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Inizia la Settimana Gratuita di Pornhub PremiumNot a 24/7 T-girl. Tired of all the the "labels". I dress as a girl, when I choose 2 not 4 you. Feminine since . NO Breast or implants but I also do have some left over bump I guess from my hormone days. I don't have a masculine bone in my smooth body except for my DICK. Not a Man in a Dress. I look good both as a Feminine in a dress and or as a GAY/man in Feminine clothes or a Drag Queen. I only date men who loves what I like to do---like sucking dicks and licking ass. I don't consider them "GAY". I am Very Happy & have lots of friends. Secure about my looks, so stop the BS compliments. Just be serious & want to meet men in person!I have stop hosting a men who likes friends w/ benefits "NSA". I am now looking for someone to get to know better and if we both like each other--it may lead to "LTR". I don't mind first timers but just be serious not fantasizing or thinking or open to try. That bugs me.
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