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I am an extremely shy woman in relationships involving Romance or Physical Contact, my only love life is at Achat which helps me overcome my emotional fears. I make the videos here because I enjoy editing videos as part of my work in marine tourism. My videos are a result of my love life on Achat, for this reason they will never be perfect cause I am in the act of enjoying an experience of another person and real love is like that, please forgive things like shake and stuff, its so hard to hold the steady sometimes, I simply don't have a fancy studio and support staff to help me.If you enjoy the video please consider giving me a "thumbs up" at the end and following me, before giving me anything negative please consider the work I have put into producing the video that i freely share with you, If you want to meet with me on Achat perhaps consider following the link just below (you may need to copy and paste it) and search for me Michelle989 and request friendship and tell me you saw me here, I l

Ultimo Accesso:
1 anno fa
Situazione Sentimentale:
Interessato a:
Ragazzi e Ragazze
Perth, Western Australia
Exmouth Western Australia
Tourism / Tour Guide / Environmental Scientist
Contractor for various companies
Interessi e Hobby:
I live for my work in Tourism in mainly coastal areas of Western Australia, Amongst other things, my work includes taking clients out to Ningaloo Reef to swim with the Majestic Whale Shark, teaching diving, surfing and numerous other water sports, Rock climbing and trekking gorges in various National parks. I am a qualified First Aider and volunteer my services in first aid coordinated support throughout the state in mostly country areas. Outdoor activities include Swimming, Surfing, Wind Surfing, Rock Climbing, Trekking, Marathons my inside activity centers on my virtual life within the ACHAT community, this amazing application or game or what ever you would like to call it is really helping me to overcome my shyness and emotional stress I have in dealing with possible sexual relationships, Although I am 30 i am ashamed to say that I have never had sexual relations with anyone male or female, This wonderful environment has enabled me to open up to real people in a way that I never thought possible.
Film e Serie TV Preferiti:
I am an old fashioned girl and love watching old 1970's Erotic movies and marvel at girls with full hairy pussies, as such I keep my self suitable groomed although I do keep myself reasonably trimmed and tidy, I am a blonde girl so I worry that my pussy hair can't be full appreciated and keep my lower region suitably tanned to compensate, easy to do naturally as I live in a sunny region
Cosa Mi Eccita:
ACHAT - It simply isn't a game to me it is my life out side of work, I know that may sound incredibly sad but it is teaching me to be less afraid of perhaps considering a real relationship in the future, it truely is most amazing PC Game I've ever played, things are possible here I've never dream't possible. Why not consider visiting me at ACHAT, just search for me Michelle989 when you arrive in the lobby and request friendship, and who know perhaps we could Fuck each other to orgasmic bliss in the virtual world, and yes I'm not Shy there :) I am so happy to have found this I need it so much.
Cosa Non Mi Eccita:
My stupid brain telling me I'm a bad person not worthy of a meaningful relationship or sexual experience with anyone in the real world
Visualizzazioni del Profilo:
2 033
Video Guardati:
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