added will result in a block and a report. Bugging/begging/bribing = BLOCKED
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