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Deciding to switch sites to continue the cardio content!

So because of the big purge, i'm planning on moving the majority of my content to X Videos   since, pretty much this site got nerfed, and stuff, my User on X Videos is Dogomo,
Please add me there!    

I'm also on ThisVid as Ogaka, so please Go add me on there too, but I'll probably be more active on X Videos  though since, ThisVid's site is kinda too hands on and i'm very lazy, but STILL ADD ME THERE TOO ANYWAY lol. 

Anyways I look forward to seeing you all there. This is my final post so i'll keep it pinned!
It was fun!  Also HAPPY NEW YEAR! ❤️
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random post..

i think my playlists got deleted??? it's saying i still have 3 despite them not showing up.. what's going on..
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well , pornhub nerfed all of us.

rip this site.
  • 5
4 anni fa
Every non verified user got fucked up,since pornhub not only deleted all the vids but also set everyones that aint verified into default as well :\
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is the website broken?

i'm lost whats going on?? i have no videos??? what??
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made a decision to delete the troll video lol (read below)

Got bored of it and I think it got the point across to as far as people being hella snarky about this fetish in general, we're supposed to be a community who like the same fetish, not snarky and nit-picky people, if you didn't get the message behind the troll video lol.
Also, I'm gonna stop adding people who decide to just remove me right after, seriously it's annoying if I'm trying to see what you bring to the table as far as content on here. jesus.
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wheeze, made a sorta mean comment on popular amateurs video and i 100% think she blocked me LOL.
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So to anyone who may have gotten upset from my newest video. i wanna tell you something important.

So before you start writing angrily to me about the clickbait.
That video regardless of the crude message it's an important message to nitpickers in this little fetish community we have. I am sick and tired of people being rude for no reason about the they don't like. Disregarding peoples feelings about their content, because they don't meet up to what their standards in how the fetish should be portrayed. On top of that, actual creators being badgered for free content cause their greed/ horniness gets to the best of them. This is part of the reason why I removed my animations last year. 
Be as it may there are some things I dislike about the community, specifically reposts of the same stuff I've already seen twice over, or vanilla heart fetish stuff. Like I get it, you just want "Female Heartbeat" and that's it, but not everyone is gonna cater to your standards or what you like, that includes games, animations, art, and etc. 
I'm not trying to start up anything, and I don't care if you got trolled by my video and it was misleading, that was the point, to draw you in and for you to listen. I have no regrets and I hope you take something away from the video. It's supposed to be a lesson to those who nitpick and make snide or rude remarks towards content creators within the heart fetish community.
Anyways, I just wanted to let you all know about this problem in the community I personally made that video for a reason and it's all for a reason. Not trying to be rude but if you dislike it will just tell me you didn't leave the video taking a new outlook on everything.  
Love you all!  ❤️
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have you seen my new video?? O_O

❤️  it was amazing~~ ❤️
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HI! I'm going to be deleting my two public miku mmd videos soon... better download them now while you still can.  they will be deleted at 12PM EST thank you!

update... gonna delete my mmd videos... (for reasons.)

HI! I'm going to be deleting my two public mmd videos soon... better download them now while you still can.  🙄
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i think i actually got blocked by someone who kind of creates heartbeat content on here

lol... that's interesting. 😑
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the last thing i wanna see on my feed is someone getting fucked on their period wtf

[, jesus fucking christ... can i not see a video of period on my feed? that's fucking gross.
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Stop getting triggered because there's a fake heartbeat in videos, we all know that Gyno X videos have fake heartbeats in them, who cares. Stop being so nit-picky about heartbeat targeted porn/edits. It's literally just fucking heart porn, hell be happy someone even made an edit like that, just cause you don't fucking like it doesn't mean the next person won't.
It's already bad enough that the majority of this little community acts fake towards others by literally unfriending people, because no given reason. We don't need to be picky about something as simple as heart porn.
  • 8
5 anni fa
Yea it's been hard knitting together a community around this kink. You're doing good work man. The vocal shit bags that exist are outweighed by a silent majority of lurkers that friend, thumbs up, and move on. Hopefully they'll find their voice.
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Anyone's feed section besides mine broken?

