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Changing to Xhamster

Hello everyone again.
I have made the choise like alot of yourself to move over to Xhamster. The name will be the same and i will upload all the videos i have here aswell plus a few more as a bonus. I hope to see you all on Xhamster, let the comunity grow even stronger. 🙂
  • 2
4 anni fa
Same name discription and picture as b4
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4 anni fa
How can i find you?
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Pornhub verification sucks

As most of you probably have heard, pornhub has announced that only verified members can upload videos now, and all videos of unverified members can't be watched anymore, until the member is verified. This is really sad since there is a lot of great vacuum content out there, from non verified members. pretty much 90% of us is not verified. Other than that pornhub has also disabled the feature of downloading porn, which I think is just as bad. The platform is going downhill, and I sadly think this will be the end of our little forum.
  • 1
4 anni fa
Its not certain that videos will not come back. They have disabled video uploads temporarily for anyone who is not verified, once their "new verification system" is introduced, maybe we'll see a comeback of the videos, because I doubt that they would just mass delete 90% of the content on the sight and block anyone not verified from uploaded videos on a pornsite that is built off of non-verified accounts.
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Hello fellow vacuum lovers!
I am always seaching for more places to find more videos so i would like to ask all of you where do you fin your videos both paid and free?
  • 1
4 anni fa
Plz add me
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4 anni fa
I've recently uploaded a video you'd like: https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph5f63842ee9001
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ha condiviso il Post di
I'm surprised people still think this is new... There are so many catfish in here that I would even claim over 80% of the people saying they are girls is not...

MissHoover is a catfish.

Enough evidence. It’s obvious af. For proves, message me.
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Hello im a man from Denmark which have a big intrest into vacuum cleaners. I mainly like it when the girl is sucking of the mans cock, balls or both and making him cum with a vacuum cleaner. I have collected alot of videos over the years and some of them im gonna share here on my channel and some of them I wont. Im always willing to trade so if you wanna trade some videos send me pm. Cheers.

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