I've been unable to check my feed since yesterday.
  • 4
6 anni fa
Haha, I thought it was only me. Glad they fixed it 
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6 anni fa
Yep, same for me.  :
  • 1
6 anni fa
Yeah, for me it just keeps repeating the same section over and over again whenever I click load more, it has to be a problem with the site itself.
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Guys I'm gonna be honest I don't like using the PMS on here.

If I'm on here i'm usually here just to browse stuff... I may reply sometimes it just depends, then again I'm really busy.. I've encountered many awkward one sided conversations.. and there was like one dude on here who was trying too hard to connect with my main fetish but miserably failed. So please... try not to message me on here often.
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Literally unsubbed to this pornstar who im not about to mention

She probably doesn't give a fuck anyway seeing as how many fans she's got, but honestly having to see her posts about people stealing her content and then getting super tight-assed about it, when she clearly knows it's going to happen makes no sense. If you post content on the internet for free with your genitals all out and about, of course some idiot is gonna come along and steal the video. If I were you I'd just fucking monetize everything so that way those idiots don't have a way of stealing your content so fucking easily. 
It actually makes fucking sense. I don't think your fans wanna see you being tight assed, making you look like a mean spiteful person. Because that's what you're coming off as, a mean and  spiteful person. Just make everything pay to view. Like no biggie.
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Never seen a verified user this annoying

Like dear lord, Nobody wants to see you belittle others for posting up your videos, or consent, and then telling them you're reporting them. You sound like a triggered guy who gets mad when someone calls them a noob. Then uses the report to their advantage. "OH IMA REPOT U!"   If you're gonna handle it do it in a more professional way.
If you're gonna report them just report them instead of telling them you're gonna do it. 
Doesn't make any sense. Literally it's like telling a burglar you're gonna call the cops. You just call the damn cops there you go.                 
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god, I've never seen a verified star be this annoying

Like dear lord, Nobody wants to see you belittle others for posting up your videos, or consent, and then telling them you're reporting them. You sound like a triggered kyd who gets mad when someone calls them a noob. Then uses the report to their advantage. "OH IMA REPOT U!" 
If you're gonna report them just report them instead of telling them you're gonna do it. Doesn't make any sense. Literally it's like telling a burglar you're gonna call the cops. You just call the damn cops there you go. 
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There's like one Verified star that is probably the most annoying and yet I still am subbed to her

Like I've never seen so many posts and comments  from a verified star belittling others just to follow the rules, Like I understand there's people breaking laws and stuff but I don't think anyone wants to see you calling people out for their wrongdoings. Just disable it please. All we really are here for is your videos.. not you basically going on patrol to seek out people doing wrong. They sound like some triggered on a site when someone calls them a noob "OH IM GON REPOT U 4 CURSINGDVWVW"
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(UPDATE!) I AM BACK, READ BELOW! (this will help if you have this problem I swear)

So, I went to /r/techsupport/ on Reddit [I rarely use it] and I submitted a Reddit submission with my problem, so basically, IF you're having this issue where pornhub doesn't load at all, [Example: https://imgur.com/Hj1ovXe ] all you have to do is go to your chrome settings, and clear your Cache. [of your choosing.] I swear this worked for me. It should work for everyone else who is having this issue. 
Anyways, hi guys this is your comb, nigga i quit. 
  • 1
6 anni fa
Great to see your problem is solved 😀
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So it appears now that I can't access PH through Chrome. (URGENT)

I've managed to get to PH through Edge which I don't use but everytime I go to Pornhub on Chrome I get this white loading screen as soon as I come up to the homepage of PH, and the website itself never loads, even if it says the tab is loaded. It's making me pissed off because I'm unable to even access it. also I figured out why I got a free premium membership, it was cause of that special thing about "Fuck your period" and whatnot.
Other than that I'm unable to access Pornhub through Chrome until further notice. If someone can speak to a respresentative to fix this for me on chrome I'd appreciate it. Microsoft Edge sucks ass.
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I've moved to X Videos (Dogomo) and ThisVid (Ogaka). (rip this site and all it's heart fetish content)

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